Reverend E. Dwayne Looper, Man of God |
Read how Looper Led President Bush to Christ! The Looper Body-Spirit Infirimary Forget Snake Handling: Spider Handling is a better test of Faith!!! Testimonies
of the damned now Saved Looper Mobile Sound Recording Services Satanic Links: Interview With Pastor Avon Carlson: Bringing the Gospel to Extraterrestrials Photo courtesy of Adult Christianity. Read the Novel about Avon Carlson |
Reverend Looper preaches to unsaved Mormons in 1974 at the Salt Lake City Holy Ghost Revival Tabernacle. Many came to Christ that night, including Donny and Marie Osmond Who is Reverend E. Dwayne Looper? He is God's man of faith and power. He is saved, anointed, and filled with pure HOLY GHOST POWER. Looper has led HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO JESUS CHRIST. As shown above, he is out on the vile, unsaved, filthy streets fighting for Jesus and God's Own Party, the GOP. Looper has published over fifty books, 100 tracts, 200 booklets, and CAST OUT OVER 1,000 DEMONS. In fact, Looper trained such greats as Bob Larson and Benny Hinn in exorcism. Looper spiritually discerned in 1984 that George W. Bush was possessed by a demon. Looper delivered Bush from this demon. As a result, the Bush later all of the persecutions that came about as a result of a Clinton-era FDA persecution of Looper's astonishing miracle curative. LOOPER IS A WALKING SPIRITUAL DYNAMO FULL OF HOLY GHOST POWER E-MAIL REVEREND LOOPER IF YOU NEED PRAYER OR WANT TO SEND HIM MONEY TO CONTINUE FIGHTING SATAN AND SPREADING THE WORD! Reverend E. Dwayne Looper is a minister without portfolio for the world's godliest and most famous church, and that would be Landover Baptist, God's mighty church based in Freehold, Iowa, with a congregation of 125,000. Read the Landover profile on Reverend E. Dwayne Looper: Looper presently resides in Elco, Nevada, where he owns and manages the Looper Trailer Rancho. Looper often assists his close friend and Brother in Christ, Pastor Avon Carlson, in reaching extraterrestrials to Christ through a unique ministry (Photo of Carlson courtesy of Adult Christianity. All material copyright 2003 by Image77 Productions Any material that is linked to is protected by the copyrights held by those respective websites