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Hlost Hlost

HL people who died in the Holocaust

As compiled by the Czech Government

The list is last name first and the year of their birth.
The year of death is during World War II

Hladena Tatjana 1921
Hladik Georg 1909
Hladik Georg 1909
Hladik Franz 1897
Hladik Ottokar 1902
Hladil Franz 1903
Hladil Franziska 1904
Hladis Vojtech 1912
Hladky Jaroslav 1893
Hladny Roman 1901
Hladovy Josef 1891
Hlavac Oldrich 1895
Dr. Hlavac Oldrich 1895
Dr. Hlavacek Franz 1894
Hlavacek Frantisek 1913
Hlavacek Franz 1894
Hlavacek Franz 1895
Hlavacek Franz 1894
Hlavacek Josef 1921
Hlavacek Otokar 1887
Hlavicka Alois 1910
Hlavin Oldrich 1898
Hlineny Alexandr 1910 Hlobil Josef 1899 Hloch Albine 1882
Hloch Hugo 1879
Hlouna Marie 1896
Hlounova Marie 1896
Hedrlinova Hlousek Frantisek 1897
Hlozenek Heinrich 1912

A hero!

And a fighter pilot in WWII
Sgt J.Hlavac a Czech from No 56 Squadron died on the 10th of October 1940. His Hurricane I
(P3421) was shot down by a Bf 109 over Wareham at 12:20hrs.
flew a The Hawker Hurricane
Here's the site with all the information

Also a A.Hlobil was shot down,
But I can't find any details.

Illinois Korean War Casualty list

I counldn't find other states right now, but I'm sure that'll change.
Soldiers who died and listed on casualty list

M Edward V Hladik Jr (?-?)
Class: Korea `Hometown` Cook, IL DoD 10/15/1952 Killed In Action

James F Hlavac (?-1951)
Class: Korea DoB `Hometown` Cook, IL DoD 9/01/1951 Killed In Action Places : (Cook) IL

Albert S Hlousek (?-1950)
Class: Korea DoB `Hometown` Cook, IL DoD 12/28/1950 Died While Missing

Edward L Hluboky (?-1950)
Class: Korea DoB `Hometown` New York, NY DoD 6/11/1950 Killed In Action

Glenn John Hlavacek (1946-1967)
Class: Viet Nam DoB 10/11/1946 `Hometown` Chicago, Illinois DoD 04/09/1967 Places : Chicago, (Cook) IL •

Harold Herbert Hladik (1947-1969)
Class: Viet Nam DoB 10/14/1947 `Hometown` Wichita, Kansas DoD 02/17/1969

Here's a slighty different list:

HLADIK EDWARD V JR, US55183521, 1952/10/15, IL, Cook, KIA, 32nd Inf Regt-7th Inf Div
HLAVAC JAMES F, US55062854, 1951/09/01, IL, Cook, KIA, 17th Inf Regt-7th Inf Div
HLEBECHUK LAWRENCE, RA17330554, 1951/10/03, ND, Billings, RTD, 15th Inf Regt-3rd Inf Div
HLOUSEK ALBERT S, ER36621447, 1950/12/28, IL, Cook, DOD, 35th Inf Regt-25th Inf Div
HLUBIK STEPHEN M, US51018806, 1952/01/30, NJ, Burlington, RTD, 15th Inf Regt-3rd Inf Div
HLUBOKY EDWARD L, RA42176417, 1950/07/11, NY, NewYork, KIA, 21st Inf Regt-24th Inf Div

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