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The numbers of people who have added "H" to all of the Enlgish "L" words in their e-mails to me is asoutnding. I found that nearly 90% of the respondants did this! I Hloved it! I have received nearly 50 e-mails from HL people with all sorts of goodies and help -- and corrections (which never fear to send.)

I know I can always bank on a little help:

A Hlavac from New Zealand wrote:
"Your website is so wonderful, I felt like crying. Suddenly, someone who understands."

One should always a little bit extra!

If you know more about this I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

With this sort of praise the metaphorical meaning of Hlavac: full of oneself -- will really come true!

Four people have told me that they keep or kept scrapbooks of the misspellings of their names -- and three of them were Hlavac's! One guy collected nearly 60 before giving up.

There's just so many more little stories about how this page warmed the cockles of your hearts.
I'm going to try to include the best ones as we move along.

Now here's a perfect example of Hlagniappe


I was searching for HL words one late evening when
I ran across this recipe:
This is the first example I have of food.
And the only word I have from Morocco

Moroccan Rice Pudding

Roz Bil Hleeb

Orange flower water adds a wonderful fragrance
to this rich and creamy pudding.

1 cup short-grain rice, cooked
2 tablespoons butter
2 cups milk
2/3 cup confectioners' sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons orange flower water
1/3 cup almonds, blanched


In a medium saucepan, combine cooked rice with butter, milk, sugar,
and orange flower water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer
for about 20 minutes until pudding reaches a thick and creamy consistency.
Stir in almonds. Garnish with cinnamon and orange rind.

Credit for the Recipe goes to:
Copyright 2002 World Travel & Cuisine. All rights reserved.


A Maghrebi-English Dictionary

Had this sole entry -- in a very brief travellers phrase guide

Hleeb = Milk

It's this guy's web page -- Del Hillgartner
I've already written him asking for more information

Now here's a perfect piece of Hlagniappe:

So I wrote and I waited -- and a day later I get this response from Mr. Hilgartner:

Now THIS is a fascinating quest.
Possibly hlouf or halouf, which means pork or forbidden meat.
Definitely - in a different language - Hlohovec, which is the little village in Slovakia where my wife's family originated. Good luck.

Now that's just amazing, isn't it!
That just made my day!

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.