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Thelema Maya

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The Book of the Law

The Law of Time

sponsored by Frater Sabaechit

"There is no Sin, only restriction."

"The only moment in Time is Now!"

Some Snap Shots in Time
Overtone Alpha 5, (ALPHA Nov 19, 2003 e.v.)
White Planetary Dog
Influence day 20, Surrender Moon 9, Lessons Year 99
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Virgo
Emperor Cycle, Lust Year

"Love is the Law, Love under will"

Today is kin 10, day 5, in the Overtone Moon. Kin 10 is the Planetary Dog, and the Mayans signified the Dog as the symbol of Love, probably because of its loyalty.

The reason that the Kin are the same number as the glyph number is only because 10 days ago the 260 Kin Tzolkin started over, with Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon. Tommorrow is Blue Spectral Monkey, which is the Galactic Signature of Dr. Jose Arguellas, who expanded on the Mayan day count and created Dreamspell around 1989-1990.
Monkey represents the Magician.

Today in the symbols of verse 76, we move from the first 4 numbers and now the first letter, Letter A. The symbol A can stand for the Magus.

"I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. "Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that go. " Liber AL II:7
Note the 'cube in the circle'.

"Let him not seek to try: but one cometh after him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared in its failure is a key also." Liber Al III:47
Note 'this circle squared'.

"Invoke me under my stars! Love is the law, love under will. Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love." Liber Al I:57

I think it is interesting that the Earth symbol is the cross in the circle, and in a way is the circle squared. Today in Telektonon, day 5, represents the House of Shang, Ahknaton, the Egyptian Pharoah who revived the worship of Aten or Aton. This was the Sun, the Solar God. For a time Ahknaton swept aside all the other Gods and Goddesses of Egypt and made it an official law for his followers to Worship the Sun.

We could go into many levels here. But to suffice to say Frater Achad's discovery of Aleph and Lamed, A and L, as the keys to the Book of the Law, in Liber 31 is very significant. I don't know if many of you have studied the discovery of the New Aeon English Qabala by an English chap named Jim Lees, who discovered the cipher. The clue was Frater Achad's A and L, since Lee discovered A, L, and W were the first three letters. He used the number 11 to find this. Count A to K, 11 numbers, the next being L, count 11 numbers again L to V, and W is the next number. And so on until all the alphabet is now arranged in the NAEQ system. Now look at the photocopy of the famous line Crowley or Rose drew in the Book of the Law, the one we quote above, "Then this line drawn is a key: then this circle squared (Earth Symbol) in its failure is a key also." Notice the graph that Crowley or Rose put on that page. If one reads the numbers, starting with A, next to the line, you now get the NAEQ arrangement: A,L,W,H,S,D,O,Z,K,V,G,R,C,N,Y,J,U,F,Q,B,M,X,I,T,E and P.

Very interesting synchronicity. And this is just the beginning.
Let's look at some words in the NAEQ system:
Thelema = 102
Magic = 69
Magick = 78
Love = 44
Will = 30
Maya = 38
Mayan = 52
Magus = 55
A Magus = 56
Magician = 107
Earth = 66
Symbol = 70
Dog = 24
God = 24
Circle = 88
Square = 79
Line = 64
A Magic Symbol = 149
A Magic Circle = 167
A Magic Square = 158
A Magick Line = 143
Earth Symbol = 136

Did you know that the Mayan's created the idea of Zero? It was not in Arabic, Greek of Roman arithmatic or numerology. Yet these civilizations had the use of the wheel and there is no record of the Mayan's using the Wheel. Paradox?

One I like is the phrase we use: 93,93/93
It adds up to 279.
So does the NAEQ phrase it represents:
"Love is the Law, Love under Will." = 279
But then check this out:
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." = 386
386 + 279 = 665
And look at the word that proceeds this phrase in the Book of the Law:
"Earth", or better yet, Man of the Earth (which equals 127).

Now, I am not done. What about the phrase we didn't include in the above quote: "Nor let the fools mistake love; for there are love and love. There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God". Now does this mean that the serpent really loves the dove, and eats her. But the dove has no feeling of love for the serpent? Does this make serpent love greater? Or does this mean the dove is so peaceful that its love is greater?

Neither. The House of God is the Tower, and if you look at the card in the Thoth deck, you see both the serpent and the dove. This symbolizes the Kundalini. The kundalini force is serpent power, the serpent, asleep at the base of the spine, shoots up the spine (shoots forth its venom) and becomes the dove, or greater, heightened awareness. Look at the Caduceus of Hermes (the Magician), with the twin serpent entwined on the staff and the wings at the top, which look like Hadit's Winged Disk.

This goes back to "all prophets are true", "the old rites are black", and "every number is infinite, there is no difference", meaning (and anyone who has had a kundalini awakening can attest to this) that all things are part of the whole. This is something Frater Achad expounds upon in his "Anatomy of the Body of God" (which I think is a preview of fractal geometry).

In other words, in Laymen's terms, just because the NAEQ works perfectly, so does many others and there is not just one system, or one interpretation of the Book of the Law that is absolutely true.
This is what makes what I am doing playing around with verse 76 and the Telektonon unique in its own way.

And "LOVE" is the most powerful magick of all.
Any thoughts, feelings, comments, healthy disagreement, alignment, acknowledgement, or anything I haven't mentioned? LOL.

By the way, the Spiritual Warrior's Labyrinth journey, which happens every moon and is 16 days long, happens in two days from now. And we have two more letters left in the first series.

Two great New Aeon English Qabala books are:
"New Aeon English Qabalah Revealed" by Gerald del Campo
"The New Aeon English Qabalah Dictionary" by John L. Crow

Frater Sabaechit's Email Link

Here are some symbollic sychronicities:
Frater's Achad discovered 31 as the Key to it ALL, Liber AL vel Legis
It just happens to be the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, 1904-03-20

Blue Overtone Monkey

Kin 31
"I empower in order to play
Commanding illusion
I seal the process of magick
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of self-generation"

"My word is Six and Fifty" Liber AL I:24
Yellow Self-Existing Warrior

Kin 56

"I define in order to question
Measuring fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the Self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of free-will"

The Number of Thelema
Red Lunar Skywalker

Kin 93

"I polarize in order to explore
Stabilizing wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of life force
I am a galactic activation portal enter me"

"My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book." Liber AL I:48

Blue Resonant Monkey

Kin 111

"I channel in order to play
Inspiring illusion
I seal the process of magick
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of abundance
I am a galactic activation portal enter me"

Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen."

Red Solar Dragon

Kin 61

"I pulse in order to nuture
Realizing being
I seal the input of birth
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of navigation"

By the way 8 is Yellow Galactic Star, Kin 8
80 is Yellow Lunar Sun, Kin 80

To find your own dates go to this site for Dreamspell calculation:

Dreamspell calculator

Aleister Crowley's Galactic Signature for 1875-10-12
Yellow Cosmic Human

Kin 52
"I endure in order to influence
Transcending wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of intelligence"

If you wish to keep discussing this just email me or join our Time Equals Art, Mayan Thelemites egroup (we will be carrying on the inquirey and discussion there):

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