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Here are hlots of HL tonguetwisters

All of these are in Czech.

If you can supply some in another language I'll be more than happy to add them to this page.


Can you write some sentences in Czech with the HL words?
I can -- here, take a look:

Hloupy hlodavac z hlasity hlas byl hledal hlavne pro hladky hlazeni, ze hlasatel byl hlasil do hlediste.

A stupid rodent with a loud voice was looking mainly for a smooth caress, the announcer reported to the auditorium.

Hlidejte moc pro hlodaji na hladina hlinik hlaven!

Be on guard for gnawing on the surface of aluminum barrels!

Hlodavac mate hlad hluboky a hlucny v jejich hltan!

The rodents have a deep, noisy hunger in their gullets!

Na hlavicka hlasovejte tvuj hledsko.

On your letterhead vote your point of view.

Nemate hluchy, hlavni vec, ze je hloubime hlodavac do hlina!

Don't be deaf, the main thing is that we sink rodents into the earth.

Cute right? If you have a similar sentence in some other Hlanguage then let me know.
Please provide the English and the HL words, thanks.

Mr. Karel Kysilka, who operates the Czech Surnames and Towns webpage, set me this:

Doby vojak si hledi hledi a hlavne hlavne.

A good soldier cares mainly for the scope and the barrel. (pre) Explantion of the words: 1) hledi -- he seeks, he cares for -- from the verb hledet -- to seek or to care for 2) hledi -- is a part of the barrel by which one aims, a rifle has a scope and a beat. 3) hlavne -- mainly 4) hlavne -- genitive case of hlaven -- the barrel. (/pre)

Here are two more:

"O, hle, hlohu," hlesly hlasem hliza a hlavka hlodane hladovym hlodavcem.

"Oh, see, hawthorn," uttered a buld and a cabbage head, being gnawed on by a hungry rodent.

Hlupaku, hlomozil hluchonemy hlemyzd na hladine hliny hlenem pokryte.

You, stupid, roared a deab and dumb snail on the clay-earth surface covered in phlegm. He also sent me this one -- he keeps thinking them up:

Hle, hlubokym hlasem hlaholim: Hlavacova hloubava hlavinka hleda hlavniho hlasatele!

See, my how voice sounds: Hlavac's meditative head looks for the main speaker!

And I should scream near the top of my lungs -- "Here I am -- Here I am! I'm the main speaker!"

Well, I am the webmaster here

-- doesn't that sort of make me the main speaker?

Vojtech Bekarek of Oloumoc CR sent me this:

Hlavni hlavoun hledal v Hlohovci hladoveho hlodavce. Hle, hledim hluboko do hlavne hlidace. Hloubavy hlemyzd hlenem hladil hladinu hladke hliny. Hloucky hlodavcu hlodaly hlizy. Hloupost? Hlas hlucneho hledace hlidal hlusinu na hlubine.

Now I just have to figure out what it means. You see, they don't have to really make sense -- they're called 'nonce' stories, or even tonguetwisters. Com'n folks, send in as many as you can.

Happy Hlandings

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