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Open Letters~Melinda Edison

Hey Jane,

I’m being mined! Peeps are stealing my art, my writing RAPE RAPE RAPE!!!!

They need to go make their own stuff. Mine themselves.

I have picked up stalkers and a heckler, a number of burglars, and even a misfit. “Nom de plume” is my new password. I should have been undercover all along. This does present a problem though, my collectors check for my work on here. In the last two weeks I have sold 6! Paintings! Yeah! Cartwheel!

But But But the most flabbergasting part is this: just today I found out that my screenplay, the one I have been working intermittingly, has been absconded. Well, not my actual work, but the theme of it. And it is a girls!!!!! Story, not to be made by boys. The absolute worse part is that two of my honeys are involved in the project.

No matter. I will still finish MY version.

I need to stop pouring myself out in this thief’s den. I have wasted too much time on this, when I needed to be doing that.

CeCe told me that someone recently published a book titled P.C. If it is anything like my stuff I will kill the pickpocket.

Jane babe, get your apeman stories out there before someone else tries to steal them. They are so you!

Love vibes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
