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From Tom Hlaban:

"I went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription, and on tray was marked 'E-Hi' and the next box was marked 'Ho-K.' Apparently Walgreens doesnt' do buisness with people named Hlanything. When I explained my name to the pharmacist she reached right into the L box and pulled out my envelope."

I hear you Tom. The same things happens at my Walgreens. But here they "solve" the problem by putting the little bag with the drugs right between the two bins.

Hlump or Hlament -- you make the choice.

I was working in a corporate office dnw in Florida a few years back. The company installed a new voice mail system, basically getting rid of the receptionist. With the new system the caller was to punch int he first three letters of the last name untiol recongized and then it would switech the caller to that extension. One small problem: They didn't program the possibility of "HLA" beign the firswt three letters. So the caller got a message saying "no such extension."
When I brought this to the boss's attention he got the bright idea that I should change my last name.
"Let me see here -- you want me to change a 500 year old family name to meet hte requirements of your three week old voice mail system?"
"Yes," he said, seriously too.
"Where's the ethnic heritage police when you need 'em?" I replied.
I proposed a solution: "program the phones to send all variants of my name to me -- Hla, Hal, Lav, Laz, Lac etc, and then I'll be sure to cover every possible parameter."
The boss insisted that I was interfering with the workings of the company.
I got the network administrator to channel all unrecongized names to my extension -- and boy did that boost my sales!

Happy Hlandings

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in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.