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undefined The Truth about Cancer, Heart Attacks and Disease
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Seek The TRUTH

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients
in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

It appears that money, power and greed may have be contributing to what the majority of today's doctors prescribe for their patients. We apologize Mr. Edison, those doctors you spoke of are, unfortunately, few and far between.

We face a time of new beginning.

God did not create the human body to suffer from cancer, heart attacks, or strokes, and if we will use the same methods scientists use, to return the body to its original state, we will never suffer from these diseases. People who know and apply this information are saving hundreds of thousands of lives annually.

In the beginning, the earth's atmosphere was 37% oxygen and the body manufactured its own supply of ascorbates. Now the atmosphere is 20% oxygen, and through a genetic fluke sometime in history, the body quit producing ascorbates. Oxygen is essential to metabolize food and create high energy, and it is also impossible for cancer to exist in an alkaline oxygen-rich environment. Ascorbates are essential to keep the skin smooth and to keep the artery walls smooth making heart disease non-existent.

Scientists have simply shown us how to raise the body's alkalinity and oxygen to eliminate cancer, and to re-supply the natural buffered mineral ascorbates to prevent cardiovascular disease. The method is just a logical and safe way of returning the body to its original state - no cutting; no burning; no nuking; no drugs.

All people have the right to know the
truths and the basics for human life.

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(Cardiovascular Disease)
(A MUST Read)

Master Formula I
Master Formula II
( Seek The Truth )





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We are not doctors and do not diagnose or recommend treatments for disease.
However, we are people that have discovered certain truths that need to
be shared with others. Our purpose is to share the truths we have
found and allow each person their own choice to decide for themselves.
We each have been given the right to utilize the logic that God has given us.

This informational website is brought to you by the volunteers of the Advanced Health Plan Co-op. The 10's of 1,000's of hours and millions of dollars of research has been provided by devoted Nobel Prize winning Scientists and biochemists. The funding that will sustain our ability in helping spread the word to others is made available by our personal participation as individual members of Advanced Scientific Health. Working together the Advanced Health Plan Co-op will provide logical and affordable solutions for our futures.

Preventing needless pain, suffering and death is a common goal that each of us can take a personal interest in. It is something that each of us CAN take an active role in preventing.

Many lives were touched on September 11. Over 2,300 innocent people died that day in the attack and our hearts and prayers go out to all the friends, family and the nation.

We also send our hearts and prayers to those that suffer and/or lose their lives from davastating diseases. According to statistics over 4100 people die each day in the US from Cancer and Heart Disease alone.

We believe the information we have to share will most certainly change these statistics. We hope you find life changing answers in the pages to follow.

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