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My Hlabors

My Hlabors

My Hlabors

I've been explaining my last name all my life. On this page I'll tell stories from me and others who have had "fun" in trying to expalin to other Americans the concept of the quiet "H" in our names

I'll be adding more to this website as I get the time and the information.

One can never build enough structures with HL on top!

If you know more about this I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

Eventually I'd like to add more stories, a list of famous HL people and other features, including a guide to pronunciation.
Send me your own ideas and stories and I'll include them.

And here I'd like to thank the many wonderful people who have contacted me with corrections, stories, and ideas that will help make this page HL Central. I have already been amazed at the goodnaturedness we all seem to bring to the table in dealing with HL

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.