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Immanent Kaaba Exegesis of Chapter 1

Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis
Exegesis on Chapter One

Chapter One:

“Every number is infinite; there is no difference. Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue! Every man and every woman is a star. The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs. Aiwass behold Khabs. The unveiling of the company of Heaven. Every number is infinite; there is no difference. Adore Light Gods. Manifestation Other Rule. Every man and every woman is a star. Your (ordeal) X. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all! Rituals. Priest. Star. There. One Vault Above Love.”

Every number is infinite; there is no difference. The number 1 has so many aspects, like singularity, individuality, being the first, etc. One can get so many personal myths from the number 1, and yet same with the number 2, duality, polarity, the other, mirror, etc. There is no difference in the amount of symbols one could get with each number. It is distinct, diverse, and yet part of the whole system of numbers. Prime numbers, even numbers, odd numbers, fractals, etc. The list goes on and on.

Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & tongue! Like the infinite numbers, Hadit is the focal point, the point of commonality with all the possiblities of manifestation of Nuit. It is focus, that speaks to our heart and soul. Hadit is truly the secret center. Nuit is movement and measure, all the possibility on the grid. Hadit is the point on the grid, point on the map.

Every man and every woman is a star. Yes, each person is Star-stuff. We are each potentially unique as each star in the skies, each grain of sand on the beach, each number in the infinite sea of Stars. We are each endowed with the same creative properties as Stars are. Carl Sagan use to say “We are star stuff.”

The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs. Well it is hard to find exact translations of these Egyptian words. From my research Khabs might mean the “Magickal Body of Light” and Khu might mean “the subtle bodies of energy”. I tend to associate the Khu with subtle bodies like the dream body, lucid dreaming.
Aiwass behold Khabs. Here we have a different vantage point. Aiwass is watching the magickal body of light of Aleister Crowley transcribe his words, into Liber Al vel Legis. The praternatural entity Aiwass is witness to the magickal body of light he is helping to create interacting with the material world.

The unveiling of the company of Heaven. In this way Crowley is witnessing the company of Heaven and seeing the greatness of the Universe and at the same time Aiwass is witnessing Crowley. Kinda interesting shifts in perception. Sort of like those outside of linear time witnessing material beings from linear time and someone from linear time, a material being witnessing for a moment, a glance of non-linear beings, the infinite. How does one comprehend such greatness. With the recognition of ‘it might be too infinite to lay it all out, but what I see in common with both realms is we each contain the same greatness that is within each Star’. The finite is in the infinite and the infinite is within the finite.

Yet she shall be known & I never. In other words the universe and the world will be known, but each specific aspect, each individual may never be truly known. Oh, we may make our mark in history and be written about, but as we all know historians rewrite and revision history and the stories and legends about individuals in the parade of time. Sometimes it might be easier to know a philosophical ideal than to really know an individual, unless you know them inimately.

Adore Light Gods. Celebrate the Stars in the sky. Adore the Invisible College, the true Illuminati. Those who bring us humans enlightenment.

Manifestation Other Rule. That that is an interesting one to ponder. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” we could say is the main rule of Thelema. Could the other rule be “Love is the law Love under Will”? Is this a command by Nuit to manifest Love? Could be! I once did a word search about the number of times certain words were used in Liber Al vel Legis and I found two words use more than any other were LIGHT and LOVE. This fits in with the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the Star.

In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found. Once again we are just stretching the idea of the finite and the infinite. The circumference just goes on and on. In every sphere the focus is the center. We keep tossing around the idea of potential and focus. Are we suppose to expand our focus into the potential, at least try?

3 Ordeals in One:
First Ordeal:

Your ordeal X.

Reasoning Power (Rauch) "I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty"

I take this ordeal being the one created by Pope Nicholas V’s Doctrine of Discovery (1452) and Pope Gregory XIII creation of the Gregorian Calendar (1582). These two popes are famous for shaping the context of thought for the present modern industrial world. The Doctrine of Discovery opened the doors for the brutal conquest and genocide of the New World, to claim the new lands in the name of God and the Church. The Gregorian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar with an obtruse and mechanical calendar, imposing 12:60 ratio of time and locking us into a culture of clocks and mechanization.

The ordeal here is to use one’s reasoning powers to see the illusion of the world, and the greatest illusion is the false time imposed by 12:60.

“I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty”
“Divide, add, multiply and understand.”

Dividing 6 we get 3.
Dividing 50 we get 25.
Adding 3 and 25 we get 28.

28 just happens to be the cycle of the Lunar Moon, and in cultures that follow a lunar moon calendar, 28 is very sacred. Druids, Wiccans, Pagans, Ethiopians, Mayans, Japanese, Islamic, and other lunar calendars point out a 13:28 ratio. There are 13 28 day Moons in a Solar Year cycle.

28 x 1 = 28 (March 20)
28 x 2 = 56 (April 18)
28 x 3 = 84 (May 16)
28 x 4 = 112 (June 13)
28 x 5 = 140 (July 11)
28 x 6 = 168 (August 8)
28 x 7 = 196 (September 5)
28 x 8 = 224 (October 3)
28 x 9 = 252 (October 31)
28 x 10 = 280 (November 28)
28 x 11 = 308 (December 26)
28 x 12 = 336 (January 23)
28 x 13 = 364 (February 20)
In my own personal Time Share I see April 8 and Leap day as Days of Be With Us, sort of days out of time, and I don’t count them in my calendar.

Now Nuit also says 11 is a sacred number of hers. Interesting 11 x 28 = 308 and the calendar date aligning with that being Dec. 26, the day after the Old Aeon birthdate of Jesus Christ.

If we go 310 paths, that would be 10 circumbabulations around the Tree of Life. The 308th point on this journey would be path 29, path of the Moon XVIII (it would be III Empress in Frater Achad’s Revised Egyptian Kaballah).

This sacred word could be Qoph. Qoph means ‘The Womb seething is the glamour of physciological upset while the Sun sleeps. Illusionary is the Initiator of Disorder'.

Further comments on path 29 from 777:

“Pisces means Fish, but, as previously indicated, actual fish do not belong here so much as to Mercury. The Dolphin pertains to Pisces, principally because Venus is exalted in the sign, while its ruler, Jupiter, is also implied in the attribution of which we see the outcome in the title of the Heir-apparent to the Crown of France. The Beetle is Kephra, the Sun at midnight, who is shown travelling through the Pool of Night in ATU XVIII. Pisces, moreover, is that greatest darkness before the dawn of the year in the parallel symbolism. There is also a mystery in the fact that the Beetle rolls up a ball of dung, thus constructing the Sun from the excrement of putrefaction. As it is written, “It is from the excrement of Choronzon that one takes the material for the creation of a God.” The Jackal is shown in ATU XVIII. He also feeds on excrement. The sign Pisces represents the apparent stagnation of the Work, its final decomposition. And it is at this moment that it is brought by the Redeemer—who has descended into the lowest hell for the purpose—across the threshold into the higher sphere. Note that it is because of the condition of the experiment that the Work necessarily lends itself to every form of glamour and illusion. Its nature is certain to be misinterpreted even by the Redeemer himself, insofar as he is compelled to fix his attention upon the Matter of the Work and so to lose sight for the moment of the essential Truth which underlies its appearance.

The Dog is attributed to Pisces on account of his being sacred to the Moon, the title of ATU XVIII. The Dogs baying the Moon, with the accompanying assumption of witchcraft and all that type of phenomena which we associate with the treacherous semidarkness of the waning moon, are shown in some version of the Trumps by artists who did not understand the deeper symbolism of Kephra and Anubis. That false representation is exactly characteristic of the sort of thing that always is to be expected to occur in connection with the work of the Magician I this sign.”

Interesting that Pisces is the only Moon Pope Gregory didn’t change into 30 or 31 days, perhaps a testament not to mess with Jesus symbol of the Fish, and is a record of the 28 day lunar moon (except of course for this Leap day illusion of 29 days). Also we have the concept of Chaos magick included here.

We can go almost 4 cycles through the I-Ching, stopping at 52 Meditation, keeping still.

Interesting since Nuit is measure and movement, according to Crowley, we have the cycles of the Moon emphasized twice and the keeping still of Meditation.

If we change all the lines of the 52 I-Ching, as a future hexgram with all the lines changing, we get I-Ching 58, Encouraging, Joy. Nuit says she gives us ‘unimaginable joys’ while upon Earth.

So these are some aspect of this first ordeal, and ultimately, no matter what you believe, 13:28 ratio or 12:60 ratio, the aspect you might align with is in magick the magickian ought to be in the NOW, the present moment, when doing Magickal work.

Another important point about 28 is that there are 28 symbols in verse 76, Chapter II, Liber AL vel Legis.

"But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!" First, to find one's true will, one has to strip away the black rituals, the false, mechanical time, and find one's own inner path, one's own natural inclinations, one's own self-initiation. This is why thelemic groups end up being just as authoritarian as old Aeonic slave-god groups, its still the old paradigm of power-over, instead of power with. Power with our true will, our higher nature, our higher self. Magick groups that are loosely based tend to fair more thelemically, more Aquarian, I think.

Rituals. Priest. Star. So how does this exegesis affect the rituals. How can we affect the infinite? Can we each be priests? Can we each transform any star? Or only the stars within our orbits? There is a lot to ponder here. Stars are so powerful and universal. Priests are playing a devotional role or a magickal role? Christian religion leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth for the word “Priest”, and there are certainly many magickaly Priest and Priestesses who are on power trips in the Thelemic/Pagan community. Perhaps, taking a cue from ancient Aztec religions, the word for priest comes in two terms: The first term, "tlamacazqui," is the most commonly used. It literally translates as "provider." The second, "teopixqui," means "keeper of the god.” Perhaps Nuit is saying her priest provide something in the rituals. Maybe rituals to connect us to the Stars? Maybe these priests much have a genuine desire to serve Nuit, a natural desire to serve her only. In this sense not every Thelemite's true will would to be a priest. In other words, Nuit would chose her own Priests to function in that role in her temples.

There. One Vault Above Love. Hum, we go back to that command again. One vault above love. Love is the Law Love under Will. That vault would be Will.

Can we destroy the universe? Can I alone, change the Universe? Can we find our Will, or orbit, our place in the Universe? And in doing so is LOVE the only real difference we can make? We can love and adore Nuit. From this comes great joy and ecstasy.

My Favorite Things About Nuit

Associated Websites

Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis
Immanent Kabba Exegeis for Chapter 2 Liber AL
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 3 Liber AL
Ultimate Sparks of the Intimate Fire
Transcendental Nature of Liber Al vel Legis
Quest for the English Qabala’s
Quest for the English Qabala’s 10-18
Quest for the English Qabala’s 19-26, + QEQ
Old and New Commentaries to Liber AL
