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Immanent Kaaba Exegesis of Chapter 2

Chapter Two:

“Yet she shall be known & I never. I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is the knowledge of me the knowledge of death. In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found. Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper. All Bride Knowledge. Come! all ye and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed, I, Hadit, am the compliment of Nu, my bride. I am not extended and Khabs is the name of my house. Yet she shall be known & I never. Am Life. Good Magician. Old Revealed. In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found. In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found. Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath. O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing. Rituals Purged Secret That Ones Veiling Away Light.”

It seems to me the perfect island to choose during one's lifetime is one's own body. To be comfortable in one's own body, to exercise it and nurture it is important. A healthy body is a healthy mind.

Hadit is suppose to be about focus, the point of the moment, NOW.

He is the flame that burns in every heart. There is a passion in every person, even if we don't understand that passion or agree with what that person is passionate about. To have a life without passion is probably a life that is living in a void.

To know life is to know death. Every moment something is birthed, created, and then is moves on to death and transformation. This is just the nature of Hadit.

I am reminded of the formula of Karl Marx: Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis.

Hadit is a God of War and Vengenance. Every moment comes into being as a challenge to a privous moment. There is this eternal struggle going on each moment. Hadit deals hardly with each moment. No moment is guaranteed. Each moment is different from the last, even if we think it is the same. The only thing that might remain the same is our outlook, our mental beliefs.

Who is Heru-pa-kraath? Hadit is saying here that he is the worshipper. Living in the moment, appreciating and worshipping the power of life, and the creative potential each moment brings.

The Greek equivalent to Heru-pa-kraath is Attis. Its interesting that this correspondence might also be attributed to the Hermit, one of the Grades of Thelema. (the Hermit, the Lover, the man of Earth). Heru-pa-kraath: Alternate transliteration of Hoor-paar-kraat. Hoor-paar-kraat: "Horus the Child." This is particularly interesting interpretation. It reminds me of the riddle of the Sphinx. A man comes into life as a child, crawling on all fours, grows up and stands on two legs, and in old age may walk with a cane, on three legs. Each moment is like a child being awakened. Remember Attis was the child of Nana, who was a follower of Cybelle. Attis later became a Eunich. Child-like qualities.

All Bridge Knowledge. Hadit is the complement of his Bridge Nuit, all possibility. He has the knowledge of the universe, and is forever trying to become one with her, in the Sacred Marriage. The moment uniting with infinity.

He compliments Nu, his bride. Tho he is not extended and Khabs is the name of his house. If we remember, Khabs is the magickal body. The magickal link with each act of Will. There might be something to having a childlike innocence, when doing one's will. Children seem to always be doing. They don't rack their brains trying to figuire things out, like we adults do. Children have very few Belief Systems.

Every number is infinite there is no difference.

Hadit is the focus of life. AM LIFE. This is what life is all about, experiencing the moment.

Good Magician. A good magician acts. He is continually doing. He doesn't sit and care about if what he does was good enough, he just does more.

Old revealed. In each moment the old, the previous is revealed. There is a connection to tradition, where one is coming from. From the old to the new. Each moment is constantly being renewed.

Every man and woman is a star. We let our light shine. We are made of star stuff, and we are the clear light of the universe. This includes everything, everyone.

Yet (ordeal) X. This relates to Yechidah, the core of the self, to some it represents the ID, the unconscious/conscious, maybe even the Tao. (We will get more into these ordeals in Exegesis 4).

Yet this ordeal X is about combining Knowledge with Delight. It is about Joy, ecstasy and realization. The snake that stirs these things in mankind is probably the kundalini. Take strange drugs. This is a curious comment. There are all kinds of drugs. But wouldn't strange drugs be something new, something one has never tried? This might be a reference to continually seeking something different. To let go of baggage, the Belief Systems of the Mind.

Can Will act, without Belief Systems? Seems that there are a lot of them. Many yogis and spiritual people have worked on transcending the mind. Letting go of the 'lust for result' and just being present, in the moment, trusting, enjoying, doing. Have you noticed when you loose yourself in something, and just have fun with it, everything usually turns out ok and pleasurable. Good sex is like this!

The exposure of innocence is a lie. What this is saying, I believe, is that life doesn't have to get boring. Each moment is new. Every sunrise is a different sunrise. If you've ever seen a sunrise on Acid (LSD) or magick mushrooms, you know what I mean. Each blade of grass is like a snow flake, unique and unusual. Each person has their own beauty. Even twins are unique and diverse.

Ok, now we are getting this Stele of Revealing. Set it in thy secret temple. Where is this? Well, like your island is your body, perhaps your secret temple is in your heart. Locking it in glass is an interesting metaphor. One can see through glass. Locking it inside doesn't hide it. It is still revealed. Its colours change, miraculously. These colours of life are always renewed. We are not to be like Sysyphis, letting the same rock roll down the same hill, only to push it back up that big hill, and let it roll down again. To be stuck in a rut, to repeat worthless algorithms is not what the Book of the Law is telling us to do. Don't worship any God. Don't follow any dogma. Let go of all belief systems, best you can. Be spontaneous. Each book we read tells a new story.

For a proof to the world. You can never prove anything to the world. Share your own reflections. This is the best you can do. Make every moment brande new. This is the only proof to the world. To hold on to old grudges and beliefs, thoughts is to sink back down into a life of slavery. If we are slaves to our minds, and our beliefs, how can we have the imagination of a child. The power of a child's imagination is the most powerful thing in the universe.

Rituals purged. Every rite of passage is complete in itself. It purges itself. It throws out the old and replaces it with the new. You don't go around repeating the same old magick tricks, do you? That would be nonsense. Maybe you'd repeat a dance step to get it right, but then move on.

Secret that Ones Veiling Away Light. Which one? Who is hiding the light? Well I guess we have danced around it here. The one who hangs on to dogma, Belief Systems, doing things in rote. The slave to the mind. Let your rituals purdge this secret slave to the mind, the one who keeps the mind in darkness and doubt.

The most profound thing a friend ever told me was that his Master, when he was practicing under a Guru, told him to take a different path every day. That always stuck with me. By taking a different path each day, one can have a new adventure.

What would this universe be if we constantly kept doing the same thing over.

When preachers say when we get to heaven we will have all the time to worship Jesus, to just focus on Jesus. That sounds like hell to me. I wouldn't want to sit and just stare at my lover all day long, no matter how handsome and sexy they are. Humans need variety. Not to lock our light in some dark corner of the mind.

Then you can choose to liberate yourself from your body, make your city, your planet your island of new possiblity each moment. This is the power of Hadit.

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