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Exegesis 2 Toavotea Key

Toavotea: An English Qabalah
Derived from instructions in Liber AL vel Legis
A.A. Publication in Class C.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

When investigating the possibility of concealed Qabalistic symbolism in The Book of the Law, we do well to begin with the words of the Text:

II:55- “Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto.”

II:76- “4 6 3 8 ABK 2 4 ALGMOR 3 Yx 24 89 RPSTOVAL. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.”

III:47- “This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the letters and their position to one another: in these are mysteries that no Beast shall divine. Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely. Let him not seek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it.”

These 3 Verses of Liber Legis have long inspired speculation and controversy among Thelemites, all the way back to the first, Frater Perdurabo himself. He first claimed to have solved the question of an English Qabalh with Liber Trigrammaton, written in 1907. In later years he would hail Frater Achad’s discovery of the 31 Key, and the resulting LAShTAL formula, as the fulfillment of the prophecy, only to retract this endorsement as Achad’s deficiencies and hubris became apparent; though it should be noted that Frater P. always affirmed the validity of the 31 Key itself. He would later attempt to solve the riddle by way of phonetics, but was again unsatisfied with his results, as evidenced from this quote from Magick Without Tears, published in 1943, four years before his death: "The Book of the Law itself insists upon the fact that it contains a Qabalah which was beyond me at the time of its dictation, is beyond me now, and always will be beyond me in this incarnation."
Since Crowley’s death there have been thousands of attempts to decode an English gematria as prophesied in the Text. These speculations reflect the initiations of their creators, and thus vary greatly in their worth. Some, such as the Trigrammaton English Qabalah of R.L. Gillis and the work of Frater A.M.O. among others, are quite interesting and worthy of study. Others have blatant flaws. I was drawn to the study of these systems long before I began independent research, intuiting that an English gematria decrypted from Liber Legis would give English a power of expressing the truths of the Holy Qabalh analogous to the majestic symmetry of the Hebrew language, and would be an invaluable tool for the advancement of Western esoteric science.
I thus approached the problem as one that might have already been solved: I was open to the possibility that one of the existing o&v systems might have been the one intended by Aiwaz. None of them that I came across at the time, however, convincingly solved the riddles of II:76 and III:47; nor did they resonate true to me as does Hebrew. I therefore deemed it neccesary for my continued initiation to decipher the code for myself. Here follows an account of the discovery, penned 2 weeks after the Lux finally dawned, while it was still fresh in my mind:

The Order and Value of the English Alphabet

Discovered 1/26/03
by John Farthing II
Frater O.R
A-1 ~*~ Z-0
I-4 ~*~ G-2
Q-6 ~*~ O-3
Y-8 ~*~ W-5
F-10 ~*~ E-7
N-12 ~*~ M-11
V-14 ~*~ U-13
D-16 ~*~ C-17
L-18 ~*~ K-19
T-20 ~*~ S-23
B-22 ~*~ H-29
J-24 ~*~ P-31
R-26 ~*~ X-28

This cipher is encoded in the graph page of Liber AL vel Legis, original manuscript, page 16 of chapter 3, comprising most of Verse III:47.
The code was unlocked via the following keys:

1) The 8X10 graph itself.

2) The horizontal line of 8 letters.

3) The vertical line of 10 numbers.

4) The line drawn through center of page indicates A as the beginning of the sequence.

5) The Circle squared in its failure indicates X as the end of the sequence, and provided a clue about the numerical values.

6) Abrahadabra =418 by Hebrew gematria provided the final clue to the numerical values.

Liber Al vel Legis, II:76-
4, 6, 3, 8, ABK, 2, 4, ALGMOR, 3, Y, X, 24, 89, RPSTOVAL
Equals 418 by simple addition.
Thelema =93.

I began working on this decryption in either March or April of 2002. I was originally drawn to the problem because it was a puzzle that no one had ever solved to my satisfaction. I began by continuing the sequence of letters on the graph page of 220, original manuscript, page 16 of Chapter 3, (top horizontal line) from A-Z, and numbers (left vertical line) from 1-26 that was begun in the original text. I then began looking at the clues provided in the words of verse III: 47:

"Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abrahadabra."

At first I was obsessed by the fact that the line drawn defines a space of 26 or 27 letters, depending on whether you count its topmost extension. I thought perhaps these 26 squares contained the alphabet code, but there was a major problem with this approach: 20 letters appeared once, 3 (A,S,K) appeared twice, and 3 (F,N,V) appeared not at all.

I tried everything I could think of to get a coherent sequence from this theory; it felt like beating my brain against a brick wall until it was bloody and disoriented. So I let go of my attempt. I gave my research books and notes to Frater G.S. and moved to New Orleans, moved back to Arkansas, did some migrant labor in Illinois, and finally back to Arkansas again.

My return to the code was inspired by the Scarlet Woman N., who loved logic puzzles and was always scribbling on graph paper. I couldn't resist showing her the grid page of Liber Legis as the ultimate word puzzle. She could not solve it, being at that time unversed in Qabalh of any kind, but she did make many helpful suggestions. This return to the project occurred in December of 2002.

My illumination as to the true beginning of the sequence occurred in the middle of January, 2003. I was contemplating the 3 Keys of the text: the line drawn, the circle squared, and Abrahadabra. Needless to say, I tried out many dead-ends attempting to interpret and implement these Keys. Finally I came across something substantial: a 26 letter sequence wherein all letters are present and there are no repeats (see below). This sequence may be found by beginning from the lowermost end of the Line, an A-square, and going vertically top to bottom, left to right. You will note that technically there is one repeat- the A that occupies the second-to-last space on the grid. Because this square initiates a new letter sequence that is not finished, unlike the other three A's on the graph (3x26=78), I considered it trivia that could be safely ignored.

So I had the order: A,I,Q, etc. For the numerical values, I had an intuition that since 26 may only be divided as 13x2 there should be 2 columns of 13 letters each. Intuition also told me that one of these columns must be devoted to prime numbers. On January 26 of 2003, after Invoking Horus by the word Abrahadabra, I came upon the numerical values as shown above.

That is all that needs to be said about the origins of the key. I have read enough essays by long-winded Thelemites that I don’t want to be one of them. I seek not to convert; let every man and every woman judge this code by its merit and their own inner guidance, as they will.

Love is the law, love under will.

John Farthing II
Frater Omnia Redementur
February 14, 2003

I set the following criteria for judging the validity of my work:

1) The discovery of the Key must follow and/or explain the hints given in III:47.

2) The Word Thelema must translate to a meaningful number.

3) The II:76 string of numbers and letters must translate to a meaningful number, and express an arcanum in the form of a Qabalistic equation.

4) The system must fit coherently onto the Tree of Life and/or some other metasystem of symbolic relations, else it would be a mere numerology, not a Qabalh.

5) The system must provide mathematical formulae that shed light on both the process of initiation and the concealed passages of Liber Legis.

The Toavotea Key as here presented satisfies my personal requirements for a sacred alphabet. It may be nothing more than that: personal, something I created to help me communicate with God more clearly. If it provides meaningful results for others then all the better; as that would be in accord with my will to contribute towards the pursuit of understanding. Regardless, my purpose in sharing the Key publicly is one of open scientific inquiry. I have no will to join the depressingly long list of claimants to the titles of “Beast”, “Child of the Prophet”, etc. This seems to me like ego, and the madness of Chronozon. In one sense, Frater Perdurabo as Magus of the Aeon of Horus is the spiritual father of all Thelemites, thus we are all children of the Beast. In another sense, success is our proof. When the Child of prophecy arrives his presence will be unmistakable. Aiwass is steering the ship, and the thing will take its course. We need not worry or argue about it.

To apply the Key to Chapter 1 of Liber Legis is the primary focus of this writing. Let us now turn to questions of methodology.

Principles of Exegesis

The Book of the Law is a symphony of language, number, and communication. We do not claim this study as a definitive or authorized commentary on the Book, far from it. For that students are referred solely to the writings of Aleister Crowley. That the subject of this research is a Book of infinite dimensions we are also well aware. We make no claim herein to define or contain the message of the Book, for it is without limit. The purpose of this Exegesis is to provide an example of Qabalistic inquiry guided by the methods of science. We thus approach the subject with reverence, seeking only our own will to be worthy students of these mysteries.

Experimental Parameters

For our methodological structure we turn first to the writings of the Beast. In The Equinox of the Gods, revised edition Copyright 1991 {Caliphate} Ordo Templi Orientis, published by New Falcon Publications in 1997, page 128, we find the following concerning principles of Exegesis:


a. The words of the Text are obscure in themselves; where

b. The expression is strained; where

c. The Syntax,

d. Grammar,

e. Spelling, or

f. The use of capital letters present peculiarities; where

g. Non-English words occur; where the style suggests

h. Paronomasia,

i. Ambiguity, or

j. Obliquity; or where

k. A problem is explicitly declared to exist; in all such cases I shall seek for a hidden meaning by means of Qabalistic correspondences, cryptography, or literary subtleties. I shall admit no solution which is not at once simple, striking, consonant with the general plan of the Book; and not only adequate but necessary.”

Since we are working with a numeric key we also add the following:

a. All individual words shall be enumerated by Toavotea Qabalh.

b. Hyphenated words shall be considered both as their sum and their individual components.

c. The numerical values of all complete statements, coherent phrases, titles, and verses shall be recorded.

d. Whenever two or more words or phrases have the same numerical value this shall be recorded.

e. When the numerical value of words or phrases in Liber Legis have correspondences in Hebrew QBLH that strike the researchers as interesting this shall be recorded.

f. We will pay especial attention to any numerical patterns seeming to flow through the Text.

g. All numbers and patterns shall be duly recorded, regardless of their seeming significance or lack thereof. We recognize that much trivial data will thus accrue, but think this not too high a price to pay in pursuit of thoroughness.

I experimented with this key and other Qabalaistic techniques from January of 098 until the time of this writing in May of 100. The results here presented therefore span over a year of enquiry, and no attempt has been made to weave them into a continuous narrative. These reflections were originally presented to the Thelemaic community as internet Libers, and retain their discrete identities in this collection. The essays here issued will be:

II:76: A Toavotea Decryption

Liber AL vel Legis, Chapter 1: The Book of the Law, by Number, as interpreted by Toavotea Qabalh

The Rose of 7 Petals: ShTALHIM, Pi, and the Extension of the Pentagrammatic Formula

The English Alphabet and the Tree of Life

Now, without further ado, I present these numbers and words for your listening pleasure.

A Toavotea Decryption of Liber AL vel Legis, II:76

The aim of religion, the method of science: this simple aphorism was intended by Frater Perdurabo to be the foundation of the Work of the Order in the Aeon of Heru-ra-ha. Magick and its sister mysticism are one of humankind’s most ancient and instinctual subjects of study. The Aeon of Isis has become to us a dreamtime, an age of myth, when were performed many wonders of the Art. Osiris divided everything in the mind and culture of man, as He Himself was divided. In the West, magick was driven underground due to Christian dogmatism and persecution, militarism, the repression of women, and the burning of the Great Libraries. Religion, magick, philosophy, science, and art were artificially divorced, where in pagan times they were a unity. Alchemy was the root of scientific inquiry; yet in later centuries the ideology of science rejected investigation of any but the mechanical realm of phenomena, for which it developed a somewhat organized and consistent method of approaching. One of Crowley’s prime insights was that this methodological structure could be gainfully applied to the surviving Wisdom traditions of the world, wherein the Stone of the alchemists was still sought under diverse names.

Qabalh in particular lends itself to a structured approach, as it speaks in the common language of Number where repeatable results may be obtained. Pythagoras taught that numbers are the essential element of the universe, and supported his hypothesis by the fact that numerical patterns dance through all observable existence. The Hebrews developed a similar concept, understanding Number as a language of God. This is attested to by the poetry of the ThORA, most essential of ancient Jewish writings. This book expresses its Truth using multiple techniques including gematria, showing that the roots of QBLH are at least as old as Judaism itself. The later Qabalists became one of the most advanced mystical schools in recorded history, using number theory to develop visionary, meditative, and magickal practices. In Verse 1, Chapter 1 of the Sepher Yetzirah (which Tradition claims to be the esoteric teachings of Abraham), we find Number listed as one of three original forms of divine emanation:

“With 32 mystical paths of Wisdom engraved IH IHVH XBAVTh
ALHI of Israel
King of the universe
Merciful and Gracious
High and Exalted
Dwelling in eternity
Whose Name is Holy
He is lofty and holy-
He created His universe with three Books: with Writing, with Number, and with Communication”.

Liber Legis (the Thora of Thelema) may be considered a concealed and encoded document having extensive instructions on the investigation of number.

A first step towards decoding it must be obtaining of the order and value of the English alphabet as commanded in II:55. This would translate the Book into numeric language, opening new dimensions of meaning. Like many others, I became curious about this puzzle and attempted to solve it. I ended up with the Toavotea Key, whereby the word “Thelema” equals 93 and the string of numbers and letters of II:76 sums to 418. The alphabet code is expressed as 2 columns of 13 letters each, as follows:
A-1~*~ Z-0
I-4~*~ G-2
Q-6~*~ O-3
Y-8~*~ W-5
F-10~*~ E-7
N-12~*~ M-11
V-14~*~ U-13
D-16~*~ C-17
L-18~*~ K-19
T-20~*~ S-23
B-22~*~ H-29
J-24~*~ P-31
R-26~*~ X-28

A numerical Exegesis of the first Chapter of Liber Legis and information about the origins of the Key may be found online at:

There is a useful gematria calculator at the bottom of the page, with this and at least 8 other EQ systems.

In considering the question of the order and value of the English Alphabet as foretold in the Text, any proposed English Qabalh is a hypothesis. It must be measured against the Book, whose final litmus test is the encoded sequence of Verse 76 of Chapter 2. Let us examine this Verse by Toavotea enumeration, to see what patterns may emerge:

Liber AL vel Legis, II:76

4 6 3 8 (42A B K) 2 4 (61A L G M O R) 3 (36Y X )24 89

(136R P S T O V A L). 55What 87meaneth 76this, 3o 147prophet? 65Thou 89knowest 35not; 41nor 91shalt 65thou 39know 54ever. 89There 87cometh 22one 23to 57follow 63thee: 36he 89shall 110expound 24it. 55But 117remember, 3o 91chosen 22one, 23to 29be 18me; 23to 57follow 56the 42love 13of 25Nu 16in 56the 112(70star-42lit) 70heaven; 23to 43look 88forth 59upon 30men, 23to 63tell 67them 76this 37glad 50word.

Possible Verse Values: 3109 (31x09 =279) with numerals uncounted, 3162

(93x34 =3162, 31+62 =93) with numerals counted as digits, 3252 (542x6) with 24 and 89 counted in full.


“4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L” equals 418 by simple addition. There are several ways we may analyze this string of numbers and words:

Method 1: 418 being the primary gematria of the encoded sequence, we may profit from from using this number as a key. Concerning the Word Abrahadabra, its Hebrew numeration is 418, which is 38 (note 3+8) x 11. As the Word consists of 11 letters, the number 38 may be considered an elemental root of the Great Work, or House of God, which is expressed by the letters Cheth and Pe, the eight and eighty of Nuit’s formula of nothing in 220, 1:46. 88 is a number of Tahuti or Mercury. The English gematria of Abrahadabra is 146 (note 1+4+6), which numerals are the first three values of the English Alphabet- A, I, & Q. Note that these three letters equal 111 in Hebrew. 73 is the elemental root of 146, and 73 plus the root of 418, 38, also equals 111. It is worthy of note that there is similarity of meaning between the Hebrew words CITH (the letter Cheth, Fence) and SVP (Limit, as in Ain Soph). These 2 words sum to 418 and 146 respectively.

The following words of Liber Legis enumerate to 418:

the consciousness of the continuity = 418

Accursed! Accursed! be it to the aeons =418

will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered = 418

words and signs. Ra Hoor Khuit hath = 418

Ra Hoor Khuit hath taken his seat = 418

floor of that palace is of silver and gold = 418

pure heart, and the Serpent flame = 418

wings, and arouse the coiled splendour = 418

rapturous love song unto me! Burn to me = 418

the blue lidded daughter of Sunset = 418

pure joy that all the sorrows are = 418

I am none indeed. The Empress and the King = 418

of me, for there is a further secret = 418

I am The Empress & the Hierophant = 418

innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man, lust, enjoy = 418

am the secret Serpent coiled about = 418

venom, then is rapture of the earth = 418

the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible = 418

is a fifth who is invisible, therein am I as = 418

thou shalt look upon with gladness = 418

Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra = 418

our agelong love. Come, lift up thine heart = 418

o chosen one, to be me, to follow the love of Nu in = 418

me; to follow the love of Nu in the star lit = 418

your Kiblah for ever. It shall not fade = 418

Ra Hoor Khu is with thee. Worship = 418

Fear not at all fear neither men nor Fates = 418

Abramelin and olive oil and afterward soften = 418

of the moon monthly; then the fresh = 418

or dropping from the host of heaven = 418

is of open brass work, burn thereon = 418

gods and death To tremble before Thee = 418

have made a secret door Into the House of = 418

shall make swift and secure thy pen = 418

laugh at their fear spit upon them = 418

crawl through dusk wet streets = 418

herself in pride. Let her follow me in = 418

with joy with my force shall she see = 418

shall be translated into all tongues = 418

discover the Key of it all. Then this = 418

laugh at their fear, spit upon them = 418

also. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his = 418

fourfold word, the blasphemy against = 418

Method 2) By converting all letters of the string into English numbers we obtain the following code of 42 numbers:


If these digits be added together they sum to 148, a permutation of 418.

148 is the Hebrew gematria of the the God-Name AHIH IH


translated I Am (Will Be) Father and Mother, Tetragrammaton of the Unknowable Synthesis. Other Hebrew words and phrases summing to 148 include BNI ALHIM, The Sons of the Creative God/dess; CMQ, to withdraw into Silence; MAZNIM, the Scales of Justice; and NXC, Victory, the Sephira of the number 7.

Further, the numbers of the 148 sequence may be arranged as 21 2-digit pairs:


24 and 89, being the only 2-digit numbers in the original sequence as emphasized in the Manuscript, are here considered as pivots for interpreting the stream.

If you sum the numbers up to and including 24 you arrive at 418. If you sum the number pairs from 89 to the end of the sequence you arrive at 279, 93x3, and Hebrew gematria of the magical name of Fr. Omnia Redementur, Aoyn Rysh Tyth. This name was received some 4 years before Fr. O.R. began work on the Toavotea decryption. Should the student will to investigate further he or she may consider that the English gematria of the name is 187, and its Hebrew gematria is 1059 in full. Also 1059-666 = 393.

Other phrases from Liber Legis that sum to 279 include:

no wrong, if he look but close = 279

I, Hadit, am the complement = 279

Let the evil ones be cast = 279

the good ones be purged by = 279

man, lust, enjoy all things = 279

not that any God shall deny = 279

Because! Be he damned for a dog = 279

the seal of the promise = 279

in thy rapture fall not = 279

is none like unto thee among men = 279

o bless’d Beast and thou = 279

to exalt me I am the visible = 279

Equinox, when Hrumachis = 279

greet Thy presence O Ra = 279

make to establish thy way = 279

I breed from her a child = 279

Through the fourth = 279

Some of these values are probably incidental regardless of the validity of the Key.

This Method 2 of analysis is supported by the gematria of the Text: the first two segments of the sequence enumerate to 21 and 42 respectively, implying the binary encoding here expounded. Note the 42 Judges of the dead in Amennti and the 42-fold Name of the Creative God.

418+279 =697, which is 17 (IAO) x 41 (AM, the Primal Mother), and thus refers to AHIH IH IHVH ALHIM. The phrase “he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow” = 697.

If we sum the numbers as single digits through 89 they add to 111, with the numbers of RPSTOVAL completing the quaternary by providing the final 37. Considering that RPSTOVAL equals 696 (IPSOS, a Word of Ma’at) by Hebrew gematria (Rish Peh Shin Tith Ayin Vav Alef Lamed), we may see this fourfold equation as expressing the progression of Aeons, and perhaps a Tetragrammatic formula as well.

The 111+37 equation may also be understood in light of 37 as the root of the Scale of Unity, expressing the Ten Sephiroth:

1) 37x1 =37. 3+7=10. 1+0=1.

2) 37x2=74. 7+4=11. 1+1=2.

3) 37x3=111. 1+1+1=3.

4) 37x4=148. 1+4+8=13. 1+3=4.

5) 37x5=185. 1+8+5=14. 1+4=5.

6) 37x6=222. 2+2+2=6.

7) 37x7=259. 2+5+9=16. 1+6=7.

8) 37x8=296. 2+9+6=17. 1+7=8.

9) 37x9=333. 3+3+3=9.

10) 37x10=370. 3+7+0=10. 1+0=1.

This pattern repeats forever. 37 (ICIDH, The Crown) is the 13th prime number, further showing 37 as an expression of Unity.

Method 3) As 11 numerals and 19 letters. 11x19 =209, half 418.

The 11 numerals add to 143, 13x11.

The 19 letters add to 275, 25x11. Also 55x5- note the explosive force of this number. 275 as the value of the letters of the sequence perhaps speaks of the creative power of language. (13+25)x11 =418. 13 is the unity of Kether; 25 identifies the Aeon with Mars. 275-143 = 132, gematric value of the name Heru-ra-ha. 1+4+3+2+7+5=22, the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet and Abrahadabra by AIQ BKR. 22x19 =418.

Method 4: We may accept the natural segmentation of the Text, then multiply each segment by 11, which has proven itself a universal Key in unlocking Liber Legis. The letters should be considered as both their Hebrew and English Values. With this technique we observe the following:

4+6+3+8 = 21, x 11 = 231, sum of the numbers 1-21 and sum of the Master Numbers 11-66. Alternately, we could use the values of the pairs: 46 and 38. 46x11= 506, which is 418+88, as by 220, 1:46. See Method 7. 38x11= 418.

ABK = 23 in Hebrew, 42 in English.

23x11 = 253, sum of the numbers 1-22 and half of 506. 253 is the value of the phrase “Every number is infinite”.

42x11= 462, 231x2.

2+4= 6. 6x11 =66, sum of the numbers 1-11 and sum of the Master Numbers 11-33.

ALGMOR = 344 in Hebrew, 61 in English.

344 is 86(ALHIM) x4; may be understood as the Pentagram expressed through the square of manifest elements, with Spirit concealed within. Note 3x44 =132, Heru-ra-ha.

344x11 = 3784, or 86 x 44(DM, Blood). Also note 37+84 =121, 11x11.

61x11 =671, perhaps the holiest of Jewish numbers, being the gematria of

ThORA, the Law, the Word of God most high. Also ThROA, the Gate; ROThA, the Wheel; and ADNI spelt in full.

3x11 = 33. Note that the sum of the numbers 1-33 is 561, a permutation of 156 and 165. 561 is the number of AThQIN, Cain; also DXNIVThA, Concealed Mystery. Mystery is a name of Babalon, Mother of harlots, and abominations of the Earth. Also note 56x1, and 5x61 =305, ALHIM spelt in full.

YX = 100 in Hebrew, 36 in English. 100x11 = 1100, 220x5 and 55x20, as if it were said: The Fortune of MLKVTh is the moving Wheel of Law. 36x11= 396, 132 (Heru-ra-ha) x3 and sum of the Master Numbers 11-88.

24x11= 264, 132 x2. 89x11 =979. 24+89 =113, the 31st Prime number. 113x11 = 1243.

RPSTOVAL equals 696 in Hebrew, 136 in English. 696x 11= 7656. 76+56 =132.

136x11 = 1496. 1496-1243 = 253.

Method 5: We may consider the straightforward gematria of the sequence: 4+6+3+8 =21, AHIH in Hebrew, sum of the numbers 1-6. Mystic Number of ThPARTh: the 6th Sephira, gematria 1081, sum of the numbers 1-46, and the Hierophant or Redeemer- may be referred to the Holy Guardian Angel.


ABK =42, the English value of the words Agape and Love.

2+4 =6, sum of the numbers 1-3. Also note 24 as the English gematria of the words Law and Tao.


3- sum of the numbers 1-2, referred to both CKMH and BINH. To address this apparent ambiguity, I suggest that the technique of creating Mystical Numbers (such as identifying 28 with Netzach because it is the sum of the numbers is 1-7) reveals the evolution of numerical emanation. Kether (1) + Chokmah (2) = Binah

(3). To continue the cycling, 1+2+3 = 6, as Binah is the Mother of Tiphareth. 1+2+3+4 = Malkuth. The Kingdom is thus the child of the Supernals and Chesed, AL, the 4th Sephira being the first level of dualistic manifestation and highest level of form in manifest existence. After the Tree is graphed thus, the sums begin a new cycle, continuing their commentary through the Names of God:

Sum of the numbers 1-5: 15. IH, Father and Mother conjoined in the Child. Ra Hoor Khuit as Mars.

“ “ 1-6: 21. AHIH, the eternal affirmation. The solar Logos: the Word.

“ “ 1-7: 28. ICVD, Love, the power of Union. Our Lady Babalon, Venus.

“ “ 1-8: 36. ALH, the mercurial Logos: the speaking of the Word.

“ “ 1-9: 45. ADM, the lunar human form.

“ “ 1-10: 55. KLH, the Bride. The Now.

A new cycle begins with 11, showing the pathway of the aspirant.

YX =36, sum of the numbers 1-8, 8 being CITh, 418.

Also note that the sum of the numbers 1-36 is 666.

24 (Law)+89(Knowledge) =113, the 31st prime number and gematria of the words “continuity” and “extended.”

RPSTOVAL = 136, 17(IAO) x 8(CITh, HVD). 136 is the gematria of the following words in the Law: “threefold”, “double-wanded”, “expiration” and “penetrant”.

Method 6: We may turn the numbers of the code into words and extract the gematria, thus: four six three eight ABK two four ALGMOR three YX twenty-four eighty-nine RPSTOVAL=931 by Toavotea. Note 93x1 and 9x31.

Other phrases in Liber Legis summing to 931 include:

lest there be folly he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra Hoor Khu it = 931

Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing So with thy all thou hast no right=931

But to love me is better than all things if under the nightstars in the desert =931

if under the nightstars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense = 931

all prophets true save only that they understand a little solve the first = 931

Lift up thyself for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods Lift up thyself = 931

shalt thyself convey it with worship o prophet though thou likest it not = 931

slain Ankh af na khonsu Whose words are truth I invoke I greet Thy presence O Ra Hoor = 931

O Ra Hoor Khuit Unity uttermost showed I adore the might of Thy breath Supreme = 931

is a key also And Abrahadabra It shall be his child & that strangely Let him not seek = 931

Method 7: We may apply Keys found in other parts of the Book, such as the numbers 55, 165, 253, 506, and 671. These numbers unlock the Text as follows:

Liber Legis, I:46- "Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen".

I:47- "But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear".

88+418 =506 (concentrates to 56, 11); 46 (Had) x11. 671 (ThORA) = 61x11.

671-418 (38x11) = 253, sum of the numbers 1-22, half of 506, and 23x11. The phrase “Every number is infinite” = 253.

61-38-23= 0. Or, 671-418-253 = 0.

165= sum of master numbers 11-55, 55x3, 15x11, 33x5. Crowley states in 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings: “165. 11 x XV, should be a number Capricorni Pneumatici. Not yet fulfilled”.

I offer these formulae towards its fulfillment:

165+55 =220.

165+88= 253.

165+220= 385.

165+253= 418.

165+341= 506. See Method 8 for more on 341.

165+385= 550, 55x10.

165+506= 671.

165+671= 836, 418x2.

165x5= 825, 515+310.

55= Aum Ha.

55 is the mystic number of MLKVTh, sum of the numbers 1-10.

55x4 =220. 55x7, 77x5 =385, ShKINH. 55+77 =132(Heru ra ha). 132+253 =385.

"eight, eighty" =132.

The Qabalist Nemo Pandragon offered these reflections on the I:46

Keys in private correspondence:

“165 is 33 x 5 and 55 x 3. 55 is the sum of the numbers from 1 to 10. The number 3 always makes me think that it is whirling around trying to find the missing piece. It's needy. If we satisfy its need with another 55 it becomes 220. In Sepher Sephiroth 165 is, among other things, NEMO, a name of the Master of the Temple.

253 is, as you point out, the sum of the numbers from 1 to 22. It is 11 x 23. Now, 22 is one of my very favorite numbers for obvious reasons, but 23 shows up all the time as if to say: "Get over it." I think 23 is the transcendence of 22 as 11 is the transcendence of 10. Both 10 and 22 show a complete cycle, they have no need. They are complete and thus run the risk of being static, of not changing. 11 and 23 are like new beginnings. So I think 253 is a powerfully active number. One of the correspondences in Sephir Sephiroth is "proselytes." Proselytes have made a new beginning.

506, according to Sephir Sephiroth, is Taurus, the bull. Note that if we rotate the symbol for Taurus 90 degrees clockwise it is the first Greek letter Alpha. If we continue around for another 90 degrees it is the English letter A. Although Aleph means ox its symbol looks more like the plow that would be pulled behind an ox. Also 500 is the numeration of the final form of Kaph, the mouth, and 6 the number of Vav the nail, slang for penis. This seems to point to a combination of the most subtle spiritual thought and the male ejaculation. The notion is that you can use your own body to make drugs to illuminate the mind. Certainly, the body of a well formed bud will illuminates the mind when eaten.

671 is a lovely number. The magical self which both is and is not. It's a bit like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 'For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none!' - 220, 1: 44 & 45. The number 671 is 61, the number of Ain (aleph-yod-nun), nothing, multiplied by 11, the number of Magick and an iteration of the 0 = 2 formula. All the purpose of the will is present, without any taken away, but the conniving, self-conscious, and self interested egoism of power-over is nil, completely absent. This Magick is an act offaith rather than calculation. The outcome is a greater connection to here and now, in which is found the secret door, not some lifeless object denoting wealth or social advantage. It is the mating of Nuit (61) and Hadit (11), hence all and none at once.”

When these Keys are applied to II:76, further equations evolve:

165+279 =444.

253+444 =697.

165+148 =313, the 66th Prime. 66 is the sum of the numbers 1-11. Also note 31x3.

506-148 =358, MShIC and NCSh.

253+148 =401, ATh, the Alpha and Omega, refers to Name or Essence.

671-279 =392, 56x7.

55+220 =275, 55x5. See Method 3.

253+209 =462. 671-209 also equals 462. 462 is 42(Agape) x11.

55+418 =473, 11x43. 253+220 also =473.

132+209 =341, 11x31.

Method 8: Let us finally consider the gematric value of some other phrases of II:76.

a>“The love of Nu” and RPSTOVAL both =136.

b> “one to follow thee” =165.

c>“look forth upon men” =220.

d>“to be me, to follow” =149, value of the phrase

“Love is the law”.

e>”be me, to follow the love of Nu in the star lit

heaven, to look forth”= 671.

f>“tell them this” = 206, DBR, Word or Voice. “tell

them this glad word” =293.

g>“to be me” = 70, gematria of the words Hadit and


h>“o chosen one, to be” =168, 56x3. “o chosen one, to be me” =186,

93x2 and gematria of the phrases “Do what thou wilt” and “Equinox of the Gods”.

i> “not nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee” =666.

j> “expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be” =474, Hebrew DOTh, Knowledge.

k> “Nu in the star lit heaven” = 279. “he shall expound it. But remember, o chosen one, to be me; to follow” = 697.

l>“There cometh one to follow thee” = 341, a ThAShRAQ of 143 (see method 3), 31x11, and sum of the 3 Mother Letters.

m> “he shall expound it” =259, 37x7 and gematria of the phrase “four hundred & eighteen”.

Again, all partial phrases are considered as possibly irrelevant, but are here recorded for future evaluation.

These are but preliminary investigations of a continuing research project- I’m certain there are other patterns here that have not been found. I haven’t begun to explore the possible Temurah permutations of the II:76 sequence, the application of Liber Trigrammaton, nor the full implications of the 42 number code of Method 2. II:76 should also be considered in relation to III:47 and III:73, which is not here attempted. I know others will see things that I would never think to look for- a Qabalist who is also a trained mathematician would perhaps be better suited to interpret the data here presented. This essay, far from being comprehensive or final, is intended to demonstrate the value of the Toavotea Key and record some initial lines of inquiry. Being in Class C it is open ended speculation: some of the results are meaningful and some are probably dead ends, of which there have been many more than here written. This may not be the Key intended by Aiwass- I enjoy trying to imagine what a better one might do. My hope is that this Work may at the least contribute towards the evolution of scientific discipline in future speculative Qabalh exercises among Thelemites- while Ra Hoor abideth at the helm and is Received as pure will, Tahuti guides through the Ruach. Without coherent methodology we’re just another bunch of armchair philosophers, wingnuts, and newage flakes- the state of affairs our founder spent his life trying to remedy. Magick is art and science conjoined; should it be lacking in either capacity then is disease in the body of ADM QDMVN. Magick is of CKMH, intuition BINH: the Ruach aspires to ThPARTh where it may begin its journey home by Camel through Knowledge and Annihilation. But it will not reach the Encounter with itSelf at the center of the Tree at all unless it travel the paths of Apocalypse and the Open Eye, from the Daughter through Splendour to Beauty. Let the fine be tried in intellect- may we neglect not the Ordeals of 8.

I lay down this sword, that it may serve as a yardstick: I’m skeptical of the Toavotea Key; but any past or future attempts to solve the order and value of the English Alphabet should work as well or better to invite further consideration. Its quite possible that Aiwass employed multiple ciphers in the writing of the Book- there may be more than one correct answer, or the answer may be in the seeking. An evaluation of methodology and results among the most well known EQ systems would be a rewarding thesis; to my knowledge no one has yet done a comparison study. Considering the wealth of teaching that would in theory be expressed by an English letter code correctly riddled from Liber Legis, it is worth the time and effort to investigate. May we serve our own wills, and do honor to the Aeon in our hands.

Aum. Ha.



A.A. Publication in Class A.

Chapter I, by Number, as interpreted by Toavotea Qabalh

1} 46Had! 56The 128manifestation 13of 49Nuit. verse value: 292, 146 x 2, and value of the phrase “Nuit, Hadit, Ra Hoor Khu it”.
notes: a> If you include the verse # (1), the text begins with an 146, the enumeration of Abrahadabra, and the first three values of the English Alphabet- A, I, & Q. Note that these three letters equal 111 in Hebrew.
b> “The manifestation of Nuit” =246, “The manifestation” =184, “manifestation” =128. “Had! The manifestation” = 230, 46x5.
c> “Had” =46, “Nuit” =49, 7 squared.

2} 56The 86unveiling 13of 56the 83company 13of 70heaven. verse value: 377.
notes: a> "the company of heaven" enumerates to 222.
b> “The unveiling of the company” =294.

3} 62Every 24man 29and 62every 32woman 27is 1a 70star. verse value: 307
notes: a> "Every man" =86; "and every woman" =123.
b> “Every man and every woman” =209, half of 418.

4} 62Every 91number 27is 73infinite; 89there 27is 15no 116difference. verse value: 500
notes: a> “no difference” =131.
d> “Every number is infinite” =253, sum of the numbers 1 through 22; “there is no difference” = 247, 13 x 19.

5} 85Help 18me, 3o 91warrior 63lord 13of 108Thebes, 16in 19my 86unveiling 75before 56the 129Children 13of 30men. verse value: 805
notes: a> “lord of Thebes” =184.
b> “warrior lord of Thebes” =275, see II:76. “o warrior lord” =157.
c> “my unveiling before the children” =365, “unveiling before” =161.
d> "the Children of men"=228, “children of men” =172.

6} 29Be 65thou 70Hadit, 19my 100secret 89centre, 19my 83heart & 19my 57tongue. verse value: 550.
notes: a>"Hadit" and star both have a value of 70, the Ayin of the Hebrews.
b> “Be thou Hadit” =164, “be thou Hadit, my secret” =283.
c> "thou" =65 implies Heb. ADNI, the Holy Guardian Angel.
d> “heart” =83, also earth.
e> “tongue” =57, also Aiwass.
f> “Hadit my secret” and “secret center” both =189 and occur sequentially. “my heart & my tongue” =178.

7} 95Behold! 24it 27is 96revealed 30by 57Aiwass 56the 107minister 13of 187(61Hoor-59paar-67kraat). verse value: 692
notes: a> "Behold! it is" =146.
b>"Aiwass the minister" =220, the number of verses in Liber Legis.
c> “minister of” =120; “Hoor-paar-kraat” =187, 17 x 11.
d> “revealed by” =126, “revealed by Aiwass” =183, 61 x 3.
e> “Behold, it is revealed by Aiwass” =329; “Aiwass the minister of Hoor paar kraat” =420, 210 x 2.

8} 56The 94Khabs 27is 16in 56the 61Khu, 35not 56the 61Khu 16in 56the 94Khabs. verse value: 628
notes: a>"The Khabs is in the Khu" =310, 31x10.
b> “Khabs is in” =137
c> “the Khu in the Khabs” =283; “not the Khu in the Khabs” =318.

9} 121Worship 68then 56the 94Khabs, 29and 95behold 19my 73light 75shed 50over 24you! verse value: 704
notes: a> “Worship then” =189, “Worship” =121.
b> “behold my light” =187. “and behold my light shed over you” = 365.
c> “light shed over you” =222; “shed over you” =149.
d> “Khabs, and behold my light” =310.
e> “Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light” =555.
f> “the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you” =515. See I: 40.
g> “Worship then the Khabs” = 339.

10} 45Let 19my 126servants 29be 22few & 100secret: 64they 89shall 64rule 56the 32many & 56the 51known. verse value: 753
notes: a> “servants” =126; "they" and "rule" both have a value of 64.
b> “my servants be few” =196, “servants be few” =177.
c> “many & the known” =139. “they shall rule = 217.
d> “Let my servants be few and secret” = 370, 37x10, Hebrew OSh, creation. “they shall rule the many & the known” = 412. “rule the many & the known” =259.

11} 86These 34are 57fools 70that 30men 53adore; 74both 86their 44Gods & 86their 30men 34are 57fools. verse value: 741, Hebrew AMThSh
notes: a> "These" and "their" both =86, the Hebrew ALHIM.
b> “fools that men adore” =210.
c> “their Gods &their men” =246.
d> “These are fools that men adore” = 330, “both their Gods & their men are fools” = 411.

12} 38Come 88forth, 3o 129children, 74under 56the 93stars, & 47take 50your 50fill 13of 42love! verse value: 683
notes: a>"Come forth" =126; "o children" =132; "under the stars" =223.
b>"stars"= 93, so this might be a foreshadowing of "love under will".
c> “your” and “fill” both =50 and occur sequentially, “take your fill” =147.
d> “fill of love” =105. “Come forth, o children” =258.
e> “under the stars, and take your fill” =399. “of love” =55.

13} 4I 12am 47above 24you 29and 16in 24you. 19My 99ecstasy 27is 16in 73yours. 19My 35joy 27is 23to 37see 50your 35joy. verse value: 616
notes: a>"I am above you and in you." =156, the number of Babalon, while "above you and in you." by itself =140, the enumeration of "Book of the Law".
b>"My ecstasy is in yours." =234, “My ecstasy” =118.
c> “yours” =73 is interesting in context, as 73 also is the English number of light, death, beast, chaos, etc. Also Hebrew CKMH.
d> “is in yours. My joy is to” =220. “My joy is to see your joy” =226.
e> “joy is to see your joy” =207, Heb. AVR, Light.
f> “above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see” = 515.

14} 47Above, 56the 54gemmed 47azure 27is 56The 55naked 149splendour 13of 49Nuit; 59She 80bends 16in 99ecstasy 23to 69kiss 56The 100secret 108ardours 13of 70Hadit. 56The 46winged 52globe, 56the 104starry 60blue 34Are 34mine, 3O 184(61Ankh-11af-13na-99khonsu)! verse value: 231 +322 + 346 + 347 + 374 + 255 =1875, The birth-year of the Magus, Aleister Crowley.
notes: a> “Above” and “azure” on the first line both =47.
b> “The naked” =111, a most signifigant number.
c> “The secret” =156, while “ardours” =108, a number venerated by the Buddhists. “gemmed azure is” =128, “the gemmed azure is” =184.
d> “winged” has the same numerical value as Had, 46.
e> “Are” and “mine” occur sequentially and both equal 34, the number of Fool, key, weave, web, etc. f> “Ankh-af-na-khonsu” =184, “o Ankh-af-na-khonsu” =187.
G> The first line =231, the number of Gates in AIK BKR.
h> “in ecstasy to kiss” =207; “starry blue” =164; “the starry blue” =220.
i> “the winged globe” =154.

15} 20Now 15ye 89shall 39know 70that 56the 91chosen 111priest & 103apostle 13of 73infinite 79space 27is 56the 208(97prince-111priest) 56the 73Beast; 29and 16in 56his 32woman 77called 56the 144(112Scarlet 32Woman) 27is 37all 72power 39given. 64They 89shall 85gather 19my 129children 39into 86their 47fold: 64they 89shall 66bring 56the 57glory 13of 56the 93stars 39into 56the 106hearts 13of 30men. verse value: 3060
notes: a> “priest” =111, “prince-priest the beast” =337. 3x37 =111.
b> “apostle of infinite” =189; “infinite space” =152.
b> “the Beast” and “children” both =129.
c> “Scarlet Woman” =144, identified with Nuit, as 14 x 4 =56. “the Scarlet Woman” =200; “Woman is all power given” =207.
d> “glory of the” =126.
e> “stars” =93, while “the stars” =149. “hearts of men” also =149.
f> “into their fold” =172. “bring the glory” and “infinite space is” both =179. “into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars” and “their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into” both = 666.

16} 39For 36he 27is 54ever 1a 48sun, 29and 59she 1a 29moon. 55But 23to 44him 27is 56the 46winged 100secret 47flame, 29and 23to 62her 56the 98stooping 143starlight. verse value: 1132
notes: a> “winged secret” =146, “winged secret flame” =193.
b> “stooping starlight” =241. “her the stooping starlight” =359, Hebrew ShTN and half of 718. "a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged" =418.
c> “But to him is the winged flame, and to her the stooping” = 666.
d> “a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping” = 696.

17} 55But 15ye 34are 35not 26so 91chosen. verse value: 256
notes: a> “are not so chosen” =186.

18} 73Burn 59upon 86their 79brows, 3o 172splendrous 126serpent! verse value: 598
notes: a> “Burn upon” =132, “burn upon their brows” = 297.
b> “o splendrous” =175, “splendrous serpent” = 298, 149 x 2.

19} 3O 124(47azure-77lidded) 32woman, 57bend 59upon 67them! verse value: 342
notes: a> “azure-lidded woman” =156; “upon them” =126. “bend upon them” =183.

20} 56The 34key 13of 56the 105rituals 27is 16in 56the 100secret 50word 84which 4I 51have 39given 48unto 44him. verse value: 783
notes: a> “the secret” =156; “the secret word” =206, Hebrew DBR.
b> “unto him” =92; “the rituals” =161,
b> “in the secret word” =222; “secret word which” =234.
c> “is in the secret word which I” =337; “is in the secret word which” =333.
d> “given unto him” =131; “I have given unto him” =186.
e> “The key of the rituals” =264; “The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given” = 691.

21} 58With 56the 21God & 56the 79Adorer 4I 12am 82nothing: 64they 19do 35not 37see 18me. 64They 34are 24as 59upon 56the 83earth; 4I 12am 70Heaven, 29and 89there 27is 15no 85other 21God 62than 18me, 29and 19my 63lord 70Hadit. verse value:1474
notes: a> “Heaven” and “Hadit” both =70. “God & the Adorer” = 156.
b> “I am Heaven” =86, the Hebrew ALHIM; “they do not see me” =173.
c> “nothing: they” =146; “as upon the Earth” =222; “me,and my lord” =129.
d> “no other God” =121. “no other God than me, and my lord Hadit” =382.
e> “do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven” and “earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me” both = 515.
f> “earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit” = 696.

22} 20Now, 135therefore, 4I 12am 51known 23to 15ye 30by 19my 31name 49Nuit, 29and 23to 44him 30by 1a 100secret 31name 4I 45will 27give 44him 53when 21at 62last 36he 95knoweth 18me. 63Since 4I 12am 73Infinite 79Space, 29and 56the 73Infinite 93Stars 102thereof, 19do 15ye 45also 85thus. 54Bind 82nothing! 45Let 89there 29be 15no 116difference 35made 29among 24you 80between 21any 22one 67thing & 21any 85other 67thing; 39for 119thereby 87cometh 88hurt. verse value: 3014, 137 x 22.
notes: a> “Now, therefore, I am known” =222. “Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit” = 389. "and to him by a secret name which I will give” =418. “I am known to ye by my name Nuit and to him by a secret name which I will give him” and “thereof do ye also thus Bind nothing Let there be no difference” both = 696.
b> “a secret name” =132, “secret name” =131, “no difference” =131.
c> “knoweth me” =113, “at last he knoweth me” =232.
d> “Since I am Infinite Space” =231; “the Infinite” =129, while “the Infinite Stars” =222, “Bind nothing” =136.
e> “my name Nuit” =99, ecstasy.
f> “no difference made among you between any one thing & any other” and “thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference” both = 515.
g> “for thereby cometh hurt” =333.
h> “Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof” =584, 146 x 4, while “Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus” = 748, 187 x 4.
i> “do ye also thus” =164.
j> “to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me” = 718.

23} 55But 63whoso 94availeth 16in 76this, 45let 44him 29be 56the 67chief 13of 37all! verse value: 595
notes: a> “the chief” =123, “the chief of all” =173.
b> “availeth in this” =186.

24} 4I 12am 49Nuit, 29and 19my 50word 27is 55six 29and 52fifty. verse value: 326, the Hebrew YHShVH
notes: a> “I am Nuit” =65, the Hebrew ADNY
b> “six and fifty” =136, sum of the numbers 1 through 16. “my word is six and fifty” =232. “word is six and fifty” = 213.
c> “Nuit, and my word is six and fifty” =310.
d> “I am Nuit, and my word” and “ is six and fifty” both = 163, sequentially.

25} 61Divide, 33add, 123multiply, 29and 146understand. verse value: 392, value of “there are therein three grades”.
notes: a> six and fifty in Hebrew is the letters V and N. If you take the English values for these letters (14 and 12) you get 14 /12 =1.1666666etc; 14+12 =26, 14x12 =168, which is 56x3.
b> “add, multiply, and understand” =331; “add, multiply” =156; “multiply” =123.
c> “understand” =146, Abrahadabra.

26} 68Then 77saith 56the 147prophet 29and 63slave 13of 56the 109beauteous 22one: 37who 12am 4I, 29and 55what 89shall 29be 56the 41sign? 26So 59she 97answered 44him, 75bending 36down, 1a 91lambent 47flame 13of 60blue, 137(37all-100touching), 37all 136penetrant, 62her 68lovely 81hands upon59 56the 77black 83earth, & 62her 78lithe 49body 96arched 39for 42love, 29and 62her 56soft 44feet 35not 106hurting 56the 87little 92flowers: 65Thou 89knowest! 29And 56the 41sign 89shall 29be 19my 99ecstasy, 56the 180consciousness13of 56the 113continuity 13of 125existence, (56the 149unfragmentary, 83non-atomic 48fact 13of 19my 150universality/ 62Write 76this 16in 91whiter 73words/ 55But 5go 88forth 15on) 56the 160omnipresence 13of 19my 49body. verse value: 4639 / 5638
notes: a> “the beauteous one” =187.
b> “all-touching” =137; “all penetrant” =173; “lithe body arched”=223, “arched for love” =177. “she answered” =156.
c> “continuity” =113, “the consciousness of the continuity” =418.
d> “And the sign” =126; “her lithe body” =189; “little flowers” =179.
e> “shall be” and “my ecstasy” both =118; “a lambent flame of blue” =212
f> “Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one, who am I and what” =777; “Thou knowest” =154.
g> “the sign shall be my ecstasy” =333.
h> “the consciousness of the continuity of existence” =556. 55+56 =111.
i “omnipresence of my body” and “soft feet not hurting” =241.
j “the black earth” and “the omnipresence” both =216.
k> “the unfragmentary, non-atomic fact of my universality/ Write this in whiter words/ But go forth on” = 999. “the unfragmentary, non-atomic fact of my universality” = 518.
l>"little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness" = 931. m> “the little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign” = 515.

27} 68Then 56the 111priest 97answered & 44said 48unto 56the 137(45Queen 13of 79Space), 87kissing 62her 68lovely 79brows, 29and 56the 28dew 13of 62her 73light 90bathing 56his 62whole 49body 16in 1a 157(62sweet-95smelling) 105perfume 13of 56sweat: 3O 49Nuit, 120continuous 22one 13of 70Heaven, 45let 24it 29be 54ever 85thus; 70that 30men 81speak 35not 13of 63Thee 24as 22One 55but 24as 34None; 29and 45let 67them 81speak 35not 13of 63thee 21at 37all, 63since 65thou 47art 120continuous! verse value: 3430
notes: a> “Queen of Space” =137, “the Queen of Space” =193.
b> “whole body” and “priest” both =111. "her lovely brows" and “ever thus, that” both = 209. "in a sweet smelling perfume" = 279.
c> “sweet-smelling perfume of sweat” =331. 3x31=93.
d> “as One” =46; “but as none” =113.
e> “priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space” =493.
f> “the dew of her light” and “thou art continuous” both =232.
g> “men speak not of thee” =222. "let it be ever thus, that men speak" =418.
h> “O Nuit, continuous one of heaven” =277, “let it be ever thus” = 237.
i> “his whole body in a sweet smelling perfume of sweat” = 515.
j> “her light bathing his whole body in a sweet smelling perfume” = 671.

28} 34None, 128breathed 56the 73light, 47faint & 52faery, 13of 56the 93stars, 29and 28two. verse value: 609
notes: a> “the light” =129; “breathed” =128 has the same value as “manifestation”.
b> “faint & faery” =99, ecstasy etc. “None, breathed the light” = 291.
c> “the stars” =149.
d> “and two” =57.
e> “ of the stars, and two” =219, “the stars, and two” =206.

29} 39For 4I 12am 77divided 39for 65love’s 50sake, 39for 56the 83chance 13of 44union. verse value: 521
notes: a> “I am divided” =93.
b> “for love’s sake” =154, “divided for love’s sake” =231.
c> “chance of union” =140, “the chance of union” =196 (14 squared).

30} 76This 27is 56the 90creation 13of 56the 68world, 70that 56the 48pain 13of 80division 27is 24as 82nothing, 29and 56the 35joy 13of 139dissolution 37all. verse value: 1095
notes: a> “the creation of the world” =283. "the world, that the pain of division is" = 418.
b> “of division” =93, “the pain of division is as nothing” =330.
c> “joy of dissolution” =187, “of dissolution all” =189.

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Free Web Building Help
Angelfire HTML Library
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

My Favorite Things About Angelfire
