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How to find those hard to find books

by Judith Rippelmeyer









So, you've been looking for an original copy of MACKENZIE'S MOUNTAIN for ten years. You've picked up the reprint copies but you've just GOT to have an original copy for your collection. Never mind that an original mint copy can sell for $20.00, you're obsessed and have to have it. So how do you find it?

One of the best ways is by employing patience....a great deal of patience. Visit every single used book store you can possibly imagine, in every town you happen to visit. I once found a mint copy of Diana Palmer's COLOR LOVE BLUE (very hard to find, sells on Ebay for $30 +) on the floor, underneath a bookshelf, in a used book store and paid 25 cents for it. When you go into a used book store plan on spending at least an hour there. Scan ALL the shelves, not just romance. You never know where someone might categorize and shelve a book. Look on the floors. Ask if they have boxes or stacks of books they're getting ready to get rid of. Remember that a UBS doesn't keep books forever.

Next, try visiting the Salvation Army stores, Amvets, and other thrift stores. People often give away boxes of books when they do their spring cleaning. Plan again on spending some time and go often. You never know when the treasures might turn up. I once found a mint copy of Patricia Veryan's LOVE ALTER NOT (sells for $40.00 on Ebay) and paid 10 cents.

Join every possible trading list you can think of. You never know what might turn up on a trade list. A friend recently traded for a copy of Nora Roberts' PROMISE ME TOMORROW ($88.50). All it cost her was the postage and a book in trade.

Join a favorite author's bulletin boards. Often other fans will have extra copies they're willing to give away or trade for other books by this author.

Employ friends who live in other cities, and across the country to scan their used book stores for books you particularly want. Hard to find books are sometimes regionally hard to find. What I can't find in Florida one of my friends who lives in Tennessee has no problems finding.

Check out the used book stores online. Usually they'll know the secondary market value of a book, but if you don't cringe at paying high dollars for a book you really want......

Watch sites like Ebay,,, and others. Many allow you to have wish lists or put in orders for books they don't have. When someone lists a book you'll be contacted by them.

Check out trade pages on the web. There are thousands of them. Use a search engine, type in romance trade pages, trade pages, book trading..any combination you can think of and you'll be amazed at the results you'll find. One never knows where they might find a book they want. You'll also find some trade webrings.

To get you started, here are some links for online sites:

New and Previously Owned Books  

Alibris - Books You Thought You'd Never Find


The Bent Cover Bookstore  

A to Z Books


The Old Book Barn

 A Bunch of Books  


  Welcome to A Romance Haven online bookstore  

Welcome to Central Booksource

 Romance World Bookstore  

D'S Book Service  

Books under Three Bucks;

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