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This page is for all the people who have caused grief to those of us with HL names. The bums.
A picture's worth a thousand words!

If you know more about this I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

I do sometimes just get so mad at the people who tell me "you spelled your name wrong."
I mean really!

"I guess I've been spelling it wrong for 40 years," I tell them.

And here's a little story about that:
I should have realized the troubles I would have throughout my life the day when I was six years old and the nun at Catechism School told me that I spelled my name wrong.
She insisted so strongly I was wrong. "Those two letter just can't go together," was her mantra.
And just as strongly I insisted that I was right. She sent me home with a note to my mom about this "problem" that I had.
"Please teach your son how to spell his last name," it probably said. (Unfortunately, that's one note my mom didn't save.) My mom had to have a little chat with the nun about this issue. She went up to the school and told the nun the facts and said, "leave my kid alone."
Over the past 40 years there's been so many more instances of this sort of nonsense.

Happy Hlandings

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in the sequence which I, ye olde webmaster,
has decreed, you can always go to
Hlongitude and Hlattitude
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