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There are plenty of things that are borderline HL related. Like, it's quite surprising to see the sizeable number of Microsoft Windows Systems files that start with HL

Or how my sister moved into a development who's accronym is HLOPEOA -- just an odd circumstance.

Now here's something interesting:

HL Mencken

And that's the way he's usually refered to, wrote a book called:

The American Language.

Despite his initials, and his comprehensive exploration of
the American Language -- he completely ignored all things HL -- bummers!
You can see his book at: The American Language

It's never to late to bounce around!

If you know more about this I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

So on this page I'll be adding lots of other stuff that are just peripherally related to the Hland of HL

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.