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A Day With Angels

I went with my friend, Theresa, to meet this lady from the internet and her children.

This wonderful lady, Linda, has three grown children that are retarded.

We got there and they had a most wonderful lunch for us and they had made presents for us.

Meeting her kids was a most memorable event and one that has left such a joyful spot in my heart.

This day turned out to be a day filled with pure love and laughter. I drove home with a smile
on my face and hating that the day had come to an end.
Billy, a handsome young man, who likes to draw and is such a flirt. Pretty Patti, who loved playing the towel game. That is where you throw a towel over her head and then she throws it to someone elses head. And Lenny, who is quieter but just as beautiful.

You look in thier eyes and all you see is life and love. What you dont see is all the negativity that so many today have. At least the so called normal people.

Linda, the mother is a woman to be admired. Not one negative thing came from her lips that day. But she says God blessed her with these kids.
And the father, Gayle, is a wonderful, kind and gentle man also.

These people all have the love of the great spirit in thier eyes and are so wonderful to be with and leave such a warm and loving feeling in your heart.

It makes me think of how people treat people that are retarded and those with disabilities and how they shun these people. How sad for them. Not for the disabled but those that are so called normal. For they are cheating themselves of a wonderful loving experience.

I think it is the not knowing how to act and perhaps the fact that they are normal and maybe that leaves a feeling of guilt.

Trust me on this.......if you want a day to remember and to feel what pure love is like... reach out to those disabled ones. Feel the love they have brought to share with all.

For these so called disabled ones are truely Gods very special angels and so much can be learned from them. And it will be a day you wont forget but will make the darkest day bright and shiney.

There is no way you can understand what a fantastic beautiful day it was until you yourself take a day to spend with Gods angels. And I guarantee thinking of it will put a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart, even in the darkest moment you have. There is no way you can spend a day with these people and come away without that love and smile on your face and in your heart. There is no way you can come away without it affecting you in a wonderful way. For if you do come away with out that then you are in trouble.

I treasure the time I spent that day with this wonderful family and I want to go back. I want to take my grandkids there to meet these angels and let them see that Gods angels come in all forms. I want them to have that love they offer up in thier hearts.

I have traveled all over the world and have gotten to see lots of things and meet lots of different people. I have been to all the theme parks. But nothing has left the feeling that spending the day with these beautiful people. Nothing has matched the joy I had that day. For I spent a day with Gods angels.

Take the time to talk with disabled people and especially the retarded ones. They may not know the things we know and may not be able to take off on thier own.........but they have so much to offer and what they cant buy.

Dont talk down to them but to them. And just enjoy each minute you have with them. For it is time spent with angels and pure sweet love.

Thank you Linda and family for sharing your love and yourselves with me that day. Thank you special angels for sharing your love with me. I love you all with all my heart.

laughing hearts and dancing feet are what makes the world so sweet

Lloydine Stearns 2003

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