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While the so-called Kings Of Metal have been the shadow of themselves since the mid-nineties, an italian band influenced by the MANOWAR 's best era ('82-83-84) delivers the goods with their strong "Carmina Barbarica" album. That band is called WOTAN ! Knowing almost nothing about their past, I asked guitarist Mario some infos about their story...


At first, as WOTAN is not a new band, can you tell when the band was born and the story of the beginning ?
The band was born in 1988 by (vocalist) Vanni, but I think the Wotan - project was  in his mind some years before. Wotan was born to play epic metal, we love this kind of music since we began to listen for music !
WOTAN plays pure epic metal. Which are the bands that influenced you ? Which albums do you consider as being total epic metal masterpieces ?
Manowar( first era )  was the first influence of Wotan. I think the first four Manowar albums are the best gift music can give us ! And then we love many others band, expecially from the 80 's you know.. Warlord, Riot ( Thundersteel ), Virgin Steele ( Noble Savage ), Running Wild ( Death or glory ), Heavens Gate. But we are influenced mostly by some other kinds of music, like Soundtracks, Medieval ballads, Celtic, Russian , Wagner... I stop here !
There was a demo tape released in 1993, called "Thunderstorm". I haven't known about it at the time, so did you make a lot of promo by making flyers or sending it to the 'zines ? How did it sound and how much copies of the demo have you distributed ?
Thunderstorm was pressed in 500 copies and it was sold out in a very few time. It was selled in live concerts, and also to the first era fans.
It seems WOTAN disbanded in 1994, then there was another band called WARHAMMER, and finally WOTAN reformed in 1997. Can you explain the story of the band during these years ?
Well, the story is not easy to explain in a few words...Wotan stopped in 1994 because the old drummer and the old guitarist were no more interested  in epic metal, not as Vanni at all so there was no more the good feelings to play together; so the band was out for some years. The band was out, but not Vanni's mind, who always believe in Wotan. Before enter in Wotan in 1997 I played in a couple of band : Stonehenge ( 1990 - 1993 ) and Warhammer ( 1994  - 1995 together with Deathmaster of Doomsword ).But the story is still long... Before enter Wotan I was a big Wotan's fan and in 1992 was happened an event maybe signed Wotan's destiny : Stonehenge ( my very first band ) played a gig together with Wotan... and so in 1997 Vanni called me to enter in the band because he knew the time was come to reborn Wotan in the best way possible, epic, strong, and most of all true as steel.
It took three years for releasing a second demo, this time on cd. I read the demo sold mostly in Greece and in Italy. How was the response for this recording ? Was this demo cd responsible for the deal with Eat Metal ?
Yes, the second demo cd was sold mostly in Greece and Italy, 500 pieces sold out in less than a year. We received a lot of requests again in Greece, and we finally got in touch with Greg Varsamis ( now Eat Metal Records ). He is a very big fan of Wotan, and together with other fans organized a couple of shows in Athens and then he produced our first official album.     
WOTAN has played mostly locally in Italy, but you also came two times in Athens. The first one in January 2002, and the second one in September 2002 for the Heavy Metal Assault festival where you played with ELIXIR, OSTROGOTH, SACRED STEEL... What are your memories of these concerts ?
Absolute great shows ! The first time in January was total amazing, Athens was under a snowstorm and all was so.. incredible... to see fans walking for kilometers to see our show because by car it was impossible.. I will never forget it.
Your debut album "Carmina Barbarica" was released in January 2004 and it is definitely a strong epic heavy metal album ! How is the album received since its release ?
Well, the album have received all good reviews, and most of all our fans love it. And with Carmina Barbarica we add a lot of new fans from Europe and all over the world !
Have you plans of tour to support the album ? Don't you get some interest by promoters for playing in example in the german summer festivals ?
Surely we will play in Germany again in 2005. Maybe Swordbrothers Festival in February and maybe Keep It True in April. And this autumn we'll play a couple of gigs in Greece again.
How much albums is the deal with Eat Metal ? Are you satisfied by the work of the label ?
We are totally satisfied by our label, Greg is working very well and we are really glad of him. The deal with EMR is valid until 2006 but we have no reasons to find another label and I am sure also the next Wotan albums will be realeased by Eat Metal Records.
Have you new songs ready for a second album ? How do they sound ?
We have all the songs ready for a second album... some new songs, some old unrealised songs and some songs from our old demos, so I think next year we will enter in the studio again.      
It seems the italian scene is divided in two parts. The first one with real epic bands like WOTAN or DOOMSWORD, and the second one with the HAMERFALL and RHAPSODY clones. What are your views about that ?
I prefer bands like Doomsword instead of Labyrinth or Rhapsody of course. But generally the italian scene is going well, to the end only the strong will survive !
How do you see the future of WOTAN ? Which goals would you like to achieve ?
About the near future we want to do great live shows and  next year another good album...
Thank you for answering the questions. I wish you all the best with WOTAN ! Close this interview as you want...
Thanks to you brother, I hope to see you soon in a Wotan show ! And thanks to all the brothers who support the true underground scene.

interview by Patrick Lefevre
