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(Cardiovascular Disease)
(Formula I)
(Fund Your Cause)

Scientists estimate it was at least 10,000 years ago when some genetic fluke occurred in the human body and from that time forward we no longer manufactured ascorbates internally. There are thousands of species of animals on Earth and only four do not produce their own ascorbates. Many definable functions of the body require ascorbates and lack of them causes many disorders.

The main disorder caused by ascorbate deficiency is the world’s #1 killer – heart disease. This lack causes tiny microscopic cracks in arteries. The condition is termed chronic or sub-clinical scurvy. The body has many defense mechanisms and brings one into play at this point here in the form of lipoprotein(a). This, as a paste, it smears into the cracks to prevent the body from bleeding to death internally. As time elapses, the cracks become more numerous and the layer of paste or plaque thickens. Obviously, the diameter of the arteries becomes narrower and a normally innocent little platelet clump (clot) can now cause a heart attack or stroke. Thus, the ultimate problem was defined.

The solution seemed obvious. First, supply the body with the missing ascorbates in a form that it can use, and then find a way to clean out the accumulated plaque. Scientists have been successful in both cases.

Ascorbates come in many forms, the cheapest being ascorbic acid. However, even moderate quantities of this compound can produce discomfort, and this wasn’t the type the scientists used.

The Master Formula II (or silver bullet #2), is composed of three mineral ascorbates. The first is sodium ascorbate, because extra cellular fluids are rich in sodium. The second is potassium ascorbate. Intra-cellular fluids are rich in potassium. The third is calcium ascorbate. (Remember the explanation of Master Formula I). One teaspoon contains three grams of these ascorbates. In addition, the formula contains 600 mg of bioflavanoids, which are a trigger to help the body utilize all of the components. We could not find a formulation like this so we commissioned its manufacture by a new company from which members can purchase for about ten percent of the average retail price.

This Master Formula II is the basis for a number of different functions in the body, but for this discussion it is taken daily to heal the arterial cracks we discussed previously, and to prevent their recurrence.


The other part of the problem is the accumulation inside the arteries. Doctors Rath and Pauling expanded on the work of other Nobelists Brown and Goldstein for the solution. Two amino acids, L-Lysine (3g) and L-Proline (500mg) taken with Master Formula II prevent this arteriosclerotic build-up and even reverse it.

(Cardiovascular Disease)
(Formula I)
(Fund Your Cause)