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of Czech words
starting with

and if you think these are weird go where Vanna
never wants to go ....

    Hlas -- voice
    Hloupy -- stupid
    Hlad -- hunger
    Hledat - to look for, seek
    Hlava -- head
    Hlavne -- mainly
    Hladina -- surface
    Hladit -- to caress
    Hladky -- smooth
    Hlasatel -- announcer
    Hlasit -- to report
    Hlasity -- loud
    Hlasivky -- vocal chords
    Hlasovat -- to vote
    Hlaseni -- announcement
    Hlavicka -- letterhead
    Hlavni -- mainly, cheifly
    Hlaven -- barrel
    Hledisko -- point of view
    Hlediste -- auditorium
    Hlemyzd -- snail
    Hlidac -- watch, guard
    Hlina -- earth, clay
    Hlinik -- aluminum
    Hlodat -- gnaw
    Hlodavec -- rodent
    Hloubit -- sink
    Hloubka -- depth
    Hloubkovy -- low
    Hltan -- gullet
    Hluboky -- deep
    Hlucny -- noisy

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlatitude
to find what you're hlooking for.