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There's always someone making nasty with the HL thing. Like we needed to listen to the teasing.


Several people told me of the purposeful mangling of their names by others. Some call this teasing, some call it harrassment. But I suppose it depends on where it's coming from and in what context.
I think you know just what I mean, don't you?

As always, if you know more about this I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

Hlavacek becomes:
Have-a-chick (which the writer thought was ok)
and others there weren't so nice and don't belong on a family page.

A Mr. Hlasny told me taht his school chums and nemises called him "Hlas-Ass" -- not very nice if you ask me!

The Hladney family tells me that when they make reservations they often become the "Holidays" -- which is in the 'mildly amusing but aggravating' catergory

Chuck Hlavac says "I've accumulated all of the misspellings of my name and present this in overhaed slides when I'm making presentations to people in my company, with copies of address labels showing
H. Lavac
etc, and the worst was "Tavac," or was it "Havalavach"?
Chuck couldn't be sure on that. But I think Chuck in on the right track: teaching respect and care for a person's last name is one of the most important things a company can do.

Happy Hlandings

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in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.