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I took the risk of doing an interview with RIFFMASTER GENERAL just knowing one song from them! (It is not my usual way of work, you know). Why ? Was it a strange good feeling ? I don't know, but after hearing their debut album, it was obvious to feature the band in this issue. Vocalist / guitarist Andrew Baxter and bassist Drew Davison answered my questions.


How did you get in touch with Pounding Metal for the contribution of one song on Pounding Metal 3 tape compilation ?
Drew : I met Steel Commander who produces Pounding Metal at Wacken 2000 and we have kept in touch since. He asked if we would like to contribute "We Like That" to the Pounding Metal 3 tape. We were happy to do so and have had good feedback from it.
"We Like That" reminds me of Witchfinder General. Do you agree ? Also can you say if you are into nwobhm and what are the bands you consider as influences ?
Andy : That's a new one on me! People are always looking for comparisons and we've been compared to everyone from Metallica to Motorhead, from Celtic Frost to Dio and beyond. But as long as they're talking about RIFFMASTER GENERAL in the same breath as those great bands then I'm happy. We certainly have influences in the nwobhm but equally in European and US metal. You name a band and one of the four of us will be into it.
"We Like That" is taken from the "We Like That" cd. Is it a demo on cd or your first album ? Can you give some infos about this cd ? Is it available from the band or from some distributors ?
Andy : "We Like That" is available on a cd promo single. It has received great reviews from magazines and websites around the world and it's starting to get some good airplay. The band's still at a real grass roots level which is were the true metal fans still are, and the word is spreading. We've just released our debut album called "A Trust Betrayed". It isn't widely available in Europe yet but can be bought from the Nuclear Blast and Hellion mailorders in Germany or via our website. 11 tracks, 60 minutes, heavy as fuck!! (laughing). Terrorizer, Powerplay, and many more have given it super reviews.
Are there other material you released before this cd ? Did you appear on some other compilations ?
Andy : "We Like That" is our first release and our big promo track. If serious fanzines request a track we're more than happy to oblige. We're glad to hear that it made it to you in France. We have "We Like That" on a few other compilations, and a few covermount cd's on various magazines including Oskerei magazine from Norway and Powerplay magazine in the UK.
When was born RIFFMASTER GENERAL ? Which were your goals when you formed the band ?
Andy : Drew and I, as the nucleus of the band, go back a bit but RMG, as it exists today came together about two years ago when Steve joined. Nigel, a former guitarist, came up with the name, it sorta describes what we're trying to do, playing Riff Orientated heavy metal, no more, no less.
Had the band played live ? If yes, was it good experiences ? How was the reaction of the audience ?
Andy : The reaction has been great. The music appeals to metal fans across the board no matter what their favourite brand of metal is. Heavy metal's all about playing live and a band that doesn't get out there and deliver the goods isn't worth a damn.
Would you like to tour Europe ? I guess you would be received with open arms in Germany, for example...
Andy : Tour Europe ? Yes please (laughing). You book the tickets and we can be there in the morning. We'll hire some backline when we get there! Got my toothbrush packed and everything. Put plenty of diesel in the van we'll go tour China if we get the chance (laughing).
Drew : We are making plans at the moment for an extensive tour in Germany, hopefully we will be able to play a few dates in France and Belgium as well, so keep your ears to the ground for more info. It hopefully will be around September this year.

Do you miss the nwobhm days ? Because now UK is well- known for some trendy poppy shit...
Andy : What's to miss ? Iron Maiden's "Brave New World" and "Rock In Rio" are superb albums. But you're right, the UK scene's full of would be vampires, too much pop-punk shit and too many fuckin' DJ's.
Drew : I miss the good old days when heavy metal was heavy metal and not divided into a thousand sub-genres like it is today. As for the nwobhm, the stronger bands have survived and are still putting good albums out. I went to the Judas Priest / Saxon gig in London before Christmas and it was fantastic, took me back a few years and was grinning for days after it.

What are the current plans of the band ? Have you new songs finished or in work ?
Andy : We're getting ready for some festivals this summer and our manager is currently in Germany talking to some people. As for the material, "A Trust Betrayed" is available now!
Drew : We are currently looking for a label to license the album in Europe and of course distribution in Europe and other territories. We're really looking forward to getting out on tour and playing to those who still love the sound of twin lead guitar heavy metal. Thanks to all people who are supporting RMG and have bought the album, hope to see you on tour later this year. Fight the good fight, you know what is right!!

Thanks for the answers. If I forgot something or if you have something to add, the last words are yours...
Thank you taking the time to interview RMG, it's much appreciated. If there is anything else you would like to know about us please get in touch again. I hope you like the album and it would be good to hear from you again, please keep in touch. Take care brother, the flame burns brighter every day. Merci mon ami. Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, Metal!!

Interview by Patrick Lefevre
