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Quest for the English Qabala

Mars QEQ and 23 EQ's (all but EQ-1, EQ-26, and EQ-11) copyrighted by
Oasis Mystery School
Ron Adams (c)2004

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"Kabbalah" is the arrangement of numerical correspondances rooted in Judaism, Tree of Life stuff. Used to extract the secret meaning of the Torah.

"Caballa" refers to Christian adaption of the Hebrew System, which occured during the Renaissance. Used to decode Christian writings.

"Qabalah" refers to the "Hermetic Qabalah." The Hermetic Qabalah has no relation to 'scripture' or 'holy books' and is used mainly as a system of correspondances and an effective tool as a magickal decoder ring that facilitates ritual composition.

"Qaballa" refers to the New Aeon English Qaballa, or NEAQ. It is an English language base alpha-numerical arrangement of the correspondences whose focus is on Liber AL vel Legis and other Thelemic Holy Books.

"Qabala" is the spelling I choose to represent an open source English Qabala system, that seeks to bridge the differences, that can work as a magickal tool, decode scripture, or even any work or writing, like poetry or drama.

Both the New Aeon English Qaballah and John Farthing's Toavotea Key use the grid on sheet 16 of Chapter III of Liber AL.

"Sheet 16 of Chapter III of Liber AL in Crowley's original has a grid superimposed on the page containing the balance of verse 47 written under the grid. An unexplained diagonal line crosses the page, and a circle with a cross or + in it appears near the end of this line. Smith continues, "There are letters along the top of the page, and it would seem to be obvious to continue with the alphabet in the manner indicated, but the clue is in the numbers down the side. A is written instead of 1 which suggests that B is 2, C 3 and so on. Fill in all the squares on the grid in this manner, repeating the alphabet when one gets to Z. To proceed to the next step the instruction is written on the page, for those who have eyes to see. 'Then this line drawn is a key.' The line drawn is a diagonal line across the page. If one reads any diagonal across the square one gets the order of the English alphabet to be used in the English Qabala. Whichever diagonal is read the order of the letters is obtained. There is only one order which can be obtained and all 26 letters appear in this order."

"Using this set-up, another way of deriving the values in sequence is to count eleven spaces down from A at upper left, moving across the columns top to bottom, left to right, giving the next sequential number value to the eleventh letter counted, until all twenty six letters are accounted for. Done thusly:
A=1 L=2 W=3 H=4 S=5 D=6 O=7 Z=8 K=9 V=10 G=11 R=12 C=13 N=14 Y=15 J=16 U=17 F=18 Q=19 B=20 M=21 X=22 I=23
T=24 E=25 P=26"

Here I present my list of 27 EQ's!

EQ-1 and EQ-26
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

A=1 C=2 E=3 G=4 I=5 K=6 M=7 O=8 Q=9 S=10 U=11 W=12 Y=13 B=14 D=15 F=16 H=17 J=18 L=19 N=20 P=21 R=22 T=23 V=24 W=25 Z=26

Click here to join opensourceEQ
Click to join opensourceEQ

The Vision and the Voice

The Old and New Commentaries to Liber AL

Welcome to the Thinker's Geomatrix Numerology Calculator: We have traditional numerology: Pythagoran, Ogham and Rune, Chaldean, Roman, English, Indian, Greek, Hebrew.

We have modern numerology: New Aeon English Qabala and 388 Harmonic Clear Light.

And we have alternative numerology: Thinker's Geomatrix, English Mirror, Synthetic, 13 Goddess Numerology, Toavotea Key, Key, Arexz English Qabalah, Maat Aeon Kaballah and Dialectic.

Also my newest work with the 26 EQ's and their synthesis, which I am presenting as the QEQ, the proposed English Qabala. This site is a worksite for those who want to compare and work with all the EQ's.

Traditionally EQ-1, and EQ-26 are the regular English Alphabet/number system we are use to, where A = 1 and Z = 26.

EQ-11 is one that Jim Lees discovered the cipher for in 1976 in England. It is something that Jake Stratton-Kent has worked with also, over at his EQ list and the system promulgated by the Gnostic Alchemical Church of Typhon-Christ. All from the Book of the Law saying the number 11 is sacred.

I found EQ-17 to be very interesting too, being that 17 is the Tarot trump number for the Star. When I had my mystical experience in 1986, I got intuitively that the letters "I" and "R" were sacred letters, and I named them Isis and Ra, or Rama. In EQ-17 the first three letters are A = 1, R = 2, and I = 3. So this is one I will be using to see how it differs with EQ-11.
If you have any questions, be sure to email me. Frater Sabaechit

Who is Ron Adams?

Here is the calculator with EQ-1 through EQ-9:

Thinker's Geomatrix Word Calculator

Thinker's Geomatrix Numerology Calculator

EQ-1 EQ-2 EQ-3
EQ-4 EQ-5 EQ-6
EQ-7 EQ-8 EQ-9


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Click to join FutureThelema

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

In Search of the English Qabala's

English Qabala's 10-18
English Qabala's 19-26, +Mars QEQ
Transcendance of Liber L
Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis
Toavotea Key
Kamea's to play with (using EQ's)
Gnostic Alchemical Church of Typhon-Christ
Mysticalnet Web Gematria Server
Liber CVX The English Qabalah / AnandaZone

My Favorite Things About Numbers
