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Hlongitude and Hlatitude

Hlongitude and Hlatitude

There are Hlots of things to do here. You have no idea. So ...

It's your mission to go poking around this site and see
what's happening in the wacky world of HL!

Each pithy comment below will bring you to some point in the site.

Here are instructions, suggestions and ideas for navigating around this website.

The Hlong View This is what I'm trying to do:

My Hlabors So, why exactly am I doing this?

Hlet's not get too serious. You Gotta Hlaugh.

We are Hlegion

Hleague We're all in this together!

Hlow Numbers All three thousand of us.

Hlocution How do you say that?

Hlosing Out There but for the grace of God go I

Hlooking for HL

Hlooking Once Someone's got to do it.

Hlooking Twice Want to lend me a hand?

This is HL central headquarters.

The Hlives we Hlead
Hleaders All less than 20 famous Hl people.

Hlabels What bad people say.

The Hlaw Just be extra careful, OK?

Hlaughs Can't get enough

Hlifts Bring a sparkle to my eye.

Hlumps Bad people, you, bad!

Hlaments Frustrations come in tiny ways.

Hlimitations Some people just don't get it.

Hliasions You never know who you're going to meet.

Hlets Do it! Can't we all just get together?

Hlost Gone to Heaven, I'm sure.


Hlocations Where you at?

More Hlocations Where they at?

Hluboka Our own castle!

Czech Streets We're all over here.

Czech Places We're all over here, too.

Czech Topography Ups and Downs.

Hlavac Places Get to the Head of the Thing.

South Africa All the way down there, too?

Even More Hlocations The four corners of the World!

Could There Still Be More Hlocations? It never stops, does it?


Hlessons hla, hle, hli, hlo, hlu and sometimes hly

Hlanguage Do I have words for you!

Hlist What's Vanna gonna do?

No HL, no nothing She can't make a dime!

Hl in Hmong Who Hmong us knows?


My Hlife And just who on earth am I?

My Hlincoln It goes Vroom!

Hlisten Music to HL by.

Hlongings All I want for Christmas

The Hlounge Cocktails anyone?

Hleverage The joys possible.

Hlagniappe Something a little extra.

Hleaps Sometimes you got to take a risk!

Hlinking us all together

Hlinks Where do you want to go today?

Hlendings Of course I can help you.

Hloans So you think you can do this better?

Hlandings Who's been here and what'd they say?

Hlavacattack Wow! Congratulations!

Happy Hlandings

Hlast Page Hleap Forward

If you aren't patient enough to go through all the pages
in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
to find what you're hlooking for.