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Immanent Kaaba Exegesis of Chapter 3

Chapter Three:

“Choose ye an island! Dung it about with enginery of war! Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you. Abrahadabra Beware Kiblah There is division hither homeward; there is a word not known. Spelling is defunct; all is not aught. Beware! Hold! Raise the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Choose ye an island! All Lurk God Miraculous Other Ra Hoor Khuit Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them. Ye (ordeal) X The best blood is of the moon, monthly; then fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers, last of some beast no matter what. Ye shall see that hour, o blessèd Beast, and thou the Scarlet Concubine of his desire! Raise Peoples Spelling There Off Vengeance Aught Law”

Again, each number is infinite. Within each number system there are an infinite varities of expression.

Dung it about, to spread or cover, like fertilizer.

Enginery, rare instruments and machinery, instruments of war.

War, a state of hostility and aggression. The Human species is an aggressive race. Look at our history of inventions for battle, from the long bone, to the bow, to the rifle and granade, jets, great navel ships, to the atomic bomb. Humanity has the capacity for great invention, and we have evolved in the art of war over the thousands of years of our existence.

Yet in The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, the main assertion is by the admission of 'the political object, as the original motive of the war, should be the standard for determining both the aim of the military force and also the amount of effort to be made'. In other words, what are you fighting for?

'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting'.

Every person is unique and we are made of Star stuff. Each person is brilliant, and thus a worthy opponent. Wouldn't the best way to subdue your enemy be to make them your friend?

Smite the people's with the realization we are all unique, conqueror, and divine in our own rights. We are each the center of our universe, star stuff, the power of creation. Each number is potent.

Abrahadabra, the word of the Aeon, the power of magick.

Beware, spelling is defunct. No longer living, extinct. There is division hither homeward, a word is not known. The individual is a slave to the mind, we are caught up in Because and Reason, and therefore captives to Belief Systems. Is this word "Peace", "Love"?

Could this word be known as "Universal Abundance"? She is known, Nuit is known as the power of the universe. Infinite possibility. Look at the number of the stars in the skies, infinite. There is no limitation. How can I change the Universe? Hadit is each moment, each focus, and yet he shall never really be known, only experienced briefly. If we struggle in limitation, and survival mode for our belief systems, we play these petty finite games, trying to win in each moment. But ultimately Nuit's Infinite Possibility is the only game in town. Why not shift to win "Infinite Games"? Where there are no losers and winners, only Winners! If we are each a star, if we each contain such genius, then it isn't beyond our scope of understanding to realize that playing infinite possibility, infinite games is the only way to WIN.

What if humanity created just as many 'enginery', technology for Love, as we have for War?

This brings up a very important point about Creation. "Necessity is the Mother of Invention." That is the old saying. What we feel is necessary is our survival. This is a finite belief system. Nuit says she has already given us life, and the intelligence to sustain it. Why do we insist on being so egotistical as to pretend to prolong life? Issues of safety and protection are the worries of insecure slaves.

ALL, that means everyone and everything...

LURK, that means possibility is always the undiscovered country. There is always something we haven't realized about a situation. Do we create the magickal link, like a hook, to lasso what we want? Or do we create this magickal link by building a bridge of trade and self-discovery? Look into the word ABRAHADABRA.

GOD, the source of creation, GODDESS, NUIT, HADIT, RAHOORKHUIT. The point being I am God, Goddess, All that Is. I am endowed with the power to create and to realize my genius.

Miraculous. Earlier we talked about Miraculous colour never fading. Here we talk about God Miraculous, empowerment emerging. The nature of a miracle. Supernatural. Wonderful. Marvelous. Able to work miracles. Jesus told his followers that they would be able to surpass him, and do many more miracles than he. Did they listen? Did they see the vision? Nope, they just fought about dogma and belief systems, and the survival of Christianity.

Other Ra Hoor Khuit. Who is the Other Ra Hoor Khuit? Who is the force and fire? Who is the spark of divine inspiration deep inside...ME? Yes, I am the other Ra Hoor Khuit, so are you. Each person, each Star is the other Ra Hoor Khuit.

Hadit is never known, yet he is the center of the sphere. Nuit is known, she is the circumference and she is never found. Nothing is tangible, everything transcendant, all things immanent. Isn't is a fun game of hide and seek?

Ye (Ordeal) X here is Neshamah: the Anima, the shadow. This principle is equivalent to Chiah, the Will, the word means life, animal life.

Ye Ordeal X, in this case is choosing which is the best blood to use in magickal ritual. We could continue to sacrifice our firstborn child, or the host of heaven, our enemies, and lastly the priest. Of course there wouldn't be too many priests left. Blood is life force, energy. Isn't what we are looking for already with us. If you are into blood letting, then use yourself, human sacrifice is barbaric. Its like an addictive drug. If you think the only way to get energy, magickally, is the taking of someone's blood, then you are duped. You are blinded by the limitation of the defunct spelling. Children play this game where they become blood brothers. That is harmless. This is your personal ordeal, decide for yourself. Myself, I choose 'blood' to mean my own sweat, sexual juices, be it semen for my persuasion, my own energy, determination. Hence, for me all blood is sacred.

Like in the 'hood' how we call each other 'blood'.

And isn't it interesting how we close with the text from the original Stele Rose and Aleister found in the Cairo Museum, number Stele 666, the picture of Ra Hoor Khuit, the mystical hawk headed Lord?

Nuit is represented as arching over the Stary heavens, she bends to kiss the secret passions, excitements of the moment. The potential of the Universe bending to experience the affection of the NOW. The intense heat, passion, flame.

Ankh-af-na-khonsu, a past Egyptian incarnation of Crowley, is told the winged globe and the starry blue are hers, they are NU.

The Winged Globe is found in ancient Sumerian and Sufi texts, it represents the kundalini awakening, Quetzacoatl, the winged serpent, rising up and taking consciousness. It is our inner genius reaching Godhood.

Raise Peoples Spelling, in other words, teach them of things beyond war, belief, survival, struggle, all those things that keep us slave to our own minds.

There Off Vengeance Ought Law. Is spelling defunct. Something is off. Its because of our vengeance and warring nature that humanity ever had to create law in the first place. The law of obligation. To mark off our territory, to make difference, to claim I am higher and you are lower. Thereby there is difference, hurt, and war. There are many ethics and treatise on these things. This is the shame of mankind's limited idea of the Law. Injury, punishment, offense, fury, revenge. Who are we at war with? Ultimately, if every man and woman is a star, every number infinite, there is no difference, then we are at war with ourself. As long as we treat one another as inferior, we don't recognise the Law of Thelema. Will, as basic as Jesus once said "Do unto others." Yet humanity never listens. We continue this primal, limiting dance of war and violence against our own species and everything that gets in our path. Its a wonder we aren't extinct. There must be something hidden within us, our saving grace, that helps humanity endure. Find this. Teach it to each other. The ancient Maya had a saying, In Lak'ech, "I Am Another Yourself". In other words, "I am you, and you are me and we are all together". ~from the old Beetles tune, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

To reconize the Law is for All, Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law, love is the law, love under will, then we have no alternative but to do our will. Here on Healing, we did what we will. If we could truely be aware of why we do each thing we do, what the motivation is, why we will a certain thing, there could be peace.

Raise people understanding that there doesn't have to be revenge and laws to compensate the disillusioned.

IF we but honor the One True Law, that each person has the right to do their own will, and we respect and honor that, then we can begin to see real magick and truely understand the word: ABRAHADABRA.

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