<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Marketing in Chinese and English speaking markets
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Marketing Assistance
Advertising, marketing and site promotion expertise in Chinese
and English speaking markets

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57% of all internet users speak English and 85% of all businesses use English as their primary language for conducting internet commerce.

Within a few years there will be more native Chinese speakers using the internet than native English speakers, and the internet is rapidly being fully utilized for B2B and B2C e-commerce applications in China (China has recently announced plans to spend $120 billion on internet infrastructure development).

China and the U.S. will become each other's largest import and export markets, and two-thirds of all U.S. trade is now conducted with Pacific Rim countries, mostly China and Japan.

The U.S. and (shortly) China represent the largest consumer markets in the world and almost any product or service that can be bought or sold in either country will be available in the other.

Internet and website promotion
Targeted advertising through print, radio and TV mediums
Direct mail campaigns
One on one contact with buyers and suppliers

The information box above illustrates why your company cannot afford to ignore being actively involved in either the Chinese or U.S markets, and why you can greatly benefit from working with a company with marketing knowledge in both China and the U.S. We can translate your advertising materials accurately while providing suggestions for effective methods of promotion, and assist with advice on the important cultural differences that exist between both markets that can potentially enhance or diminish the appeal and success of your marketing efforts. As one example, if you do not have a registered Chinese domain name written in Chinese characters pointed to your website, most businesses, consumers and search engines in China will never find you or see you!

In short - we can not only translate your advertising materials but can provide invaluable assistance in helping you to establish an effective marketing campaign, whether directed toward business, government or consumers.

Please contact a Power marketing consultant to discuss your needs and for more information.
Power is a licensed para-legal company operating in China
We can also provide consulting services on matters of foreign investment, import/export and trade to our clients, as well as arbitration and litigation advice.
