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My Hlife

My Hlife

Here's where I try to make a hliving by selling my creations.

My Home Page

Jim Hlavac's Brain Page

My Skyscrapers

I drew up a few dozen skyscrapers, well ok, almost 150, but I only posted 84 to the net so far. They are my answer to all the plain brown boring boxes that pass for skyscraper design. And as someone who used to work on the 78th Floor of the World Trade Center, I'm dedicated to the idea that we should not be afraid to build skyscrapers any more than we should be afraid to hunt the bastards down.
So you can go here and take a peek if you want:
Hlook up at my Skyscraper Designs

Louisiana Czech Museum

I was one of the founding members of the Louisiana Czech Museum. It's another slow going non-for-profit venture that I'm involved with. You're probably surprised that Louisiana even has a Czech Community.

You might like to visit our webpage just to see what it's all about.

Jim Hlavac's museum project.

My Hlife

A little about me -- I'm Jim Hlavac
I was born in New York City, but moved to Louisiana in 1985
I'm the entrepreneurial type.
Actually, I'm a little too intense for most people so I can't keep a job.
So I became entrepreneurial.
I've sold a wide range of stuff on Ebay
I've dealt with postage stamps and postal history
I've grown, bought and sold lots of plants
Set up webpages
Play the piano
Writing economic development articles
Short stories
Ad Copy -- won an Addy Award
Brochure design
CD Design
and the list goes on and on....

In Running this life I nearly always do the following
Answer the telephone "Hlavac..."
Use "Hlavac as my email id's
Sign my name big -- with clear letters so they can see it.
Sign my Christmas Cards "Hlavac" -- even to my family and friends
When I arrive at a firend's house I announce "it's a Hlavacattack"
Have nearly all my friends call me Hlavac -- because there are millions of Jim -- and only one Hlavac
    (OK, though now I know that's technically not true.)
    I refer to my comedy moments, and that's most of my moments, as "Havoc with Hlavac"
    I even had my own radio show for a while with this name.

    And now that you know a little more about me aren't you glad i'm not twins?

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlatitude
to find what you're hlooking for.