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Exegesis 3 Toavotea Key

Exegesis 3 continued:

31} 39For 86these 57fools 13of 30men 29and 86their 38woes 51care 35not 65thou 21at 37all! 64They 42feel 87little; 55what 27is, 27is 94balanced 30by 32weak 58joys: 55but 15ye 34are 19my 91chosen 45ones. verse value: 1362
notes: a> “these” and “their” both =86.
b> “ye are” =49, Nuit.
c> “ones” =45, implying Will; “chosen ones” =136.
d> “these fools of men and their woes” =339; “care not thou at all” =209.
e> “but ye are my chosen ones” =259, value of the phrases “four hundred & eighteen” and “he shall expound it.”
f> “feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys: but ye are my chosen” = 666.

32} 40Obey 19my 147prophet! 57follow 36out 56the 94ordeals 13of 19my 89knowledge! 56seek 18me 41only! 68Then 56the 58joys 13of 19my 42love 45will 74redeem 15ye 50from 37all 48pain. 76This 27is 26so; 4I 62swear 24it 30by 56the 66vault 13of 19my 49body; 30by 19my 90sacred 83heart 29and 57tongue; 30by 37all 4I 30can 27give; 30by 37all 4I 83desire 13of 15ye 37all. verse value: 2317, 331 x 7.
notes: a> “Obey my prophet” =206. “the joys of my love” =188.
b> “my knowledge” =108, “follow out the ordeals of my knowledge” =364.
c> “joys of my love” =132, “love will redeem” =161.
d> “This is so” =129, “I swear it” =90, “vault of my body” =147.
e> “I swear it by the vault of my body” =323.
f> “sacred heart” =173, “heart and tongue” =169.
g> “by all I can give” =128, “by all I desire” =154, “all I desire of ye all” =189
h> “love will redeem ye from all pain” =311, “the joys of my love will redeem ye” =322, 161 x 2.
i> “of my body by my sacred heart and tongue by all I can give by all I desire” = 671.

33} 68Then 56the 111priest 53fell 39into 1a 61deep 83trance 29or 46swoon, & 44said 48unto 56the 45Queen 13of 70Heaven; 62Write 48unto 36us 56the 94ordeals; 62write 48unto 36us 56the 105rituals; 62write 48unto 36us 56the 24law! verse value: 1652
notes: a>“the priest fell” and “a deep trance or swoon” both =220.
b> “the priest fell into a deep” =321. “unto the Queen of Heaven” =232.
c> “Queen of Heaven” =128, “the Queen of Heaven” =184.
d> “write unto us” =146; “said unto the Queen” =193.
e> “the ordeals” =150, “the rituals” =161, the value of “love under will”. “the law” =80. “Write unto us the ordeals” =296, “write unto us the rituals” =307, “write unto us the Law” =226.
f> “said unto the Queen of Heaven; Write unto us the ordeals; write unto us” = 718

34} 55But 59she 44said: 56the 94ordeals 4I 62write 35not: 56the 105rituals 89shall 29be 58half 51known 29and 58half 98concealed: 56the 24Law 27is 39for 37all. verse value: 1165
notes: a> “shall be” =118. This phrase occurs throughout the book.
b> “half known” =109, a number of torment. “half concealed” =156, Babalon. “the ordeals I write not” =251; “the rituals shall be half known and half concealed” =573. 5x73 =365.
c> “the Law is for” =146; “the Law is for all” =183.

35} 76This 70that 65thou 105writest 27is 56the 136threefold 47book 13of 24Law. verse value: 619
notes: a> “This that” =146, “This that thou writest” =316.
b> “threefold book” =183, “threefold book of Law” =220.

36} 19My 99scribe 184(61Ankh-11af-13na-99khonsu), 56the 111priest 13of 56the 120princes, 89shall 35not 16in 22one 98letter 68change 76this 47book; 55but 68lest 89there 29be 57folly, 36he 89shall 81comment 148thereupon 30by 56the 62wisdom 13of 173(27Ra-61Hoor-61Khu-24it.) verse value: 2095, 419 x 5.
notes: a> “My scribe” =118; “princes” and “one letter” =120.
b> “priest of the princes” =300, “the priest of the princes” =356.
c> “this book” =123; “scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu” =283.
d> “but lest there be folly he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khu-it” =931. See II:76. “he shall comment” =206.
e> “the wisdom” =118, “by the wisdom of” =161, “Ra-Hoor-Khu-it” =173.
f> “of Ra-Hoor-Khu-it” =186; “ by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khu-it” =334.

37} 45Also 56the 94mantras 29and 120spells; 56the 62obeah 29and 56the 21wanga; 56the 53work 13of 56the 34wand 29and 56the 53work 13of 56the 73sword; 86these 36he 89shall 64learn 29and 74teach. verse value: 1438
notes: a> “the obeah” =118, “the wanga” =77.
b> “work of the wand” =156; “work of the sword” =195.
c> “learn and” =93, “learn and teach” =167; “the wanga, the work” =186.
d> “the mantras and spells” =299. “the obeah and the wanga” =224.
e> “the work of the wand and the work of the sword” =492, “these he shall learn and teach” =378.

38} 36He 67must 74teach; 55but 36he 20may 38make 84severe 56the 94ordeals. verse value=560, 56x10.
notes: a> “He must teach; but he may make” =326, the Heb. IHShVH.
b> “severe the” =140, “severe the ordeals” =234.

39} 56The 50word 13of 56the 24Law 27is 93{Thelema}. verse value: 319 with Greek characters, 226 without.
notes: a> “of the Law” =93. “The word of the Law” =199.
b> “Law is {Thelema}” =144, number of the Scarlet Woman.

40} 37Who 77calls 36us 146Thelemites 45will 19do 15no 48wrong, 14if 36he 43look 55but 68close 39into 56the 50word. 39For 89there 34are 105therein 89three 75grades, 56the 97Hermit, 29and 56the 68lover, 29and 56the 24man 13of 83Earth. 19Do 55what 65thou 47wilt 89shall 29be 56the 62whole 13of 56the 24Law. verse value: 2241
notes: a> “Thelemites” =146; “Who calls us Thelemites” =296. "no wrong, if he look but close" = 279.
b> “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” and “the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt” both = 515.
c> “but close” =123, “there are” =123 also.
d> “will do no wrong if he look” =220. “no wrong if he look” =156.
e> “three grades” =164, “there are therein three grades” =392.
f> “the Hermit” =153, “and the Lover” =153 also.
g> “the man of” =93; “man of Earth” =120.
h> “look but close into the word” =311.
i> “Do what thou wilt” =186 (93x2), also the value of “Equinox of the Gods”.
j> “are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man” = 718

41} 56The 50word 13of 39Sin 27is 162Restriction. 3O 24man! 86refuse 35not 57thy 26wife, 14if 59she 45will! 3O 68lover, 14if 65thou 47wilt, 101depart. 89There 27is 15no 53bond 70that 30can 56unite 56the 77divided 55but 42love: 37all 55else 27is 1a 86curse. 120Accursed! 120Accursed! 29be 24it 23to 56the 46aeons! 72Hell. verse value: 2260, 1130 x2. Note that 1130 is the value of the next verse.
notes: a> “The word of Sin is Restriction” =347, “Sin is Restriction” and “man! refuse not thy wife” both =228; “if she will” =118, “there is no bond”=184. “O lover, if thou wilt, depart” =298, 149 x 2.
b> “if thou wilt” =126; “if thou” =79. “all else is a curse” =206.
c> “no bond” and “lover” both =68. “thy wife if she” and “that can unite” both = 156. "bond that can unite" = 209.
d> “unite” =56, the word of Nuit; “unite the divided” =189.
e> “Accursed! Accursed! be it to the aeons” =418.
f> “depart. There is no bond that can unite the divided but love” = 671.
g> “The word of Sin is Restriction. O man, refuse not thy wife if she will!” = 696.
h> “not thy wife if she will O lover if thou wilt depart There is no bond” and “wilt, depart. There is no bond that can unite the divided but love” both = 718.

42} 45Let 24it 29be 70that 71state 13of 83manyhood 66bound 29and 89loathing. 26So 58with 57thy 37all; 65thou 73hast 15no 81right 55but 23to 19do 57thy 45will. verse value: 1130
a> “manyhood bound” =149, “state of manyhood bound and loathing” =351.
b> “thou hast no right” =234. “So with thy all” =178.
c> “to do thy will” =144; “do thy will” =121, the number of “Worship”.
d> “bound and loathing” =184. “thou hast no right but to do thy will” =433.
e>"Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all; thou hast no right" =931.

43}19Do 70that, 29and 15no 85other 89shall 32say 21nay. verse value: 360, the circle
a> “and no other” =129; “no other shall” =189.
b> “no other shall say nay” =242.

44} 39For 77pure 45will, 111unassuaged 13of 134purpose, 115delivered 50from 56the 74lust 13of 107result, 27is 62every 14way 118perfect. verse value: 1055
a> “For pure will” =161; “For pure will, unassuaged of purpose” =419, Hebrew TYTH, serpent. “will unassuaged” =156.
b> “from the lust of” =193; “lust of result” and “every way perfect” both =194. “perfect” =118. “delivered from the lust of result” =415.
c> “unassauged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result” =673.
d>"will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered" = 418. will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result” = 718.

45} 56The 118Perfect 29and 56the 118Perfect 34are 22one 118Perfect 29and 35not 28two; 21nay, 34are 34none! verse value: 732
a> “Perfect and the Perfect” and “one Perfect and not two, nay, are none” both =321; “are one” =56; “one perfect and not two” =232.
b> “The Perfect” and “Perfect are one” both =174; “Perfect and not two” =210; “not two; nay are” =118. “a secret key of this law” =248.
c> “are” and “none” both =34, and occur sequentially. 34 is a number of the Fool.

46} 82Nothing 27is 1a 100secret 34key 13of 76this 24law. 105(83Sixty-22one) 56the 59Jews 54call 24it; 4I 54call 24it 62eight, 70eighty, 171(52four-119hundred) & 88eighteen. vv: 1128
a> “is a secret” =128, “key of this” =123, “key of this law” =147, “Nothing is a secret key of this” =333. “a secret key of this law” =248. Note 248 + 418 = 666.
b> “Sixty-one the Jews” =220, “the Jews call it” =193, “Jews call it” =137.
c> “Nothing” and “I call it” both =82.
d> “eight, eighty, four-hundred & eighteen” =391; “four-hundred & eighteen” =259, 37 x 7 and value of the phrase “he shall expound it”.
e> “the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four-hundred & eighteen” =666.
f> 88+418 =506 (concentrates to 56, 11), 46(Had) x 11. 671(ThORA)= 61x11. 671-418(38x11) = 253, sum of the numbers 1-22, half of 506, and 23x11. 61-38-23= 0.

47} 55But 64they 51have 56the 58half: 56unite 30by 72thine 47art 26so 70that 37all 140disappear. vv: 762
a> “”But they have the half: unite by thine art so” =515, “by thine art” =149, “unite by thine art” =205; "unite by thine art so” =231; "unite by thine art so that all disappear" =478. “the half: unite by thine art” =319.
c> “disappear” =140, “all disappear” =177.

48} 19My 147prophet 27is 1a 34fool 58with 56his 22one, 22one, 22one; 34are 35not 64they 56the 31Ox, 29and 34none 30by 56the 47Book? vv: 824
a> “My prophet is” =193.
b> “a fool with” =93, “a fool with his” =149.
c> “one, one, one” =66.
d> “ox” =31; “are not they the ox” =220.
e> “and none by the Book” =196, “none by the Book” =167.
f> “fool”, “are”, and “none” all =34.
g> "prophet is a fool" = 209.

49} 82Abrogate 34are 37all 105rituals, 37all 94ordeals, 37all 73words 29and 64signs. 173(27Ra-61Hoor-85Khuit) 79hath 59taken 56his 51seat 16in 56the 51East 21at 56the 73Equinox 13of 56the 44Gods; 29and 45let 51Asar 29be 58with 28Isa 37who 45also 34are 22one. 55But 64they 34are 35not 13of 18me. 45Let 51Asar 29be 56the 79adorant, 28Isa 56the 122sufferer; 61Hoor 16in 56his 100secret 31name 29and 149splendour 27is 56the 63Lord 83initiating. vv: 3130
a> “Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat” and "words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath" both equal 418; “in the East” =123.
b> “at the Equinox” =150; “secret name” =131; “his secret” =156, “his secret name” =187. “Isa the sufferer” =206.
c>“words” & “equinox” both =73, “the Equinox” =129, “Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs” =592 (37 x 16); “Abrogate are all rituals” =258. “In the east at the Equinox” =273.
d> “Equinox of the Gods” =186; “but they are” =153; “of the Gods” =113.
e> “with Isa” =86, “are one” =56, “Hoor in his secret name” =264.
f> “of me” =31; “splendour” =149; “not of me” =66.
g> “seat”, “East”, and “Asar” all =51.
h> “Lord initiating” =146, “his secret name and splendour” =365, “name and splendour” =209 (half of 418). “Hoor in his secret name and splendour” =442. “Abrogate are all rituals” =258. “all ordeals” =131.
i> “all words and signs” = 203. “Let Asar be with Isa, who also are one” =349; “but they are not of me” =219.
j> “Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating” =671, 11x 61, Hebrew ThORA, and ADNI spelt in full.
k> “the Gods; and let Asar be with Isa, who also are one. But they are not” = 666.

50} 89There 27is 1a 50word 23to 32say 59about 56the 183Hierophantic 63task. 95Behold! 89there 34are 89three 94ordeals 16in 22one, 29and 24it 20may 29be 39given 16in 89three 37ways. 56The 77gross 67must 78pass 122through 47fire; 45let 56the 33fine 29be 73tried 16in 123intellect, 29and 56the 59lofty 91chosen 45ones 16in 56the 114highest. 85Thus 15ye 51have 70star &70star, 92system & 92system; 45let 35not 22one 39know 48well 56the 85other. vv: 3398
a> “a word to say about” =165; “intellect” =123; “tried” =73.
b> “Hierophantic” and “three ordeals” both =183; “ordeals in one” =132.
c> “Hierophantic task” =246; “there is a word to say” =222.
d> “it may be given” =112, “it may be given in” =128; “three ways” =126.
e> “through fire” =169; “in intellect” =139; “in the highest” =186.
f>“star & star” =140; “system & system” =184; “ye have star &star”=206
e> “let not one know” and “the other” both =141.
f> “and it may be given in three ways” =283.
g> “the Hierophantic task. Behold! There are three ordeals in one” =741, Hebrew AMThSh. “Behold! There are three ordeals in one” = 439.
h> “let not one know well the other” =330, “let not one know well” =189.
i> "Hierophantic task. Behold! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three" =931.

51} 89There 34are 52four 53gates 23to 22one 75palace; 56the 60floor 13of 70that 75palace 27is 13of 92silver 29and 39gold; 131(77lapis 54lazuli) & 112jasper 34are there89; 29and 37all 60rare 102scents; 82jasmine & 59rose, 29and 56the 99emblems 13of 73death. 45Let 44him 72enter 16in 71turn 13or 21at 39once 56the 52four 53gates; 45let 44him 72stand 15on 56the 60floor 13of 56the 75palace. 45Will 36he 35not 58sink? 24Amn. 32Ho! 91warrior, 14if 57thy 103servant 58sink? 55But 89there 34are 54means 29and 54means. 29Be 50goodly 135therefore: 95dress 15ye 37all 16in 33fine 115apparel; 28eat 76rich 55foods 29and 77drink 62sweet 51wines 29and 51wines 70that 25foam! 45Also, 47take 50your 50fill 29and 45will 13of 42love 24as 15ye 45will, 53when, 74where, 29and 58with 48whom 15ye 45will! 55But 56Always 48unto 18me. vv: 5611
a> “There are”, “Ho! Warrior”, and “are there” all =123.
b>“four gates” =105; “There are four gates” =228; “to one palace” =120.
c>“the floor of” =129, “he not sink” =129.
d>“silver and gold are there” =283.
e>“lapis lazuli”, “on the floor”, “rich foods” all =131.
f>“jasper”=112; “jasmine”=82; “rose”=59.
g> “rare scents” =162; “jasmine & rose” =141.
h>“rose, and the” and “of the palace” both =144.
i>“the emblems of death” =241; “means and means” =137.
j> “Let him enter”, “the four gates” “let him stand”, “servant sink” all = 161. “the floor of the palace” =260, while “the floor of that palace” =274.
k>“sweet wines” =113; “let him stand on the floor of the palace” 436.
l> “let him enter in turn or at once” and “in turn or at once the four gates” both =337; “Also, take your fill and will of love” =321.
m> “Amn. Ho!” =56. “there are means and means” =260.
n> “Amn. Ho! Warrior” =147. “Dress ye all” =147.
o> “be goodly” =79; “whom ye will” =108.
p> “wines that foam” =146; “love as ye will” =126.
q>“will of love as ye will” =184.
r>“when, where, and” =156; “will! But always” also =156.
s> “But always” =111, “with whom ye” =121; “But always unto me” =177.
t> “take your fill and will of love as ye will” =360, the circle.
u> "floor of that palace is of silver and gold" and "wines and wines that foam. Also, take your fill” both equal 418.
v> "turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink" and "let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! Warrior if thy servant" both equal 931.
w> “rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once” and “let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho!” both = 666.
x> “are means and means Be goodly therefore dress ye all in fine apparel” and “fill and will of love as ye will when where and with whom ye will But always” both = 696.

52} 14If 76this 29be 35not 82aright; 14if 15ye 86confound 56the 159(79space-80marks), 50saying: 64They 34are 22one; 29or 50saying, 64They 34are 32many; 14if 56the 82ritual 29be 35not 54ever 48unto 18me: 68then 110expect 56the 94direful 128judgments 13of 173(27Ra 61Hoor 85Khuit)! vv: 1923
notes: a> “not aright” =117; “they are one” =120, “ever unto me” also =120 ; “they are many” =130; “If this be not aright; if ye confound” =351.
b> “ritual be” =111, “ritual be not” =146; “then expect the” =234.
c> “of Ra Hoor Khuit” =186, “direful judgments” =222.
d> “expect the direful judgments” =388; “confound the space-marks” =301.
e> "this be not aright if ye confound the space marks, saying They are one, or saying They are many" = 931.
f> this be not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They” = 666.
g> “not aright; if ye confound the space-marks, saying: They are one; or saying:” and “many; if the ritual be not ever unto me: then expect the direful” both = 696.

53} 76This 89shall 115regenerate 56the 68world, 56the 87little 68world 19my103sister, 19my 83heart & 19my 57tongue, 48unto 48whom 4I 58send 76this 69kiss. 45Also, 33o 99scribe 29and 147prophet, 96though 65thou 29be 13of 56the 120princes, 24it 89shall 35not 70assauge 63thee 41nor 88absolve 63thee. 55But 99ecstasy 29be 72thine 29and 35joy 13of 83earth: 54ever 23To 18me! 23To 18me! vv:2944
notes: a> “the little world my sister” =333; “unto” and “whom” both =48 and occur sequentially, together they equal 96.
b> “my sister, my heart & my tongue” =300; “I send this kiss” =207, the Heb. AVR; “unto whom I send this” =234.
c> “scribe and” =128; “princes” =120; “thou be of the princes” =283; “nor absolve” =129; “ever To me! To me!” =136, “To me! To me!” =82, nothing.
d> “but ecstasy be” =183; “ecstasy be” 128; “joy of Earth” =131; “This shall regenerate the world, the little world my sister” =737.
e> “it shall not assauge thee nor absolve thee” =473.
f> “ecstasy be thine and joy of earth’’ =360, “ever To me! To me” =136, while “ever To Mh! To Mh” =180, half of 360.
g> “sister, my heart + my tongue, unto whom I send this” = 515.
h > “world my sister my heart & my tongue unto whom I send this kiss” = 671.

54} 68Change 35not 24as 70much 24as 56the 76style 13of 1a 98letter; 39for 95behold! 65thou 3o 147prophet 91shalt 35not 95behold 37all 86these 129mysteries 84hidden 105therein. vv: 1476
notes: a> “of a letter” =112; “shalt not” =126; “all these”=123.
b> “Change not as much as the style of a letter” =465, 93 x 5.
c> “behold all these mysteries hidden therein” = 536. “all these mysteries hidden therein” =441, 21 x 21 and Hebrew AMTh.

55} 56The 84child 13of 57thy 78bowels, 36he 89shall 95behold 67them. vv: 575
notes: a> “The child” =140; “he shall behold” =220.
b> “child of thy bowels” =232; "bowels, he shall behold them" =365.

56} 110Expect 44him 35not 50from 56the 51East, 41nor 50from 56the 55West, 39for 50from 15no 133expected 75house 87cometh 70that 84child. 25Aum! 37All 73words 34are 90sacred 29and 37all 170prophets 66true; 45save 41only 70that 64they 146understand 1a 87little; 65solve 56the 83first 58half 13of 56the 66equation, 47leave 56the 78second 126unattacked. 55But 65thou 73hast 37all 16in 56the 69clear 73light, 29and 44some, 96though 35not 37all, 16in 56the 62dark. vv: 3639
a> “expect him not” =189; “from the East” =157; “from the West”=161.
b> “nor from the” =147; “no expected house” =223; “that child”’ =154.
c> “child. Aum! All” and “understand” both =146; “all words are” =144.
d> “understand a little” =234; “solve the” =121; “solve the first half of the equation, leave” and “But thou hast all in the clear light” both =444; “half of the equation” and “but thou hast” both =193; “unattacked” =126.
e> “but thou” =120; “the dark” =118; “not all, in the” = 144; “not all, in the dark” =206. “no expected house cometh" =310.
f> “Aum! All words are sacred” =259, “All words are sacred and all prophets true” = 536. “leave the second unattacked” =307.
g> “all in the clear light, and some, though not all, in the dark” =626.
h> “solve the first half of the equation, leave the second unattacked” =704, the verse value of I:9. “a little; solve the first half of the equation, leave the second” = 666.
i> “from the East nor from the West for from no expected house” and “only that they understand a little solve the first half” both = 671.

57} 59Invoke 18me 74under 19my 93stars! 42Love 27is 56the 24law, 42love 74under 45will. 41Nor 45let 56the 57fools 85mistake 42love; 39for 89there 34are 42love 29and 42love. 89There 27is 56the 40dove, 29and 89there 27is 56the 126serpent. 82Choose 15ye 48well! 36He, 19my 147prophet, 79hath 91chosen, 57knowing 56the 24law 13of 56the 138fortress, 29and 56the 56great 103mystery 13of 56the 75house 13of 21God. 37All 86these 37old 121letters 13of 19my 47Book 34are 82aright; 55but {67, 90?(TsDY) 27is 35not 56the 70Star. 76This 45also 27is 100secret: 19my 147prophet 89shall 73reveal 24it 23to 56the 39wise. Possible verse values: 4433 (TsDY uncounted), 4500(TsDY as 67), 4523(TsDY as 90), 4485 (XDY as 52), 4481 (XDI as 48), 4496 (TsDI as 63.) notes: a> “invoke me” =77, “Invoke me under my stars” =263.
b> “under my” and “stars” both =93, sequentially.
c> “under my stars” and “shall reveal it” both =186
d> “me under my” =111; “my stars” =112, 56x2.
e> “love under will” =161; “Love is the law” =149. “but (TSDY) is” =149.
f> “Love is the law, love under will” =310, “but (TSDY) is not the star” also =310. “There is the dove, and there is the serpent” =539.
g> “the law, love under” =196. “knowing the law of the fortress” =344.
h> “the fools” and “love and love” both =113.
i>“fools mistake love” =184.
j> “are love and love” =147.
k> “the” and “great” both =56 and occur sequentially.
l> “dove” =40; “serpent” =126. “knowing the law” =137.
m> “of the fortress” =207, “law of the fortress” =231.
n> “the great mystery of the house of God” =393. “house of God” =109, also the value of “sacrifice”. “the house of God” =165, sum of the mystic numbers 11 through 55. “great mystery of the house of God” =337.
o> “letters” =121; “of my book” =79; “All these old letters of my Book” =360. “the fools mistake love; for there are love and love” = 515
p> “also a secret” =146; “reveal it to the wise” =215.
q> “to the wise” =118. “This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise” =718.
r> “the serpent” =182, “the dove” = 96, “ there is the dove” =212.
s> “and there is the serpent” and “the serpent choose ye well” both =327.
t> "the serpent. Choose ye" = 279. “fools mistake love, for there are love and love. There is the dove” = 671.

58} 4I 27give 107unimaginable 58joys 15on 83Earth: 115certainty, 35not 64faith, 63while 16in 39life, 59upon 73death; 63peace 159unutterable, 76rest, 99ecstasy: 41nor 19do 4I 63demand 65aught 16in 109sacrifice. vv: 1482, 741 x 2.
notes: a> “I give” =31; “I give unimaginable joys” =196 “joys on earth” =156.
b> “while in life” =118; “upon death” =132.
c> “I give unimaginable joys on Earth, certainty, not faith, while in life"= 626.
d> “peace unutterable” =222. "in life, upon death" = 187.

59}19My 82incense 27is 13of 111resinous 50woods & 49gums; 29and 89there 27is 15no 62blood 105therein: 90because 13of 19my 60hair 56the 83trees 13of 104Eternity. vv: 1116. 93x12, 31x36 =1116. 111x6 =666.
notes: a> “my incense” =101; “resinous” =111, “woods & gums” =99. “My incense is of resinous woods & gums” =351, the sum of the numbers 1 through 26.
b> “no blood” =77; “there is no blood” =193; “my hair” =79.
c> “because of my hair the trees” =321.
d> “there is no blood therein”=298. “the trees of eternity” =256.

60} 19My 91number 27is 11, 24as 37all 86their 114numbers 37who 34are 13of 36us. (56The 91shape 13of 19my 70star 27is) 56The 35Five 93Pointed 70Star, 58with 1a 89Circle 16in 56the 72Middle, & 56the 89circle 27is 49Red. 19My 80coulour 27is 77black 23to 56the 72blind, 55but 56the 60blue & 39gold 34are 49seen 13of 56the 55seeing. 45Also 4I 51have 1a 100secret 57glory 39for 67them 70that 42love 18me. vv: 2550, or 2561 counting the numeral 11. Also, one may include from the manuscript “The shape of my star is” to obtain vv’s of 2826 & 2837.
notes: a> “My number is” =137; “number is (+)11” =129; “pointed” =93
b> “The Five Pointed” =184; “The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in” =418
c> “circle in the” =161; “the middle” and “the blind” both =128.
d> “My colour” and “blue & gold” both =99; “black” =77.
e> “but the” and “the seeing” both =111. “black to the blind” =228.
f> “black to the” and “I have a secret” both =156.
g> “seen of the seeing” =173, the number of Ra Hoor Khuit.
h> “glory, for them that love me” =293, “secret glory for them that love me”= 393. “are seen of the seeing” = 207, Hebrew AVR.
i> “(The shape of my star is) The Five Pointed” =460.
j> “who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle” = 666.

61} 55But 23to 42love 18me 27is 102better 62than 37all 90things: 14if 74under 56the 160(67night-93stars) 16in 56the 99desert 65thou 152presently 123burnest 34mine 82incense 75before 18me, 70invoking 18me 58with 1a 77pure 83heart, 29and 56the 126Serpent 47flame 105therein, 65thou 91shalt 38come 1a 87little 23to 29lie 16in 19my 62bosom. 39For 22one 69kiss 47wilt 65thou 68then 29be 63willing 23to 27give 37all; 55but 63whoso 50gives 22one 124particle 13of 72dust 89shall 51lose 37all 16in 70that 71hour. 15Ye 89shall 85gather 47goods 29and 79store 13of 38women 29and 105spices; 15ye 89shall 39wear 76rich 84jewels; 15ye 89shall 82exceed 56the 75nations 13of 56the 83Earth 16in 149splendour & 84pride; 55but 56always 16in 56the 42love 13of 18me, 29and 26so 89shall 15ye 38come 23to 19my 35joy. 4I 82charge 24you 122earnestly 23to 38come 75before 18me 16in 1a 66single 58robe 29and 90covered 58with 1a 76rich 148headdress. 4I 42love 24you! 4I 54yearn 23to 24you! 57Pale 13or 126purple, 66veiled 13or 151voluptuous, 4I 37who 12am 37all 126pleasure 29and 126purple 29and 170drunkenness 13of 56the 118innermost 72sense, 83desire 24you. 64Put 15on 56the 46wings, 29and 73arouse 56the 65coiled 149splendour 74within 24you: 38come 48unto 18me! VV: 9136, 571(Hebrew MThQLA) x 16.
notes: a> “But to love” =120, “to love me is better than all things” =401, Hebrew ATh. “burnest” =123, “invoking me with a pure heart” =307.
b>“invoking me with” and “one particle” =146, Abrahadabra.
c> “a pure heart” =161; “serpent flame” =173; “thou shalt” =156.
d> “serpent”, “lie in my bosom”, “purple”, “come a little” and “pleasure” all =126; “better than all things” =291; “to love me” =83; “the serpent flame therein” and “shall lose all in that hour” both =334. “shall you come to my joy” =219.
e> “before me”=93. “give all, but whoso gives one particle” =378.
f> “willing to give” and “whoso gives”=113; “but always in the love of me” =256; “thou presently burnest mine incense” and “but to love me is better than all things” both equal 456. “whoso gives one particle of dust” = 344.
g>“but whoso” and “innermost” both=118.
h> “one particle of dust” =231; “shall lose”=140, “shall lose all” =177.
i> “ye shall gather” =189; “shall exceed” =171; “ye shall exceed” =186.
j> “the nations” and “come before me” both=131.
k>“the nations of the Earth” and “put on the wings, and arouse” both =283. l>“splendour” =149, occurs twice. “but always in the love of me” =256.
m> “but always” =111; “the love of me” =129;
n> “in the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy” and “a pure heart, and the serpent flame” both =419. “to my joy”=77.
o> “I charge you earnestly to come” =293; “to come before me” =154.
p> “I love you” =70; “I yearn to you” =105.
q> “wings, and arouse the coiled splendour” and "pure heart, and the serpent flame" both = 418; “one kiss” =91, Heb. AMN.
r> “come unto” =86, “unto me” =66; “to lie in my bosom” =149.
s> “thou shalt come a little to lie” and “for one kiss wilt thou be willing” both =334. “pale or purple” =212. “a little to lie” =140.
t> “who am all pleasure and purple and drunkenness of the innermost sense” =825, 515+310.
u> “purple and drunkenness of the innermost sense” = 691.
v> If one follows Crowley in translating “to me” as “to mh” then one finds: “put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto mh” =777.
w> "to my joy. I charge you" and "of the innermost" both equal 187.
x> “But to love me is better than all things: if under the night stars in the desert” and "if under the night-stars in the desert thou presently burnest mine incense" both =931. See II:76.
y> "mine incense before me, invoking” and "to lie in my bosom. For one kiss" both = 279.
z> “therein, thou shalt come a little to lie in my bosom. For one kiss” = 666.
aa> “nightstars in the desert thou presently burnest and “ in a single robe and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn” both = 671, Thora.
bb> “the love of me, and so shall ye come to my joy. I charge you earnestly to come” and “and purple and drunkenness of the innermost sense, desire” both equal 696.
cc> The following phrases all enumerate to 718: “desert thou presently burnest mine “incense before me, invoking”, “a pure heart, and the Serpent flame therein, thou shalt come”, “be willing to give all, but whoso gives one particle of dust shall lose”, “in a single robe, and covered with a rich headdress. I love you! I yearn to you!”.

62} 21At 37all 19my 86meetings 58with 24you 89shall 56the 164priestess 32say- 29and 62her 45eyes 89shall 73burn 58with 83desire 24as 59she 95stands 56bare 29and 99rejoicing 16in 19my 100secret 94temple- 23To 18me! 23To me! 72calling 88forth 56the 47flame 13of 56the 106hearts 13of 37all 16in 62her 121(42love-79chant). vv: 2385
notes: a>“my meetings” =105; “the priestess” =220; “her eyes shall” =196.
b> “eyes shall burn” =207, Heb. AVR; “bare” =56; “she stands” =154.
c>“she stands bare”=210; “stands bare and rejoicing” =279, 93x3.
d>“as she stands bare” and “rejoicing in my secret” both =234.
e>“bare and rejoicing” =184. “rejoicing in my secret temple- To me!” = 369, a mystic number of Luna, and the sum of the English Alephbet by Toavotea.
f> “To me” =41, Heb. AM, while “To me! To me!” =82, also nothing. Translated as “To Mh! To Mh!” it equals 126.
g> “hearts of all” =156; “flame of the hearts” =222; “of all in her” =128
h> “love-chant” =121, “her love-chant” =183, “the hearts of all in her love-chant” = 411. "my meetings with you"= 187.
i> “and her eyes shall burn with desire” and “temple- To me! To me! calling forth the flame” both =439. “calling forth the flame” = 263.

63} 41Sing 56the 156rapturous 82(42love-40song) 48unto 18me! 73Burn 23to 18me 128perfumes! 39Wear 23to 18me 84jewels! 77Drink 23to 18me, 39for 4I 42love 24you! 4I 42love 24you! vv: 1104
notes: a> “rapturous” =156; “love song” =82; “the rapturous” =212.
b> “Sing the rapturous love song unto me! Burn to me”=515, while "rapturous love song unto me! Burn to me" equals 418.
c>“perfumes”=128; “to me perfumes” =169; “burn to me perfumes” =242.
d> “wear to me jewels” =164; “drink to me” =118; “drink to me for I” =161.
e> “I love” =46; “I love you” =70; “I love you! I love you!” =140.
f> “the rapturous love song” =294.

64} 4I 12am 56the 137(60blue-77lidded) 114daughter 13of 98sunset; 4I 12am 56the 55naked 129brilliance 13of 56the 151voluptuous 117(67night-50sky). vv: 1027, 13, ACD/AHBH x 79, Babalon.
notes: a> “blue-lidded” =137; “I am the blue” =132.
b> “of sunset” and “the naked” both =111.
c> “I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky” =593.
d> “brilliance” =129; “naked brilliance” =184; “the voluptuous” =207.
e> “am the naked” =123, “the blue-lidded daughter of sunset” =418.
f> “the naked brilliance of the voluptuous” =460, “the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night sky” =577. “brilliance of the voluptuous” =349.

65} 23To 18me! 23To 18me! vv: 82

66} 56The 128Manifestation 13of 49Nuit 27is 21at 13an 35end. vv: 342
notes: a>“The Manifestation” =184; “The Manifestation of Nuit” =246.
b> “Nuit is at an end” =118.

Numbers in the Law:
“ox” 31 1:48
“of me” 31 1:49
“I give” 31 1:58
"are" 34 1:48
“fool” 34 1:48
"none" 34 1:48
“dove” 40 1:57
“To me” 41 1:62
“ones” 45 1:31
“Had” 46 1:1
“I love” 46 1:63
“winged” 46 1:14
“as One” 46 1:27
“Above” 47 1:14
"azure" 47 1:14
Nuit 49 1:1
“ye are” 49 1:31
"Asar" 51 1:49
"East" 51 1:49
“seat” 51 1:49
"of love" 55 1:12
“bare” 56 1:62
“unite” 56 1:41
“are one” 56 1:45
“Amn. Ho!” 56 1:51
"tongue" 57 1:6
"Aiwass" 57 1:7
“and two” 57 1:28
“rose” 59 1:51
"thou" 65 1:6
“I am Nuit” 65 1:24
“unto me” 66 1:61
“one, one, one” 66 1:48
“not of me” 66 1:49
“lover” 68 1:41
"Heaven" 70 1:3
"star " 70 1:3
"Hadit" 70 1:6
“I love you” 70 1:61
“equinox” 73 1:49
“words” 73 1:49
“tried” 73 1:50
“black” 77 1:60
“to my joy” 77 1:61
“the wanga” 77 1:37
“invoke me” 77 1:57
“no blood” 77 1:59
“if thou” 79 1:41
“be goodly” 79 1:51
“of my book” 79 1:57
“my hair” 79 1:59
“the law” 80 1:33
“To me! To me!” 82 1:62
“love song” 82 1:63
“I call it” 82 1:46
“Nothing” 82 1:46
“jasmine” 82 1:51
Verse number 65 82
"heart" 83 1:6
“to love me” 83 1:61
"earth" 83 1:21
"Every man" 86 1:3
“come unto” 86 1:61
“I am Heaven” 86 1:21
“with Isa” 86 1:49
“I swear it” 90 1:32
“one kiss” 91 1:61
“unto him” 92 1:20
“pointed” 93 1:60
“before me” 93 1:61
"stars" 93 1:12
“stars” 93 1:15
“I am divided” 93 1:29
“of division” 93 1:30
“learn and” 93 1:37
“of the Law” 93 1:39
“the man of” 93 1:40
“a fool with” 93 1:48
“stars” 93 1:57
“under my” 93 1:57
"unto whom" 96 1:53
"the dove" 96 1:57
“blue & gold” 99 1:60
“My colour” 99 1:60
“my name Nuit” 99 1:22
" ecstasy" 99 1:28
“faint & faery” 99 1:28
“woods & gums” 99 1:59
“my incense” 101 1:59
“I yearn to you” 105 1:61
“my meetings” 105 1:62
“fill of love” 105 1:12
“four gates” 105 1:51
“ardours” 108 1:14
“my knowledge” 108 1:32
“whom ye will” 108 1:51
“half known” 109 1:34
“house of God” 109 1:57
"sacrifice" 109 1:57
“but the” 111 1:60
“the seeing” 111 1:60
“of sunset” 111 1:64
“the naked” 111 1:64
“The naked” 111 1:14
“priest” 111 1:15
“whole body” 111 1:27
“priest” 111 1:27
“But always” 111 1:51
“ritual be” 111 1:52
“me under my” 111 1:57
“resinous” 111 1:59
“it may be given” 112 1:50
"jasper” 112 1:51
“of a letter” 112 1:54
“my stars” 112 1:57
"whoso gives" 113 1:61
“willing to give” 113 1:61
“knoweth me” 113 1:22
“continuity” 113 1:26
“but as none” 113 1:27
“of the Gods” 113 1:49
“sweet wines” 113 1:51
“the fools” 113 1:57
"love and love" 113 1:57
“not aright” 117 1:52
“number is” 118 1:4
“but whoso” 118 1:61
“innermost” 118 1:61
“drink to me” 118 1:63
“My ecstasy” 118 1:13
"shall be" 118 1:26
“My scribe” 118 1:36
“the wisdom” 118 1:36
“the obeah” 118 1:37
“the obeah” 118 1:37
“if she will” 118 1:41
“perfect” 118 1:44
“not two; nay are” 118 1:45
“to the wise” 118 1:57
“the dark” 118 1:57
“while in life” 118 1:58
“minister of” 120 1:7
“one letter” 120 1:36
“princes” 120 1:36
“to one palace” 120 1:51
“ever unto me” 120 1:52
“they are one” 120 1:52
“but thou” 120 1:57
“love-chant” 121 1:62
“Khabs is” 121 1:8
“Worship” 121 1:9
“no other God” 121 1:21
“do thy will” 121 1:42
“with whom ye” 121 1:51
“solve the” 121 1:56
“letters” 121 1:57
"and every woman" 123 1:3
“burnest” 123 1:61
“am the naked” 123 1:64
“the chief” 123 1:23
“multiply” 123 1:25
“this book” 123 1:36
“but close” 123 1:40
“there are” 123 1:40
“key of this” 123 1:46
"in the East” 123 1:49
“intellect” 123 1:50
“There are” 123 1:50
"are there" 123 1:51
"Ho! warrior" 123 1:51
“all these” 123 1:54
“come a little” 126 1:61
“lie in my bosom” 126 1:61
“purple” 126 1:61
“serpent” 126 1:61
"pleasure" 126 1:61
“To Mh! To Mh!” 126 1:62
“revealed by” 126 1:7
“servants” 126 1:10
"Come forth" 126 1:12
“glory of the” 126 1:15
“upon them” 126 1:19
“And the sign” 126 1:26
“if thou wilt” 126 1:41
“three ways” 126 1:50
“love as ye will” 126 1:51
“shalt not” 126 1:54
“serpent” 126 1:57
“unattacked” 126 1:57
“manifestation" 128 1:1
“the blind” 128 1:60
“the middle” 128 1:60
“of all in her” 128 1:62
“perfumes” 128 1:63
“gemmed azure is” 128 1:14
"breathed" 128 1:28
“by all I can give” 128 1:32
“Queen of Heaven” 128 1:33
“is a secret” 128 1:46
“it may be given in” 128 1:50
“scribe and” 128 1:53
“ecstasy be” 128 1:53
“number is (+)11” 129 1:60
“the love of me” 129 1:61
“brilliance” 129 1:64
“the Beast” 129 1:15
"children" 129 1:15
“me, and my lord” 129 1:21
“the Infinite” 129 1:22
“the light” 129 1:28
“This is so” 129 1:32
“and no other” 129 1:43
“the Equinox” 129 1:49
“he not sink” 129 1:51
“the floor of” 129 1:51
“nor absolve” 129 1:53
“they are many” 130 1:52
“no difference” 131 1:4
“come before me” 131 1:61
“the nations” 131 1:61
“given unto him” 131 1:20
“no difference” 131 1:22
"secret name" 131 1:22
"all ordeals" 131 1:49
“secret name” 131 1:49
“lapis lazuli” 131 1:51
“on the floor” 131 1:51
“rich foods” 131 1:51
"joy of earth" 131 1:53
“I am the blue” 132 1:64
"o children" 132 1:12
“Burn upon” 132 1:18
“a secret name” 132 1:22
“joys of my love” 132 1:32
“ordeals in one” 132 1:50
“upon death” 132 1:58
“Heru-ra-ha” 132 3:35
"Bind nothing" 136 1:22
“six and fifty” 136 1:24
“chosen ones” 136 1:31
“ever To me! To me!” 136 1:53
“blue-lidded” 137 1:64
“Khabs is in” 137 1:8
“all-touching” 137 1:26
“Queen of Space” 137 1:27
“Jews call it” 137 1:46
“means and means” 137 1:51
“knowing the law” 137 1:57
“My number is” 137 1:59
“many & the known” 139 1:10
“in intellect” 139 1:50
“a little to lie” 140 1:61
“shall lose” 140 1:61
“I love you! I love you!” 140 1:63
"above you and in you." 140 1:13
“chance of union” 140 1:29
“severe the” 140 1:38
“disappear” 140 1:47
“star & star” 140 1:50
“The child” 140 1:55
"Book of the Law" 140 2:38
“let not one know” 141 1:51
“the other” 141 1:51
“jasmine & rose” 141 1:51
“Scarlet Woman” 144 1:15
“Law is {Thelema}” 144 1:39
“to do thy will” 144 1:42
“of the palace” 144 1:51
“rose, and the” 144 1:51
“all words are” 144 1:56
“not all, in the” 144 1:57
“invoking me with” 146 1:61
“one particle” 146 1:61
"Behold! it is" 146 1:7
"Abrahadabra" 146 3:1
“winged secret” 146 1:16
“nothing: they” 146 1:21
“understand” 146 1:25
“write unto us” 146 1:33
“the Law is for” 146 1:34
“This that” 146 1:35
“Thelemites” 146 1:40
“Lord initiating” 146 1:49
“wines that foam” 146 1:51
“ritual be not” 146 1:52
“child. Aum! All” 146 1:56
“understand” 146 1:56
“also a secret” 146 1:57
“take your fill” 147 1:12
“vault of my body” 147 1:32
“key of this law” 147 1:46
“Amn. Ho! Warrior” 147 1:51
“Dress ye all” 147 1:51
“nor from the” 147 1:56
“are love and love” 147 1:57
“to lie in my bosom” 149 1:61
“shed over you” 149 1:9
"splendour" 149 1:14
“hearts of men” 149 1:15
“the stars” 149 1:15
“manyhood bound” 149 1:42
“by thine art” 149 1:47
“a fool with his” 149 1:48
“but (TSDY) is” 149 1:57
“Love is the law” 149 1:57
“the ordeals” 150 1:33
“at the Equinox” 150 1:49
“infinite space” 152 1:15
"and the Lover” 153 1:40
“the Hermit” 153 1:40
“but they are” 153 1:49
“to come before me” 154 1:61
“she stands” 154 1:62
“the winged globe” 154 1:14
"Thou knowest” 154 1:26
“for love’s sake” 154 1:29
“by all I desire” 154 1:32
“that child”’ 154 1:56
“black to the” 156 1:60
“I have a secret” 156 1:60
“thou shalt” 156 1:61
“hearts of all” 156 1:62
“rapturous” 156 1:63
"I am above you and in you." 156 1:13
“The secret” 156 1:14
“azure-lidded woman” 156 1:19
“the secret” 156 1:20
"God & the Adorer" 156 1:21
"add, multiply" 156 1:25
"she answered" 156 1:26
“half concealed” 156 1:34
“work of the wand” 156 1:37
"no wrong, if he look" 156 1:40
"that can unite" 156 1:41
"thy wife if she" 156 1:41
"will unassauged" 156 1:44
“his secret” 156 1:49
“when, where, and” 156 1:51
“will! But always” 156 1:51
"joys on earth" 156 1:58
“o warrior lord” 157 1:5
“from the East” 157 1:56
“unveiling before” 161 1:5
“circle in the” 161 1:60
“a pure heart” 161 1:61
“the rituals” 161 1:20
“love will redeem” 161 1:32
“the rituals” 161 1:33
“by the wisdom of” 161 1:36
“For pure will” 161 1:44
“let him stand” 161 1:51
“Let him enter” 161 1:51
“servant sink” 161 1:51
“the four gates” 161 1:51
“from the West” 161 1:56
“love under will” 161 1:57
“rare scents” 162 1:51
“I am Nuit, and my word” 163 1:24
“is six and fifty” 163 1:24
"Be thou Hadit” 164 1:6
“wear to me jewels” 164 1:63
“starry blue” 164 1:14
"do ye also thus" 164 1:22
“three grades” 164 1:40
“a word to say about” 165 1:50
“the house of God” 165 1:57
“learn and teach” 167 1:37
"none by the Book" 167 1:48
“to me perfumes” 169 1:63
“heart and tongue” 169 1:32
“through fire” 169 1:50
“shall exceed” 171 1:61
“children of men” 172 1:5
“into their fold” 172 1:15
“seen of the seeing” 173 1:60
“serpent flame” 173 1:61
“they do not see me” 173 1:21
“the chief of all” 173 1:23
“all penetrant” 173 1:26
“sacred heart” 173 1:32
“Ra-Hoor-Khu-it” 173 1:36
“The Perfect” 174 1:45
“Perfect are one” 174 1:45
"o splendrous" 175 1:18
“shall lose all” 177 1:61
“servants be few” 177 1:10
“arched for love” 177 1:26
“all disappear” 177 1:47
"But always unto me" 177 1:51
"my heart & my tongue" 178 1:6
"So with thy all" 178 1:42
“infinite space is” 179 1:15
"bring the glory" 179 1:15
“little flowers” 179 1:26
"ever To mh! To mh!" 180 1:53
“the serpent” 182 1:57
“but always in the” 183 1:61
“her love-chant” 183 1:62
“revealed by Aiwass” 183 1:7
"bend upon them" 183 1:19
“the Law is for all” 183 1:34
“threefold book” 183 1:35
“Hierophantic” 183 1:50
“three ordeals” 183 1:50
“but ecstasy be” 183 1:53
“The manifestation” 184 1:1
“lord of Thebes” 184 1:5
“The Five Pointed” 184 1:60
“bare and rejoicing” 184 1:62
“naked brilliance” 184 1:64
“the gemmed azure is” 184 1:14
“Ankh-af-na-khonsu” 184 1:14
“the Queen of Heaven” 184 1:33
"there is no bond” 184 1:41
“bound and loathing” 184 1:42
“will of love as ye will” 184 1:51
“fools mistake love” 184 1:57
“ye shall exceed” 186 1:61
"are not so chosen" 186 1:17
"I have given unto him" 186 1:20
“availeth in this” 186 1:23
“of Ra-Hoor-Khu-it” 186 1:36
“the wanga, the work” 186 1:37
“Do what thou wilt” 186 1:40
“Equinox of the Gods” 186 1:49
“in the highest” 186 1:50
“of Ra Hoor Khuit” 186 1:52
“shall reveal it” 186 1:57
“under my stars” 186 1:57
"of the innermost" 187 1:61
“of the innermost” 187 1:61
"to my joy. I charge you" 187 1:61
"my meetings with you" 187 1:62
“Hoor-paar-kraat” 187 1:7
“behold my light” 187 1:9
“o Ankh-af-na-khonsu” 187 1:14
“the beauteous one” 187 1:26
“joy of dissolution” 187 1:30
“his secret name” 187 1:49
"in life, upon death" 187 1:58
"the joys of my love" 188 1:32
“Hadit my secret” 189 1:6
“secret center” 189 1:6
“ye shall gather” 189 1:61
“Worship then” 189 1:9
“apostle of infinite” 189 1:15
“her lithe body” 189 1:26
“of dissolution all” 189 1:30
“all I desire of ye all” 189 1:32
“unite the divided” 189 1:41
“no other shall” 189 1:43
"let not one know well" 189 1:50
“expect him not” 189 1:56
“Khabs is in the” 193 1:8
"winged secret flame" 193 1:16
“the Queen of Space” 193 1:27
“the Jews call it” 193 1:46
“My prophet is” 193 1:48
“but thou hast” 193 1:57
“there is no blood” 193 1:59
“every way perfect” 194 1:44
“lust of result” 194 1:44
“work of the sword” 195 1:37
“her eyes shall” 196 1:62
“my servants be few” 196 1:10
“the chance of union” 196 1:29
"and none by the Book" 196 1:48
“the law, love under” 196 1:57
"I give unimaginable joys" 196 1:58
"The word of the Law" 199 1:38
“the Scarlet Woman” 200 1:15
"all words and signs" 203 1:49
"unite by thine art" 205 1:47
“unite by thine art” 205 1:47
“the secret word” 206 1:20
“the stars, and two” 206 1:28
“Obey my prophet” 206 1:32
"he shall comment" 206 1:36
"all else is a curse" 206 1:41
“Isa the sufferer” 206 1:49
“ye have star & star” 206 1:51
"not all, in the dark" 206 1:56
"are seen of the seeing" 207 1:60
“eyes shall burn” 207 1:62
“the voluptuous” 207 1:64
“joy is to see your joy” 207 1:13
“in ecstasy to kiss” 207 1:14
“Woman is all power given” 207 1:15
“I send this kiss” 207 1:53
"of the fortress " 207 1:57
"Every man and every woman" 209 1:3
"ever thus, that" 209 1:27
"her lovely brows" 209 1:27
"care not thou at all" 209 1:31
"bond that can unite" 209 1:41
"prophet is a fool" 209 1:48
“name and splendour” 209 1:49
“she stands bare” 210 1:62
“fools that men adore” 210 1:11
“Perfect and not two” 210 1:45
“pale or purple” 212 1:61
“the rapturous” 212 1:63
“a lambent flame of blue” 212 1:26
"there is the dove" 212 1:57
“word is six and fifty” 213 1:24
“reveal it to the wise” 215 1:57
“the black earth" 216 1:26
“the omnipresence” 216 1:26
"they shall rule" 217 1:10
"shall you come to my joy" 219 1:61
“ of the stars, and two” 219 1:28
"but they are not of me" 219 1:49
“the priestess” 220 1:62
"Aiwass the minister" 220 1:7
“is in yours. My joy is to” 220 1:13
“the starry blue” 220 1:14
“a deep trance or swoon” 220 1:33
“the priest fell” 220 1:33
“threefold book of Law” 220 1:35
"will do no wrong, if he look" 220 1:40
“Sixty-one the Jews” 220 1:46
“are not they the ox” 220 1:48
“he shall behold” 220 1:55
"the company of heaven" 222 1:2
“flame of the hearts” 222 1:62
“light shed over you” 222 1:9
“in the secret word” 222 1:20
“as upon the Earth” 222 1:21
“Now, therefore, I am known” 222 1:22
“the Infinite Stars” 222 1:22
“men speak not of thee” 222 1:27
“there is a word to say” 222 1:50
“direful judgments” 222 1:52
"peace unutterable" 222 1:58
"under the stars" 223 1:12
“lithe body arched” 223 1:26
“no expected house” 223 1:56
"the obeah and the wanga" 224 1:37
"My joy is to see your joy" 226 1:13
write unto us the Law" 226 1:33
Verse 39* 226
"the Children of men" 228 1:5
"black to the blind" 228 1:60
“man! refuse not thy wife” 228 1:41
"Sin is Restriction" 228 1:41
“There are four gates” 228 1:51
"Had! The manifestation" 230 1:1
“is infinite; there is no” 231 1:4
“one particle of dust” 231 1:61
"Above, the gemmed azure is" 231 1:14
“Since I am Infinite Space” 231 1:22
"divided for love's sake" 231 1:29
"unite by thine art so" 231 1:47
“law of the fortress” 231 1:57
"at last he knoweth me" 232 1:22
“my word is six and fifty” 232 1:24
“the dew of her light” 232 1:27
“thou art continuous” 232 1:27
"unto the Queen of Heaven" 232 1:33
“one perfect and not two” 232 1:45
“child of thy bowels” 232 1:55
“rejoicing in my secret” 234 1:62
“as she stands bare” 234 1:62
"My ecstasy is in yours." 234 1:13
“secret word which” 234 1:20
“severe the ordeals” 234 1:38
“thou hast no right” 234 1:42
“then expect the” 234 1:52
“unto whom I send this” 234 1:53
“understand a little” 234 1:56
"let it be ever thus" 237 1:27
“stooping starlight” 241 1:16
“omnipresence of my body” 241 1:26
“soft feet not hurting” 241 1:26
“the emblems of death” 241 1:51
“burn to me perfumes” 242 1:63
"no other shall say nay" 242 1:43
“The manifestation of Nuit” 246 1:1
“their Gods & their men” 246 1:11
“pure will, unassauged of” 246 1:44
“Hierophantic task” 246 1:50
"there is no difference" 247 1:4
"the ordeals I write not" 251 1:34
"Every number is infinite" 253 1:4
"but always in the love of me" 256 1:61
"the trees of eternity" 256 1:59
Verse number 17 256
"Come forth, o children" 258 1:12
"Abrogate are all rituals" 258 1:49
"rule the many and the known" 259 1:10
"but ye are my chosen ones" 259 1:31
“four-hundred & eighteen” 259 1:46
"Aum! All words are sacred" 259 1:56
“the floor of the palace” 260 1:51
"there are means and means" 260 1:51
"calling forth the flame" 263 1:62
"invoke me under my stars" 263 1:57
"The key of the rituals" 264 1:20
“Hoor in his secret name” 264 1:49
“In the east at the Equinox” 273 1:49
“the floor of that palace” 274 1:51
“warrior lord of Thebes” 275 1:5
"O Nuit, continuous one of heaven" 277 1:27
"mine incense before me, invoking" 279 1:61
"to lie in my bosom. For one kiss" 279 1:61
“stands bare and rejoicing” 279 1:62
"in a sweet smelling perfume" 279 1:27
"no wrong, if he look but close" 279 1:40
"the serpent. Choose ye" 279 1:57
“be thou Hadit, my secret” 283 1:6
"put on the wings, and arouse" 283 1:61
“the nations of the Earth” 283 1:61
“the Khu in the Khabs” 283 1:8
“the creation of the world” 283 1:30
"scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu" 283 1:36
“and it may be given in three ways” 283 1:51
“silver and gold are there” 283 1:51
“thou be of the princes” 283 1:53
"better than all things" 291 1:61
"None, breathed the light" 291 1:28
Verse number 1 292
“glory, for them that love me” 293 1:60
“I charge you earnestly to come” 293 1:61

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