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Ultimate Sparks of the Intimate Fire

The Fourth Way of Liber AL vel Legis

It is my thesis that Aleister Crowley was channeling a lot of energy from the New World, on his quest in Mexico and that there has always been an occult connection between Egypt, and the Olmecs, Mayan and Incan civilizations. In fact, Anhalonium Lewinii, Liquid Peyote was Crowley’s favorite drug of choice.

There are just too many coincedence with the Law of Time, Book of Kin, in the Dreamspell and the Book of the Law. Particularly the phrases about Nuit’s number being 6 and 50, and all the rituals of old time being black.

Crowley himself felt that there was something he was to find in the New World, in Central America.
Ultimate Sparks of the Intimate Fire

This site is open to your comments. If you wish to add to this exegesis, please email me your contribution. This Exegesis is Dedicated to Horus, an end to secrecy, a Thelemic collective, and a Pro-Active Thelema in the areas of philosophy, politics, social sciences, religion, science, relationships, magick and mysticism.
An unfolding of a Thelemic exegesis. Hopefully other thelemites will add comments to this page four, of Immanent Kabba

Somehow I suspect that the Book of the Law will reveal a new Qabala, though I am using aspect of the Traditional Kabalah to try and understand these three ordeals that were revealed.
actually this prophecy came true in my discovery of THE MANIFSOU, the new arrangement of the English Alphabet embedded directly in the First Chapter of the Book of the Law, during the Blue Crystal Storm year, 2004-2005]
It might be that the New Aeon transforms all of this. My hunch is that this is in the area of the Magickal Childe, and how this is distinct from one’s Soul.

With the Sephira, there are Five levels of the soul: Nefesh, Ru'ach, Neshamah, Chayah and Yechidah. The Nefesh, Ru'ach and Neshamah are clothed respectively in the Exterior, Intermediary and Inner Vessel, while the Chayah and Yechidah encompass the Vessel from the outside as Encompassing Light.

Soul is a word that is used in many different ways in Kabbalah. Sometimes, it's referred to as Yechidah, Chiyah and Neshamah - or the eternal aspects of our being. All three are also referred to as Neshamah. When the Soul steps down through the Abyss of Da'ath on the Sephirothal Tree, it becomes 'humanized' in its association with the physical body (Guf), and its offspring are the creations of the heart and the brain.

When higher feelings like those of a Tzaddik have been educated and regulated by Neschamah (the Soul), then pure selfless actions automatically form the patterns of one's life. When Neshamah is living in harmony with the Ruach-Nephesh consciousness, the Soul is finally able to fulfill its mission on Earth.

If we don't overcome our Nephesh desires, we will be enslaved by it and controlled by our animal nature. However, these same faculties of the heart and mind, when illuminated by Chiyah-Neshamah consciousness (divine wisdom/understanding or Chochmah-Binah)

3 ordeals in one:
Rauch : Formative World. Spirit of Intellect. Feminine Wisdom. Reasoning Power (Rauch) "I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty" Since I feel drawn as a High Priestess for NU, I feel passionate about speaking about this 1st Ordeal. (Remember all 3 ordeals are actually 3 in 1!).
The key is about tick-tock, as Stewart Wilde speaks about in his books. The magicians needs to wake up from the culturally induced focus on mechanical time, the 9 to 5 slave mentality. Look at how much of your life is not your own will. This happens at birth and it is almost robotic.
This was cutting edge stuff in Crowley's time, and with the Mayan calendar coming to an end Dec. 21, 2012, this ordeal will come to the forefront anyway. A few people are waking up to it. I don't care if you follow the Druid or Wiccan calendar, the Thelemic calendar, the Dreamspell, the Quiche count of the traditional Mayan.
Just do it!
My friend Foton Fonon even created his Dream:Star.
Of course I created my Ikaris Time Share.
When doing ritual, detach from the established time line. I like Peter Carrol's work around this issue in PsyberMagick, too. Good luck with your NU moon rituals, and Full Moon rituals too.

Yechidah : In the Qabalah, the Highest part of the Soul is located in Kether. It is described as the True Divine Self. The Purest form of Consciousness.
Yet (ordeal) X. This relates to Yechidah, the core of the self, to some it represents the ID, the unconscious/conscious, maybe even the Tao.
Yet this ordeal X is about combining Knowledge with Delight. It is about Joy, ecstasy and realization. The snake that stirs these things in mankind is probably the kundalini. Take strange drugs. This is a curious comment. There are all kinds of drugs. But wouldn't strange drugs be something new, something one has never tried? This might be a reference to continually seeking something different. To let go of baggage, the Belief Systems of the Mind.

Neshemah : Intuitive Soul, the highest form of the soul, encompassing Kether, Chokmah and Binah. One works with this to get the Nephesh, the lower self- or lower consciousness into alignment with our higher self. Nephesh is known as the astral double or etheric body.
Ye (Ordeal) X here is Neshamah: the Anima, the shadow. This principle is equivalent to Chiah, the Will, the word means life, animal life.
Ye Ordeal X, in this case is choosing which is the best blood to use in magickal ritual. We could continue to sacrifice our firstborn child, or the host of heaven, our enemies, and lastly the priest. Of course there wouldn't be too many priests left. Blood is life force, energy. Isn't what we are looking for already with us. If you are into blood letting, then use yourself, human sacrifice is barbaric. Its like an addictive drug. If you think the only way to get energy, magickally, is the taking of someone's blood, then you are duped. You are blinded by the limitation of the defunct spelling. Children play this game where they become blood brothers. That is harmless. This is your personal ordeal, decide for yourself. Myself, I choose 'blood' to mean my own sweat, sexual juices, be it semen for my persuasion, my own energy, determination. Hence, for me all blood is sacred.
It very interesting these particular words from THE MANIFSOU:
BLOOD = 74

English Qabala Calculator

English Qabala Calculator

English Qabala Calculator

Toavotea Key Dialectic 388 Harmonic Clear Light
Thinker's Geomatrix THE MANIFSOU Trigrammaton English Qabalah
Mars Kamea Gematria Mars QEQ New Aeon English Qabala


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My interpretation of the secret of verse 76, done without numerology:

Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis

Other Links:

Exegesis 1: Toavotea Key

Quest for the English Qabala

Ikaris Time Share

Here is an Eastern look at Thelema, which was started by a man who was 16 when he meet Crowley in India:

Twilight Yoga I\\ Ecstasy, Equipoise, and Eternity

My first inquirey that started all this crazy questing, using Crowley’s own words from his Old and New Comments on the Book of the Law, which I call Transcendence of Liber L:

Transcendence of Liber L

Frater Sabaechit's Email

Other Fourth chapters of Liber Al vel Legis

Transcendance Liber L
Quest for the English Qabala’s
Quest for the English Qabala’s 10-18
Quest for the English Qabala’s 19-26, + QEQ
Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 1 Liber AL
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 2 Liber AL
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 3 Liber AL