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Fence In Your Heart

I put a fence around my heart.
For everytime I let it down
I am slapped back to the ground.

I think there is no truth or purity
Left in this world anymore.
So the trust I have in the human race

I shall lock away again
There are but a few I trust
These I know I can.

They have been there many years

And proven their selves to me
again and again.

Will I ever realize that to most
Words are just words and
something to say

Just because I am open and honest
This does not mean that others are.
Lock away your trust fool.

Keep things to yourself.
Dont share your feelings and thoughts
For you will be used and treated badly

In this world today there is no honesty
There are no morals
The beauty of the world is fading.

People but play games with each other
They lie, cheat and steal
This world has gone to hell.

I think I am in the wrong time period
For these days are filled with
Lies, games and hurt.

These days a persons words
Mean nothing they are just games
These days people just use you

So only those tried and true
Will know this heart of mine
And will know the real me.

I will put on the wordly face again
And hide my heart away
For that way there will be no hurt.

(go back)