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Free of Cancer

If the purpose that you have reached this web site is because you are sick or someone you love and care about is sick, the endorsements provided in this site will bring you both comfort and hope. It is the position of Robert Barefoot that "the body can cure itself" of all disease if the proper nutrients are provided. This opinion is based on over 30 years of scientific research with medical doctors and scientists as well as personally witnessing  the cures of over thousands, many of whom had terminal and incurable diseases. It is also based on the fact that although disease in America is escalating at a horrific rate, there are cultures all over the world, millions of people, who rarely have any of our killer diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.  The common denominator is that they all eat differently from us, and that the quality and quantity of the nutrients they consume, are simply not in our diet. This means that in order to cure ourselves, we must either move in with these people, or we must take supplements.

If you are sick, I implore you to read TheCalcium Factor and Death By Diet.Most of your questions will be answered, but not all.  

As you are aware, the AMA and the FDA take a dim view to anyone claiming to "cure" anything. I therefore am not claiming to cure anything.  On the other hand, I do believe that the 'body has the ability to cure itself". Despite this, as you can see from my “Can Calcium Cure Cancer” page that the New England Journal of Medicine (which are the FDA’s and AMA’s own magazines) along with the Reader’s Digest and the US World News Report are all concluding  that cancer and a host of other diseases can be, although they never use the word, “cured” with calcium supplements. Instead they report that the cancer cells "grow to normal".  On the other hand they do state that cancer can both be reversed and prevented with calcium supplements.  Unfortunately, most doctors have not read their own journals and are unaware of these latest findings by their peers. Thus times are changing and in the future you will be hearing the “cure” word even more. But for now, if you are sick,  you want to hear the “cure” word now!  So, the bottom line is that the human body, designed by God, has the ability to cure itself if you give it the nutrients it requires.  I have spent the past 20 years directing the sick towards the best nutrients.  I personally sell nothing, except books,  nor do I charge for my services. My goal is to “cure America”, to prevent my family, my children and my grandchildren from ever having to endure the horror and pain of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. If you require assistance, please  e-mail me at “”,or fax me at 928-684-4458. or write to me at PO Box 21270, Wickenburg, AZ 85358,and I will do my best to direct you. I believe that you can cure yourself, and remember, it is never too late. (Please read again the endorsement page.

 Although almost all degenerative diseases can be prevented and cured nutritionally by the body itself, if given enough time, people are always asking, “What can I do if I am terminal?” A terminal cancer patient, for example, may be cured over a 6-month period by consuming the proper nutrients (for example  the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that "when the participants consumption of calcium-rich dairy products was doubled, reaching 1200 milligrams per day, cancer cell growth became normal".  But what if the patient has only 3 weeks to live. This situation requires a more potent nutrient treatment  such as cesium chloride, for example. Cesium chloride was first used by Dr. Sartori and Dr Brewer who treated 50 terminal cancer patients with less than 24 hours to live, and cured over half of them.  Those that did die were biopsied as benign. Cesium chloride is a natural salt,and where ever  it is found, cancer does not exist. This is because cesium is the most caustic mineral that exists, and when it enters the body, it seeks out all of the acidic cancer hotspots, dousing the fire of cancer with oxygen, there by terminating the cancer within days.  Then, whendimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is rubbed near a painful cancer, the pain is removed and the DMSO causes the cesium to penetrate the cancer tumor much faster, there by terminating the cancer much faster.  It should be noted that DMSO is an approved drug in 125 countries around the world and 600 million people have used it therapeutically.  Larger doses of vitamin-D will cause the body to alkalize faster bringing a speedy end to the cancer.  Otto Warburg’s oxygen respiration enzyme formula which can be found in Oxy-Plus (520-684-4458) has not only resulted in Warburgwinning two Nobel prizes in medicine,  but  it has also been proven to be effective against cancer  by those  who have used it. Dr Karl Folker discovered CoQ10 in the 1960s while working for the giant pharmaceutical company Merck. He found it to eliminate cancer tumors in the breast, lung and stomach,Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,March 30, 1994. Thus, even though it was found by Merk to be effective against cancer, because it has a natural, source and cannot be patented, Merk droppedCoQ10.   Finally, gold metal absorbed by the body hasalso been found effective in recovering from cancer.

The following program has been found to be effective for cancer:

  1. Consume 3 grams of cesium chloride each day (squeeze eyedropper twice into juice, three times each day), until all 100 grams have been consumed (about 30 days).
  2. Consume 100milligrams of CoQ10 each day.
  3. Consume 3 capsules Oxy-Plus each day.
  4. Consume 6 coral calcium each day (2 in morning, 2 at noon and 2 at night)
  5. Apply DMSO gel to skin nearest the cancer (or nearest to pain) twice a day.
  6. Apply gold gel to skin nearest the cancer once each day.
  7. Consume 6 vitamin-D tablets each day, 2 in morning, 2 in afternoon and 2 at night, for       the duration of the program (60 days) and continue after the program..
  8. Eat two bananas, and/or two large potatoes and/or two large pieces of water melon, two glasses of milk or two glasses of orange juice and eat raisons, tomatoes, spinach or broccoli every day (all contain lots of potassium, magnesium and calcium).
  9. Expose your skin and face to at least two hours of sunshine every day with no skin block and no glasses (allows for the production of inisotol triphosphate, calcitonin and vitamin-D to help regulate crucial minerals such as calcium: sun exposure is mandatory).


  1. All of the above ingredients are available at 928-684-3032.
  2. This program will help to alkalize the body’s fluids, resulting in the toxins, which are adhered to the cell surface, detaching themselves and entering the blood. The body will recognize the toxins as foreign invaders and respond by attacking them possibly causing flu-like symptoms like headaches, stomach aches and diarrhea. This is called “detoxing” and it means that the body is ridding itself of cancer inducing compounds.
  3.  After the cesium has been consumed (33 days) the cancer will be benign (only a biopsy can prove this).  Continue taking all of the other nutrients except for the DMSO, which should only be used for pain control.

GodBless you all.

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