Weapons of Gor
Weapons of Gor

"It is to keep the codes," I said. "You may think that to be a warrior is to be large, or strong, and to be skilled with weapons, to have a blade at your hip, to know the grasp of the spear, to wear the scarlet, to know the fitting of the iron helm upon one's countenance, but these are things are not truly needful; they are not, truly what makes one man a warrior and another not. Many men are strong, and large, and skilled with weapons. Any man might, if he dared, don the scarlet and gird himself with weapons. Any man might place upon his brow the helm of iron. But it is not the scarlet, not the steel, not the helm which makes a warrior." She looked at me. "It is the codes," I said...."Beasts of Gor," pg. 340

The Priest-Kings have promulgated certain Weapon Laws on Gor. These laws limit the type of arms and armor that Goreans may use or invent. Except for the shield and helmet, no other forms of armor are permitted. There is no chain mail, plate armor or even leather armor on Gor. The leathers worn by tarnsmen and others is not a form of armor. It is more akin to heavy clothing than actual armor and is meant to protect your body from your mount. No weapon more powerful than the lance and crossbow is permitted. Firearms, gunpowder, tasers, stun guns and similar technological weapons are forbidden on Gor.

Animals-Certain Gorean animals are trained to hunt or attack. The sleen and tarn are two of the more common such animals. There are two less commonly used animals as well, the urt and the vart, similar to the rat and bat of Earth. Several varieties of the rodent known as the urt exist. The typical urt is sleek and white with three rows of needlelike teeth. They also have tusks that curve up form their jaws and two horns that stick out over their eyes. Most urts are small and could be held in the palm of your hand. Others can range as large as a pony. Some of the varieties include the gliding, ground, leaf, tree, brush, canal and forest urts. Some of the larger urts can be trained to attack and kill. A vart is a blind, bat-like flying rodent. They are generally small but some get as large as a small dog. They are carnivorous and can strip a carcass in minutes. Another potential danger is that some varts are rabid. On the island of Tyros, there are numerous caves inhabited by varts. The men of Tyros have trained some of these varts to be used as weapons. This appears to be restricted to this island.

Black Lance-a slender javelin-type spear, fitted with a barbed head and used with line attached to assist in retrieval.

Bola-the favored weapon of the Wagon Peoples, who fight mainly from the backs of their kaiila. The bola consists of three long leather straps, each about 5 feet in length, and terminating in a leather sack which contains a heavy rounded metal weight. Developed for hunting fleet-footed and flighted game, it is also used as a weapon of war. Thrown low, the long straps with their approximate ten-foot sweep, strike the victim. The weighed balls, as soon as resistance is met, whip about the victim's legs, tangling and tightening the straps. Thrown even higher, it can strangle a man around his neck. The most difficult cast is to the head but a successful hit could crush someone's skull. The Wagon Peoples usually entangle a foe and then kill him with a quiva. Bolas are also used to hunt tumits. There is also a bladed bola used more to kill than to capture.

Cestus-These are spiked leather gauntlets, used primarily in gladiatorial combat. There are also knife gauntlets, which are a bit more deadly, such as the four-bladed dagger cestus of Anango. There is also the hatchet gauntlet of eastern Skjern.

Crossbow-the standard infantry weapon of Gor, for distance in fighting. It can shoots iron bolts with an initial velocity of about a pasang per second. It has a considerable striking power and can penetrate most shields. It is easier to fire at short ranges but does has a slower rate of fire. It is the Assassin's weapon of choice. It consists of a heavy, flexible bow of tempered steel, perhaps 18" across (when bent) mounted on a heavy wooden stock about two feet long, with a trigger mechanism built into the shaped handle. The user, in a belt-case or quiva, carries quarrels or bolts. Most crossbows are of either the draw or windlass varieties, referring to the method used of drawing back the cable.

Garrotte-This is usually armed with wire to cut a throat. There are two wooden handles at the ends so you can hold it safely. There is also a version without the wire that can be used to capture people without injuring them. One such variety is the girl-capture chain. It has a narrow golden chain that will choke someone without cutting their throat. You can adjust the chain by spinning one of the wooden handles.

Gorean Short Sword; Gladius-the basic weapon of all warriors of Gor, except those who fight while mounted and even they have considerable skill in its use. The gladius is of Spanish origin and was widely used by the ancient Romans. Approximately 20 inches in length from hilt tip to blade tip, narrower at the hilt base and then widening to a width of 3 or 4 inches and then descending to a curved and pointed tip. The grip is generally either of polished wood or leather. This is the basic weapon of the warrior in Gor, it is generally carried in a sheath slung over the left shoulder by means of a leather harness, but may also be worn at the hip. It is double-edged, and well balanced. Its blade is so sharp that it will slice a piece of silk dropped down on it. The gladius is heavy enough to have a considerable striking force in saberlike trajectories but light enough to have some of the swiftness and play of a foil. The gladius is maneuverable enough to work its way behind the guard of a longer, heavier weapon. There are other benefits of a short sword over a longer blade as well. A gladius can clear the scabbard a fraction earlier and that can be vitally important. The short blade can also be moved with greater swiftness than a long blade. It allows you to work close to your opponent. If a swordsman with a longer weapon can not finish a battle in the first thrust or two, he will generally lose the battle. The gladius though is very ineffective, due to its smaller size, when used from the back of a mount such as a tharlarion, tarn or Kaiila.The speed with which one can draw a sword is especially crucial in many battles. In many combats, the first warrior to draw is often the winner. Warriors learn the habit of drawing their sword each day, ensuring that it comes out smoothly and without incident. This helps work on your speed. It is also done to test the scabbard to ensure that it has not swelled or such. An enemy might also have tightened or fastened your blade in the scabbard by a tiny wooden plug, shim or bit of wire. A quarter of an inch, where hundredths of an Ihn are involved, can be a considerable advantage. Some Warriors may partially draw their blade if they feel combat is imminent. Usually the scabbard strap is hung over the left shoulder so it may be easily discarded in battle. The scabbard is at the left hip to ease the swift across the body draw. In some situations, the scabbard is discarded to prevent it being a hindrance. Warriors also take care of their own swords, not relying on others to do so. They will be the only ones to hone and oil their blades.

Great Bow of the Peasants-The Great Bow was generally made from the wood of the ka-la-na tree or sometimes of temwood; This bow is over six feet in length and requires great strength in order to pull it fully. The string of such a bow is usually made of hemp line or animal sinew wound with silk thread. The arrows of such a bow are generally made of temwood, steel tipped and feathered by that of the vosk gull. Each such arrow is approximately three feet in length. It is commonly carried slung or strapped over the shoulder when not in use, as is the quiva containing numerous shafts. (40 or more) The Great Bow is a difficult weapon to use as well. It is commonly called the Weapon of The Peasants because of their common use of it. It is also used by the rencers of the Vosk Delta.

Gunni-These are normally training devices though they may be used in some gladitorial contests. They are curved weights of lead, weighing several pounds, with handles. They are cushioned with cloth. They are capable of breaking through walls or bending iron. They are like boxing gloves filled with lead. The gunnis help to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, back and arms. When you fight without them, your fists seem to move with blinding speed.

Horn Bow-A weapon favored by the Wagon People; It is small, double curved, and about 4 feet in length. This is a bow made of layers of a bosk horn that has been split and cured. It is banded and reinforced with leather from the hide of the bosk 1/2-inch width at 7 points, including the grip. The horn bow is a rather stubby bow, but due to the many layers of split, cured and shaven bock horn that is bound together with glues and strips metal of bosk hide, it is an extremely powerful and accurate weapon. Arrows are generally carried in the number of 40 to 50 in a lacquered, narrow, rectangle shaped quiva, made from bosk hide cured and dried over a frame work of light wood or split horns.

Helmets-The common Gorean helmet is also like an ancient Greek helmet. It is made of a nearly solid metal, with a "Y" shaped slot for eyes, nose and mouth. Many helmets are cushioned with leather. They may be crested with sleen hair. Most helmets also have a crest plate on the front to affix your crest or symbol. A strike to the head with a sword or other weapon is often fatal. A helmet protects this very vulnerable area and makes the combatants rely more on skill than simply a lucky blow to the head. This is also the same reason why many gladiators in the days of ancient Rome were permitted helmets though often little other armor. The Romans wanted the battles to be tests of skill, not just luck. The Priest-Kings also want Gorean matters to be decided more by skill than luck. Many of the less civilized lands do not use helmets or have helmets of different styles. The men of Torvaldsland have helmets that are commonly conical with a nose guard that can slip up and down. At the neck and sides, attached by rings, usually hangs a mantle of linked chain. Some of their helmets may also be horned. The Wagon People have conical, fur-rimmed helmets with a net of colored chains over the face. There are only holes in the chains for their eyes.

Knives-The Hook knife, with its small, thick curved blade, is used in some gladitorial combats. The Sleen knife is a common weapon of the panther girls. There is a type of throwing knife, used in Ar, which is tapered on one side. It is designed for killing. All Tarn Keepers carry such a knife. The panga is a two-foot long, heavy, curve-bladed bush knife. The whip knife is a delicate weapon, unique to Port Kar. It is a whip but set into its final eighteen inches, arranged in sets of four, are twenty thin, narrow blades. Their tips vary. Some have a double-edged blade of seven to eight inches at the tip while others have a stunning lead. Other similar weapons include the curved dagger of Schendi and the Turian dagger. Some people use a sheath to hide a dagger in their sleeve.

Kurt-The five-bladed slave whip. Usually used in cases of severe discipline.

Longsword-The longsword is commonly used by the denizens of Torvaldsland. It is approximately 36 inches in length, and it is carried in a belt-scabbard or strapped across its user's back over his right shoulder. The manufacture of these "long swords" seems to follow the pattern of the making of the swords of the Japanese Samurai. In this method, many lengths of steel both hard and soft or flexible steel, are beaten together under heat and folded within itself and beaten flat again. This creates a blade with both a tremendous amount of flexibility and also one that is virtually unbreakable. Most longswords bear the name of their maker and, as with ships and other things of Gor, many believe that the sword possesses a sense of being with the maker.

Poison-Poison is prohibited by the Warrior and Assassin Codes. It is most commonly a woman's weapon. Some methods of holding poison include fang rings and poison teeth. With a fang ring, you fold your hand into a fist and use your thumb to press a switch. That activates a fang of hollow steel to spring up, the fang holding some type of poison. The teeth are most common in Turia and usually contains ost venom. Ost venom and kanda paste are two of the most commonly used poisons. Ost venom can be made into a powder to poison a drink. Kanda paste can be applied to a weapon. It can also be added to liquids and has been used to poison reservoirs. Free women often conceal poisoned daggers or needles in their clothing. This can make it dangerous to try to collar a free woman. Gorean poisons are quite deadly and little is said in the novels about antidotes or preventative measures. For example, the bite of an ost leads to death within seconds. That gives one little time to prevent one's death. It is likely that the potency of the poison is lessened to some degree when it is removed from the ost and used as a powder or in a fang ring. You are likely getting a smaller dose of the poison or a more diluted form than from an actual bite. Antidotes could potentially exist though they are not explicit in the books.

Practice Sheaths-Leather practice sheathes, that cover swords, are often used for nonlethal combat and practice. Obviously, these weapons will cause bruises when they hit but they will not cut your skin.

Quiva-A balanced saddle knife, usually comes in a set of seven. It consists of a narrow double-edged blade between 9 and 12 inches in length mounted on a shaped handle of wood, bone, or horn. It is honed to razor sharpness, and its blade tapers to a needlepoint. Designed for use primarily as a missile weapon, the quiva is also perfectly functional as a hand weapon and general utility knife. It is mostly used by the nomadic Wagon Peoples of the southern hemisphere, who will carry matched sets of seven in special sheaths attached to their kailla saddles. Generally the steel used in making the blades of the quiva comes from the foundries within the City of Ar, and are carried by traders to the South, who trade to the Wagon Peoples. This weapon is so deeply ingrained within the very hearts and souls of the Wagon People, it is a part of the traditional Tuchuk greeting and farewell. Also known as the Tuchuk Saddle Knife, the quiva is a dagger favored by the Wagon People, especially the Tuchuks, but carried by most FreeWomen and many Warriors. Designed for both stabbing and balanced to be thrown with lightning speed and accuracy. Generally carried in the quantity of seven in number, sheathed and hung on the handed side of a warrior's saddle be it a kaiila or tarn.

Scimitar-A long curved sword, the simitar maybe used either one-handed or with two-hands. The curved, single-edged blade is always honed to razor-sharpness. The scimitar’s blade length is about thirty inches.

Shield-A circular shaped shield generally about 24 to 36 inches in diameter, the shield is sufficient in size to cover the areas where a fatal blow may be struck. The shield is made of several layers of bosk hide generally 7 to 9 layers thick) stretched over a lightweight framework of wood or horn, and normally are round in shape. It is worn upon the user's arm, usually the left one, and is carried slung across the back while in travelling. The most common Gorean shield is a round shield like those used by the ancient Greeks. The shield is made of concentric, overlapping layers, usually seven, of hardened leather riveted together and bound with hoops of brass. It is fitted with a double sling for carrying on the left arm. It is usually painted boldly with a device to identify your city. Only exiles and outlaws have no shield markings. A shield requires skill to use it properly and this is likely one reason why the Priest-Kings permit their use. Some of the lands of Gor carry shields of different styles. Wagon Peoples use small, round leather shields that are commonly glossy and lacquered. Turian and Alars shields tend to be oval shaped. Rencers use small shields of rence wicker. The shields of the natives of the jungles near Schendi tend to be long and oval. In the Ukungu region of the jungle, there is commonly a tuft of feathers fastened to one point of the shield. If it is placed at the bottom of the shield it means that you hunt animals. If it is placed at the top, then it means that you hunt humans. The shields of the Red Savages are small, round shields made of the hide of the kailiauk. They are inscribed with medicine signs. It is believed that if they are unworthy or lie, their shields will fail to protect them. The shields of Torvaldsland are circular and wooden.

Snake Whip-A single-bladed whip, weighted, of leather. It is about eight feet long and half an inch to one inch thick. It is sometimes set with tiny particles of metal. It is a deadly whip and can easily strip flesh from the body. It can kill a Man.

Staff-This is also primarily a peasant weapon. It is commonly about six feet long and two inches wide. A skilled combatant with a staff can hold his own against most warriors with a sword. Such a staff can be quite agile and nimble in skilled hands. The staff also has practical uses such as an aid in traversing unsteady terrain or to carry suspended baskets. Thus a peasant will often have this weapon handy.

Tarnsmen's Crossbow-Similar in most respects to the larger crossbow, though instead of possessing a heavy metal bow, it has a much lighter bow of layered wood and horn. It is slightly smaller in overall size than its heavy cousin. It has an iron stirrup in which the rider, without dismounting, may insert his foot to gain the leverage to draw the cable back. This is done with the right foot if you are right handed. It is still a slow weapon though. Most Gorean warriors receive training in this weapon. It is a common weapon used on tarn back. Most crossbows are of either the draw or windlass varieties, referring to the method used of drawing back the cable.

Tharlarion Lance-A thick spear, approximately ten to fourteen feet long. It has a lancelet spear tip that attaches to a thick shaft ... at the thickest part the shaft of the lance is about four inches in width and is often fluted to lighten it. Usually carried when on the tharlarion, couched beneath the right arm of the user, the lance itself crossing over and above the neck of the mount, often supported by a lance-rest which is either attached to the saddle or worn strapped to the user's chest. Can also be thrown, though not designed for it.

Tomahawk- This weapon consists of a shaped wooden handle up to two feet in length, capped with a narrow hatchet-type blade comprised either of sharpened metal, shaped stone or obsidian glass. Often carved with ceremonial inscriptions, it is a common war-arm in use by the Red Savages of the vast Grasslands located to the northwest of the civilized city states of Gor.Can be used as a hand weapon, often in conjunction with a shield of dried rawhide over a wood frame, or thrown as a missile weapon.

Torvaldsland Battle Axe-This weapon is described as a single-bladed axe of hardened iron, with a blade of anywhere from 2 to 3 times the width of a man's hand in width. The head of the axe is mounted on a thick wooden handle.

Great Axe-Similar to the Torvaldslander Battle Axe, but much larger, with a handle up to four feet in length. The axe blade is also much larger. This axe must be used two handed as it is too big to be weilded effectivly with one.

Trident-The three-pronged spearing fork used by fishermen and sailors of the island peoples of Gor. The trident can be utilised both as a thrusting weapon and as a weapon to be thrown. It is described as being approximately seven feet in overall length, with 3 rather lengthy prongs. Often used with a line attached, for retrieval should it be thrown.

Wagon People's Kaiila Lance-A long slender spear, eight to ten feet long, designed to be used from the saddle of a rider on kailla-back. These lances are not used couched, but rather carried in the right fist, easily, and are flexible and light.

War Club-A carved, shaped club of wood or bone, sometimes mounted with stone or metal projections such as sharp pieces of flint, nails or knife blades driven into the wood . This weapon is about two or three feet in length. Used mostly by the Red Savages.

War Spear-A heavy yet easily thrown spear favoured by the caste of warriors, it is armed with a bronze blade for a tip that is about 12 inches in length. While much heavier than the "black lance", the spear can also be thrown with considerable force over a fair distance.

Whip Knife-is an interesting weapon, unique to Port Kar. It is a delicate weapon that can be used with elegance and finesse. It is a whip but its final eighteen inches contains a series of blades. There are twenty, thin and narrow, blades, arranged in sets of four. Their whip tips vary. Some have a double-edged blade of seven to eight inches at the tip while others have a stunning lead. The blade tip can slice a throat at twelve feet away.