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I believe that many computerized systems can't handle the HL names. There are plently of instances where a system somewhere just didn't recognize my name -- or worse, wouldn't accept it in the first place.

I'm trying to find out more about this situation now.

I'm not looking for some sort of lawsuit to force people to deal with it. No, I'm appealing to their better selves to come up with a solution.

I think that many computers and other electronically controlled systems can't deal with "HL." You see, someone first had to program these systems to deal with all the variations of letters that exist in English so that the system could recognize and then deal with them. The problem becomes real when whomever programmed the systems totally ignored the "HL" potential combination at the beginning of a name.
After all, How many times have you run across people who just never, never heard of such a thing as and "H" and and "L" at the beginning of a name. I must have heard that at least once a day when I was doing sales and public relations.
But even today, I run across people who are totally ignorant of the concept. And some of those people program computer software databases and message centers and automated phone reception systems.

Don't you want to just tie those people up and not let them go until they understand?

I recall times when there was no way for simple computers that New York University first installed in the early 1980's to deal with my name. No matter how the secretary would try to enter the name there would be some error message. I had to carry my file around from office to office when I wanted to get something done, because there was no way for the computer to do anything.
Now, this is a subject about which I have to do more research. And I will admit I have encountered it a lot less since about 1995. But occasionally I run across some weird ancient system that can't handle the "HL" in Hlavac.
In a sense, I felt they put the ball and chain on me. Other people were having fun and I had to keep my eye out for every single instance where my name might appear.


And so now I'm looking for stories to commisserate with. And I'm looking for the technological data that will support my contention.
Now, this is different than someone entering the name wrong into the computer or other system. That sort of mistake is totally different than whay I'm talking about here.

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