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Indigo Convergence

My Favorite Things About Time


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Music written and performed by Ilumani, called "Free"
Solar Templars
Knights of the New Time : Darshana (Greenfire), Lucifer Blackstar, Kate (Eleven Star), Memnosis, Sunwolf...and you? Join us at Green Flame, Knight’s of the New Solar Temple discussion board

The NU Moon
Tai Waz (Time Wizard)
I wanted to address the energies of the New Moon, not in specifics, but in general. New Moons are great times for rituals, affirmations, prayers, wishes, hopes and dreams. The dark of the moon, usually the period leading up to the new moon, after the last quarter, is definitely not a good time for ritual, unless one is working specifically with the Night Side of the Tree of Life. But if you don't already know that, it isn't necessary for you to learn to work with the dark energies (shadow work and dark magick are for those who have some knowledge of what they are doing). Wiccans and Pagans, and various religions that use the Lunar calendar, like some sects of Islam and some Japanese spiritual paths, celebrate the different aspects of the Moon, the Lunar cycle. New Moons are great for planting seeds, thoughtforms, for the coming moon cycle, which are then reaped on the Full Moon. I belong to a New Age group that does an 11-Star ritual each New Moon, collectively yet seperately across the globe. Using the Lunar and Astrological cycles can be significant for many things. The Full and New Moon in Libra of was able to bring in the energies of balance for some of us. Balance of the spiritual with the mundane physical. Now this New Moon October 25th, 2003 e.v., Saturday, in Scorpio can help us look at the depths between the inner and outer, perhaps the survival within the mundane physical and the spiritual aspirations (It is also the anniversary of the artist Pablo Picasso, BORN: Oct. 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain). In preparation for the Eclipse on the full moon, Nov. 8th, Lunar Eclipse, Blue Crystal Storm.

Then again we have a Solar eclipse on the New Moon in Sagittarius, Nov 23, 2003 e.v. which will still be White Magnetic Wizard, in America, in the Mayan Dreamspell. This being a White Spectral Wizard year, should be interesting the energies unleased. What are the White Wizard's dissolving? Boundaries? What are you dissolving? What are White Wizard's manifesting? In the Thelemic calendar it is Lust Year, the 11th tarot trump, which is Lust and Desire, strength in the area of magick.

The Full Moon is a great time for harvesting, reviewing, and culminating the previous cycle of the moon. The Moon cycle of 28 to 29 days (it is a fractal number) represents the rhythm of life. The Solar cycle of 30 to 31 days (this is also a fractal number) shows that there are two rhythmns in our galaxy. The Human Biorhythm is another cadance to become aware of. There are in actuality 13 Full Moons in one Solar Year. This shows that the Gregorian calendar is off with its 12 months, of various day cycles: 30, 31 and 28 days. A mechanical and unequal time system, brought on at the beginning of the Industrial age and Colonization.

My breakthrough in the Harmonic Concordance Nov. 8th was continuing my exploration of the Mayan Dreamspell, Telektonon, and the Book of the Law.

Since cosmically speaking, we are all connected, in that oneness are many levels of synchronicity. I deepened my understanding of Thelema, Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law and how it connects to the Telektonon Board, particularly verse 76 in Chapter II, where 28 symbols cryptically await interpretation. The Telektonon Boards has 28 days.

If you wish to keep discussing this just email me or join our Time Equals Art, Mayan Thelemites egroup (we will be carrying on the inquirey and discussion there):

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The Mystery of the Stone
Dr. Jose Arguellas and Lloydine Arguellas:
"The Four Plus One Year Campaign for the New Time is a complete revelation of the Telektonon Prophecy Cycle of Pacal Votan. The prophecy has been given, now comes the judgment, a four-year cycle plus one year to apply the remedy. The seven-year cycle of prophecy corresponded to the activation of a fourth-dimensional imaginal structure, the Heptagonon of Mind of Heaven. Now we are in the four "hollow years," the harrowing of hell and the self-judgment of humanity according to the judgment day criterion, the Law of Time. When this harrowing cycle is completed, then Shambhala may arise as the manifestation of the new order of time. This is signified by the fifth year of trial being the first year of another seven-year cycle, the Seven Years of the Mystery of the Stone. While the seven years of prophecy augured the death in time of the current historical cycle of civilization, the second seven-year cycle, 2004-11, represents the resurrection of the post-historic man in the fourth-dimensional order of the New Time. Like the earlier cycle, the later seven-year cycle also corresponds to the construction of another imaginal structure, the Heptagonon of Mind of Earth."

FS here:

I wanted to expand on the whole issue of the 'dark side'. In occult terms this is called the Right Hand Path and the Left Hand Path. The Right Hand path are those seekers who are on the path of spiritual growth and personal development, usually with the higher ideal to strengthen humanity. Sometimes this is done for selfless purposes. These initiates are sometimes called the "Brotherhood of Light". As an example, but not as a rule: Buddhist, Christians, Wiccans, Thelemites are some of the Right Hand Path people.
The Left Hand Path, the so-called Black Brotherhood, seeks spiritual growth for the individual self, and not necessarily for the whole of humanity, be it pleasure, abundance, magick, or power, etc. It might be seen as selfish goals. As an example, but not as a rule: Satanists, Pagans, Thelemites are some of the Left-Hand Path individuals.
The point I want to make is in reality one cannot seperate these two paths. In our mind, much like the mechanical, Industrial Age calendar, we try to divide things up into neat little categories, thinking reality can fit into neat little boxes, files and folders. No, my friend, we are each just as much a being of Light as we are a Being of Darkness. Lightworkers can be just as petty and selfish, and Workers of Darkness can be empowered because they have looked at the Shadows of Humanity and realize things that can help mankind with its 'sickness' and 'paranoia'. We ought to work on balancing the two paths into one, at the Center. Ok, that is my soap-box rant for this day. LOL. [a great original Star Trek episode about Kirk being split in half, between his light-half and his dark-half, in a transporter accident, is a perfect example of what I am expressing here: "The Enemy Within".]

I have briefly touched upon different subjects here, and the links on this page can take you on a journey of discovery, for yourself and for your planet. At a later time I will discuss Fractals (fractions) and neat little whole numbers (it isn't until recently that Quantum Physics have taken this step to go beyond nice little whole numbers and study fractal geometry, which is more in line with Nature). If nothing else this is a great resource page for the New Age, Light workers. Be sure to check out the free tarot reading page!

Time Wizard
aka Sunwolf, Frater Sabaechit, Marsravenwolf, Crystal Raven, Singular, just a few of my magickal names on the internet.

LINKS: Lightworkers connecting the Global Brain

Lisa Bellini~Indigo Adult
Indigo Children Home Page
Indigo Children
Time Wizard's Mayan Thelemites
Who is Ron Adams? And what's he talking about???
Green Flame: Knights of the New Solar Temple
Starhawk's Home Page
Time is Art: a paradigm shift in consciousness
7th Ray Mystery School
Charles Gilchrist Sacred Geometry
13 Moon Natural Time Calendar
Wheel of Light Celestine Prophecy forum
Luminosity Center for Cosmic Awakening
United Community of Spirits
Planetary Light Networking: Connecting the Global Community
New Civilization Network
Free Tarot, Rune, I-Ching, Biorhythm Readings Page
Thelema/Masonic Dreamspell connection
