Brian Jaeger
Senior English
Mr. Morris
April 16, 1994
Jesus of Nazareth - Son of Man,
Son of God, Christ, the Redeemer, the Messiah....... We all know the story, but
with the help of numerous sources, including, of course, the Bible, I will
attempt to help clarify this story. The portion of this wondrous tale with
which I am concerned is Jesus' family. Jesus was not alone on this earth, and
as Christians believe, he is not alone in heaven. Families are a part of
everyone's life, so why should there have been a difference in Jesus' case? I
would like use existing texts to highlight little known facts about Jesus'
family and to infer possible answers to questions one may have about the life
of Jesus of Nazareth.
Earthly Family
I hesitate to call this family
Jesus' true or real family as a result of varying opinions. The Gospels, in
both Matthew and Luke, name Mary as Jesus' mother and Joseph as his guardian.
Joseph could not really be the father since Mary was made pregnant by the Holy
Spirit; "Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his
mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was
found to be with child of the Holy Spirit;" Jesus was born, most likely an autumn baby, in the year 4 B.C.(agreed upon by most
scholars) Jesus was the first born, but
not the last. A Catholic friend, though not a religious expert, confirmed that
he was led to believe that Mary remained a virgin, though we can find
contradiction to that belief in the same chapter of Matthew; "When Joseph
woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his
wife, but knew her not until she had borne a son ;"We will assume that
when Joseph took Mary, he actually married her. We will also assume that when
he knew her, he consecrated the marriage, thus destroying Mary's chance to
remain a virgin. This act along with subsequent endeavors led to the next fact
about Jesus' family on earth.
Jesus was a member, by his thirties,
of a fairly large family. He had no less than four brothers and an undetermined
amount of sisters, though more than one, as proclaimed by spectators in his
home town: "Is this not the
carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses[Joseph] and Judas and
Simon and are not his sisters here with us?"
Of these four mentioned brothers,
we know very little. James, the brother of Jesus, may have written the Epistle
of James and was martyred around 80 A.D. Most scholars consider this James to
be a cousin of Jesus, though he is always called the brother of Jesus ,and
Jesus did have a brother named James. We know too that Jesus did not consider
these members of his family to be any more important to him than any other
believing person in the world:
true family
his mother and his brothers came to him, but they could not reach him for the
crowd. And he was told, "Your mother and your brothers are standing
outside, desiring to see you." But he said to them, "My mother and my
brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."
One can
only wonder as to how his family felt at this response. Surely many people in
the crowd were surprised and possibly appalled by this behavior. By the word of
God, given to Moses, we learn; " Thou shalt honor thy father and thy
mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the
earth." Since Jesus was religious, he must not have looked upon this
act as a sin, at least in his special case.
People may fear that a married
Jesus would be an impure Jesus. Jesus, however, regards marriage as a good
practice in his denouncement of divorce:
from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.' 'For this
reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and
the two shall become one.' So they are no longer two but one. What therefore
God has joined together, let not man put asunder.
was obviously not against marriage, so one may wonder why he would deprive
himself of such a Holy institution. We have no definite proof one way or
another as to Jesus' marital status. He could have left his wife, and possibly
children, to preach, or he may have lost his wife to death. There seems to be
no indication of a wife or children in the Gospels, though any such hints would
have likely been censored by now, had they existed.
What we do know is that Jesus'
ministry began when he was at least thirty, and little is known of him before
that time. We may assume that Jesus spent the time learning scripture, yet most
Christians would argue that Jesus simply knew scripture already. What Jesus did
from around age twelve to age thirty is not known, still marriage seems
unlikely. Some people believe he may
have spent time at a Jewish monastic order near the Dead Sea, but a family
tragedy may have kept Jesus even closer to home. We must assume that had Joseph
died before Jesus was very old, he would have become the head of the household.
Jesus would have had to have had a job, possibly as a carpenter, suggested
earlier by his fellow townspeople in Mark 6: 3. We can do little but assume as
to what Jesus did for all these years, yet I doubt he travelled to England as
one Medieval legend claimed.
Jesus could not have been "a
penniless teacher, who wandered about the dusty, sun-bit country of Judea,
living upon casual gifts of food," for very long. One may conclude
that Jesus did not live like that for any long number of years, and a likely
major change or calling in his life caused him to decide upon this way of life.
What this calling was is not discussed in the Bible, nor is there any
indication given as to why Jesus left his home, wherever it may have been, and
began his ministry.
As may be expected from a large
family such as Jesus', numerous in-laws must have existed, whether before or
after his death. A practical assumption would be that Jesus had at least one
niece or nephew before he was released from the grasp of the world. Maybe one
of Jesus' brothers were going to show him a new family member when they visited
Another relative mentioned in the
Bible is David. Although Jesus, by Christian accounts, is the Son of God,
Matthew and Luke found a relation to David to be necessary. The genealogies in
these two books vary considerably, leading from David to Joseph. Since Joseph
is not considered to be the real father of Jesus, his dead relatives serve
little purpose, other than their being mentioned in the Bible. David was used
by some writers about Jesus to try to allow the fulfillment of Old Testament
prophecy. Whether Joseph was even related to David is quite trivial.
John the Baptist is said to have
been a cousin to Jesus. Though Mary and Elizabeth, John's mother, conceived at
around the same time, Elizabeth was quite old. Elizabeth was a
"kinswoman" to Mary, so we could think of her as an older sister
or cousin, but more likely an aunt. This scenario would make Jesus and John
second cousins. Some sources have suggested that Jesus and John were friends as
children. We are not told how long after his birth John's parents died, though
we must acknowledge their advanced years and figure he was a fairly lonely
young adult. John may have joined the monastic order near the Dead Sea where
Jesus was said to have possibly been. The Dead Sea Scrolls hint of the life a
man fitting the description of John the Baptist.
No more earthly relatives?
Although Jesus came from a large family, little information can be found on it.
We have been deprived of this aspect of Jesus' life, either on purpose or by
accident. Although the teaching of Jesus greatly surpass any tidbits about his
family, human curiosity makes us wonder, and wonder we will.
Extended Family
Though seemingly a bit dopey or
slow at times, the desciples of Jesus did spend a few years with him. We do
have more information on Jesus' desciples than on his family. Jesus does not
appear to have any favorites of the twelve, but he did pick only twelve
desciples out of his many followers. The apostles were regular men. Some
probably knew Jesus before he began to preach; others were called to follow
Jesus. Jesus did not seem have a criteria in picking the apostles. The men were
responsible for aiding in the spread of the religion. Jesus gave them power to
heal and for a time to speak in foreign tongues. The memory of Jesus and the
spread of Christianity was in their hands. I should note that although these
"family" members were generally faithful, they were by no means
perfect. Jesus often had to explain his teachings to these men, and there are
many instances of lack of faith. The betrayal by (Judas) Iscariot is a good
example. He decided that Jesus was no longer the Son of Man, maybe since Jesus
did not take Jerusalem by force. Iscariot became angry or confused and went to
the Jewish authorities to help plan the demise of Jesus.
James and John wanted Jesus to
grant them special favors in Heaven for their service, but Jesus lets them know
that he cannot grant such things, even to those close to him:
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him, "Teacher, we
want you to do for us whatever we ask of you." And he said to them, "What do you want me to do for
you?" And they said to him,
"Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your
glory." But Jesus said to them,
"You do not know what you are asking;
but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it
is for those for whom it has been prepared."
again Jesus lets us know that his family really consists of all believers, with
no favorites.
Heavenly Family
Debate and controversy has risen
over the years to determine who Jesus really is:
Second Article
believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy
Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontious Pilate, was crucified,
dead, and buried; He descended into
hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and
sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come
to judge the quick and the dead.
The Apostle's Creed here takes a stab at
explaining who the members of Jesus' family are. Once again we find Mary to be
his mother. The rest might have confused Jesus himself. We are to believe that
Jesus is God the Father's only son, yet Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
who is one-third of the Triune God in which Jesus himself is a part of. This
would effectively make God the Father only the Godfather, leaving tons of
speculation as to where Jesus fits in as his own father of sorts. Jesus must be
thinking of this situation when he proclaims; "With men it is impossible,
but not with God, for all things are possible with God."
Whether or not the Second Article
of the Apostles' Creed makes a lot of sense to humans, it certainly does say
that Jesus was divinely conceived, which is very important to Christians. The
only problem is for us to identify who makes up Jesus' holy family and where
they fit in.
God the Father is eternal. He is
the God of Abraham. The Jews wanted to claim God as their own, but Jesus came
and proclaimed that the God of Abraham, Moses, and David was also the God of
all mankind. God is often called the Creator because He created the heavens and
Jesus is the Son of God. Most
Christians, if not all, believe Jesus to be part of one God with God the
Father. The Apostles' Creed, however, seems to indicate that they are separate
and that Jesus will sit at the right hand of God. This makes us think that
Jesus is in fact a bit below God the Father, where a son should be in contrast
to his father.
The Holy Ghost is indeed a sneaky
fellow. He apparently did not exist until Jesus was about to come to earth, or
more appropriately, until the Trinitarians decided that he existed at all. The
Holy Spirit certainly does appear in the Bible, even the Old Testament, though
it always seems to be more the Spirit of God the Father than an entirely
different person or aspect of God. Since, however, most everyone believes in a
separate Holy Ghost, we must attempt to locate his position in the holy family
unit. If Jesus sits at the right hand, perhaps the Holy Ghost sits at the left.
Nowhere have I found a suitable place for the Holy Ghost, save in our hearts,
though he would appear be in the hearts of very few.
this controversy and speculation must not take away from who Jesus was and is.
He taught of peace and love, with just enough fear of God. Opinions may vary as
to who Jesus was, but his teachings should not be forgotten in the search for
truth. The true family of Jesus is all who believe, so many of us are part of
Jesus' immediate, and hopefully, eternal family.
Unknown, "The New Testament: Matthew," Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version, 4th ed.,
(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan
Publishing House, 1952), Matthew
1: 18.
Bible, Matthew 1: 24-25.
Bible, Mark 6: 3 ; another
variation in Matthew 13: 55.
Bible, Luke 8: 19-21 ; also appearing
similarly in Matthew 12: 46-50 and Mark 3: 31-35.
Luther, "The Ten
Commandments," Luther's Small
Catechism, 3rd ed., (St. Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 1971), p. 64.
Bible, Mark 10: 6-9
H.G. Wells, "The rise of
Christianity," The Outline of
History: Volume One, 6th ed., 2 vols. (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1961), p. 420.
Bible, Luke 1: 36.
Bible. Mark 10: 35-40.
Small Catechism. p. 100.
Bible. Mark 10: 27.
Millar. "Jesus' Ancestry, Birth,
and Early Life." Jesus in the
First Three Gospels. Nashville,
Tennesee: Parthenon Press, 1977.
Randel. Gospel Fictions. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1988.
Adolf. "An Amazing Life
Story." Jesus in Bad Company. Trans. Simon King. 3rd ed. New York: Avon Books,
Bible. 4th ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan,
Martin. Luther's Small Catechism. 3rd ed.
St. Louis, Missouri:
Concordia, 1971.
H.G. "The Rise of
Christianity." The Ouline of
History. 6th ed. vol. 1.
2 vols. Garden City, New
York: Doubleday, 1961.