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HELLHAMMER “Crucifixion” LP label unknown
It seems this lp (in red vinyl) is a german bootleg. It contains the four tracks from the “Apocalyptic Raids” 12’’ep, the two tracks (“Revelations Of Doom” and “Messiah”) from the “Death Metal” compilation lp and “Crucifixion” from the “Metal Massacre 5” compilation lp. Well, have I really to describe HELLHAMMER’s music and to say why it’s godly ? I don’t think... But in case you are a young reader, understand the three unholy commandments : one) forget Cradle Of Shit and other bullshits which dare to call “black metal” their gay noise, two) stop to think that black metal was born in Norway in 1990, three) HELLHAMMER and VENOM are the black metal.

Patrick Lefevre
