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We have a Norse goddess on our side!


Snorri lists Hlin as a goddess charged with protecting
those men who Frigg wants kept safe.

Called by others a goddess of consolation who was supposed to

"kiss away the tears of mourners".

In most sources, Hlin is just another name for Frigg.

Given the expletive "frigging bleep"
I think all of us will take HLIN anytime

There are lots of stories about the good things that people have done with HL names and this page is for them.

Now here's a story I heard back in 1999:

A young girl in Iowa recently got a new dog, but acutally it was an older dog already named Lily. And that little girl was inspired to change the name of the dog to Hlily!
Where's Norman Rockwell when you need him?

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to

Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.