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A little bit about me

I'm from New Zealand and have lived here all my life. I've been all over this country and truley appresicate how luckey I am to live in souch a beautaful country. There is so much you can do here, if you have the time. I try to spend most of my time fishing and free diveing, which are my 2 main hobbies, weather permiting of course. as I know full well a good days fishing is 1 where you return home!! Other things I enjoy are listing to music, through my large speakers, I love large speakers they are the only way to listen to music, golf, pool, the beach (this is 1 of my favourite places, any beach anywhere) I go to the beach every day at least once, I'm such a bum. One day I also hope to grow up, this is very unlikley but something to work towards, not that I will work very hard towards this but a little bit here and there will make all the difference I think. As soon as I have enough money I will be going on another hoiliday, you gussed it at the beach. I will stay in my van and eat fresh fish every day, well that is the plan anyways. I like hoilidays they are the most important things in life, there is no point working if your not going to go on hoiliday now is there!! Well I cant talk I dont evan work, as I said before I am a bum, but evan us bum's need a hoiliday, even more so than anyone else, well mabey not.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Naked News
Arse Race

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing here, and with this page too, if you want to come back theres nothing I can do to stop you so feel free to visit whenever you like, and to sgin my guest book also, i dare you!

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1 last thought

Sex 'n' drugs 'n' rock 'n' rave, lets get smashed and misbehave on speed and weed and little e's lets get fucked and talk to trees, lifes a trip and then you die so fuck it all and lets get high.

and yes there is more!