Nine Thelemic Numerologies calculator New Dictionary Added (below)
The Fourfold Secret of Liber AL
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Fourfold Dictionary (words derived from 4 numerologies= Themen if so u, Hadt, Nuth, and Abrh)
4 = Ra
5 = Aha
6 = Had, Hu, Nut, Tun, Aha
11 = Id, Hu
24 = Art, Intent, Nuth, Ptah, Ben, Chuen, Dog, God, Ku, Abrahadabra, Fate, Hawk, Hawk Headed Lord, Ik, OTO, Star, Bed
40 = Olun, Form, Temple, Stasis, Money, Inner, Chaos, Father, Giza, Incan, Lammas, Limit, Lion, Mask, Mohammed, Obeah, Open, Sex, Tarot, Theater, Theatre, Truth, Wave, Way, Theban, Matter, Internet, Genetic, Mob, Blue, Core, Howl, Key, Kiva, Men, Pure, Warrior, Buddha, Five, YHVH, Father, Bird, Case, Fight, Iowa, Four, Snag, U-Haul, Lens, Dream, Hell, Nuke
50 = Horus, Pluto, Saturn, Utopia, Being, Emotions, Patterns, Healing, Houdini, Delight, Humanoid, Meaning, Meeting, Rule, Space, Storm, Water, Laser, Merge, Meaning, Attack, Bear, Chinese, Church, Contention, Energy, Howl, Maya, Mother, Opening, Orange, Ozone, Raw, Roman, Talk, War, Zeus, Codes, Focus, Wild, Babalon, Beauty, Daggar, Dance, Growth, Heaven, Human, Love, Metal, No Error, Self, The Aeon, The Tower, Star Wars, Force, Future, Orion, Boss, Action, Change, Money, Being, Ending, Hammas, Pity, Baby, Dentist, Gray, Fork
56= Archon, Being, Changes, Daggar, Infinite, Ipsos, Label, Lameria, Solar, Speak, Thelema Nu, Will, Khabs, Orion, Abra, Active, Charm, Daughter, Greek, Hathoor, Moving, Painting, Snake, Violet, Wolf, Cauac, Joy, Orange, Pagan, Slave, Tzaddi, Wizard, Codes, Lens, Suffer
61 = Telepathy, Baphomet, Initiating, Abyss, Akbal, Chthonos, Daughter, Dolphin, Gandolph, Gematria, Gnosis, Heru Ra Ha, Shrimp, Social, Tiphareth, Future, Chronus, Crown, Cydonia, Daggar, Hive Mind, Opera, Reduction, Solution, Source, Vulture, Boss, Aztec, Christ, Cross, Death-Rebirth, French, Hadnuthabra, Movie, Needle, Thelema, Turkey, Etheric, Betrayal, Pakal, Growth, Chinese, Stuck, Alaska, Elbow, Kabala, Meaning, Chimera, End Times, Feminine, Release, Strong, Enochian, Rebirth, Muluc, Old Time, Virgo
77 = Affirming, Beingness, Channeling, Containing, Decrease, Flowing, Generating, Inherency, Light City, Making Home, Pleiades, Star Trek, Galactic, Hunab Ku, Learning, Mail Room, Nuit Khuit, Pentagram, Pinnacle, Planning, Portals, Rebirth, Resolve, Solution, Vitriol, Apollo, Beloved, Black, Creative, Death Star, Degeneration, Garbage, Ipshosh, Laptop, Miasms, Nourishment, Pisces, Purple, Resonance, Selves, Silver, Zombie, Ageing, Ending, Flatland, Grounded, Hexagram, Humanoid, Mohammed, Parting, Purple, Selves, Social, Spell, Tribal Warfare, Voyager, Waiting, Zugoth
79 = Babalon, Beautiful, Competitive, Garbage, Jupiter, Redeeming, Absolute, Antichrist, Authority, Babeloth, Boy God, Challenge, Choosing, Courage, Cycles, Dionysus, Gravity, Halloween, Hologram, Hydrogen Bomb, Paradox, Spinning, Success, Violence, Vulture, Arcturus, Ascension, Dreamtime, Exhaustion, Intensifying, Kansas, Lammas, Loch Ness, Mercury, Persona, Resisting, Sensitive, American, Aquarius, Chronus, Fascist, Inhuman, Pyramid, Rising, Saving, Sorcery, The Child
80 = Zuvuya, Separation, Focusing, Guiding, Wiseguy, Radiance, Adventure, Communist, Contention, Cortex, Geomancy, Grandiose, Masculine, Midwinter, Septagram, Transition, Turkey, Tzaddikim, Blending, Numbers, Mystery, Computer, Decission, Fire Within, Lizard, The Magician, Telepathy, Morphic, Ninth Dimension, Sureness, Primal, Adornment, Culture, Kaballah, Spanish, Vision, Gravity, Healing, Arkansas, Positive, Hologram
81 = Dominating, Ipso Facto, Opposites, Psychic, Revealing, Reversal, Security, Sensuality, Telluric, Vortexes, Bowels, Direction, Fullness, Hexigram, Khronos, Loyalty, Odin Olmec, Possessed, Star of Life, The Persona, Zuvuya, Activation, Affirming, Aphrodite, Constancy, Grounding, Inspiring, Loyalty, Masculine, Metaphor, Mind Reading, Neocortex, Theman if so u, Virginal, Zhombie, Abundance, Arrogance, Gangstar, Muluc, Purpose, Realness, The Emperor
83 = Clarify, Earth Changes, Express, Palenque, Purpose, Rescuing, Spiders, Struggle, Affirming, Business, Certainty, Crystal, Holodeck, Kundalini, Looseness, Lucidity, Making Home, Manifestation, Mind Reading, Silent Star, Sunwolf, Voyager, Wholeness, Wounding, Aquarian, Baphomet, Individuating, Octagram, Palenque, Protecting, Quartz, Releasing, Self Rule, Solstice, The Shadow, The Universe, Tree of Life, Changes, Destiny, Irrefutable, Magick, Mythic, Nighthawk, Sensual, Shrimps
84 = Adjustment, Carrier, Constancy, Gray Cats, High School, Impulsed, Knowing, Patrick, Reward, Star Wars, Suffering, Alchemical, Cherokee, Flowing, Full Moon, Illusion, Inspires, Purple, Removing, Ron Lee Adams, Spanglish, Surfers, Clarify, Hexigram, Hologram, Impulsed, Intersection, Mystery, Recreation, Stubborn, The Cauldron, Circle, Dolphin, Jupiter, Maryland, Ort Cloud, Pleiades, Spring, The Lovers, Trickster, Yellow
85 = Foundation, Protesting, True Will, Activations, Auditorium, Betrayal, Capitalist, Clear Up, Containing, Evolution, Exhaustion, Forcing, Reduction, Releasing, Separation, Star Trek, Television, The Fear is Not, The Hierophant, Zombies, Ace of Wands, Difficulty, Fulfilling, Indwelling, Pleiades, Positive, Revealing, Spelling, Television, Understanding, Bible Code, End Times, Holodeck, Mercury, Morphic, Negative, Relating, Soulmate, The Persona, Triangle, Vortexes, Wireless
86 = Antagonistic, Creativity, Forceful, Intersection, Recreation, Centering, Clarify, Concepts, Egyptians, Endlessness, Gray Cats, Holy Moses, Inherency, Physical, Psychic, Ra Horakhte, Resistance, Sacred Heart, Star Wars, Trouble, Virginal, War Machine, Adjustment, Adulterous, Alphabet, Cigarettes, Halloween, Illumination, Perfecting, Realness, Structuring, Adversity, Crystal, Essence, Gemini, Gnosis, Hydrogen Bomb, Iacchus, Meeting, Powerful, Recreation
87 = Photon Stars, Ra Horakete, Spiritual, Archetype, Beautiful, Bronze, Ceremony, Chaosphere, Classify, Country, Crucial, Eagle’s Gift, Earth Changes, Electric, Face on Mars, Generating, Golden Dawn, Higher Self, Quartz, Religion, Reversal, Sacredness, Shamandreamer, Spectral, Choronzon, Destroying, High School, Life Force, Life Quest, Multiply, Orpheucus, Systems, Wind Energy, Celtic, Creating, Cydonia, Ennegram, Enochian, Express, I Ching, Pisces, Restoration, Scorpio, Septagram, Sureness, Universe, Wind Power
88 = Arcuturus, Direction, Investigation, Journey, Opposing, Pacal Votan, Resolution, Tao Manisfestation, Technosphere, Yielding, Astonomy, Building, Carrier, Cigarettes, Dispersal, Dragonheart, Enlightenment, Focusing, High School, House of God, Ipso Facto, Jupiter, Light City, Palenque, Patrick, Planetary, Politics, Priestess, Rainbow, Reliable, Revealing, Revelation, Sacred Oil, Self Rule, Subtract, Supply, Wiseguy, Antagonistic, Biting Through, Crystal, Elementals, Inspires, Maryland, Moonwolf, Pentagram, Protesting, Pyramid, Sanctuary, Shadows, Spiders, Supply, Transduction, Adulterous, Chaosphere, Gray Cats, Mail Room, Midwinter, Occult, Papyrus, Peacock, Ra Hoor Khuit, Separation, Suitcase, Sunwolf, The Blue Book, Zuvuya
89 = Completing, Defending, Impression, Maryland, Possessed, Challenges, Fertility, Fire Within, Moonwolf, Peacock, Spectrum, Sweat Lodge, The Universe, Tree of Life, Arrogance, Concentration, Hexagram, Hypnosis, Purpose, Reliable, Revelation, Scorpio, Wizard, Archetype, Clarify, Country, Hexigram, Japanese, Pentagram, Spectral, Thelema Nu
90 = Blending, Dionysus, Inspiring, Accepting, Computer, Development, Including, Integration, Knowing, Nourishment, Ort Cloud, Prometheus, Sanctuary, Sensuality, Simplify, Spelling, Temple of Set, Tzolkin, Universal, Aquarius, Intellectual, Opposing, Patrick, Portals, Qabala, Revival, Sorcery, Trillaline, Accident, Gathering, Genetic, Halloween, Hive Mind, Legacy, Meaning, Mongol, Mountain, Moving, Rhythmic, Shattering, Superego, Tarot Reading, Telepathy, The Animus, Volcano
91 = Balancing, Impersonal, Intensifying, Perfecting, Protecting, Stichomancy, Aquarius, Constancy, Degeneration, Express, Inner Peace, No Error, Purpose, Squares, Wireless, Archetype, Completing, Dragonheart, Hadnuthabra, Ill Will, Mail Room, Overseeing, Peacock, Sculpture, Sensuality, The Hierophant, The Persona, Typhonian OTO, Universal, Absoprtion, Alchemy, Auditorium, Dissipate, Emotions, Forceful, Humanity, Kalakmul, Matriarchy, Mystery, Poseidon, Self Rule, The Wise One, Tree of Life, War Machine, Yuletide
92 = Boy God, Conscious, Death of Peace, Development, Nurturing, Opposition, Papyrus, Abundance, Ace of Cups, Aquarius, Adulterous, Ah Vuc Te Cab, Balancing, Death-rebirth, Government, Grandmother, Ill Will, Instinctual, Ninth Dimension, Notebook, Rescuing, Scorpio, Security, Sufferings, Telluric, The Emperor, Vortexes, Dissipate, Friendship, Making Home, Midsummer, Numerology, Organizing, Sufferings, The Lovers, Asteroid Belt, Blue Grass, Forcing, Patriarchy, Reduction, Richness, Sacred Oil, The New World, Unsettled, Ace of Wands
93 = Abkalgmo, Adversity, Spirit House, Sufferings, Crystals, Day Out of Time, Generations, Institutions, Life Quest, Multiply, Murkers, Opposites, Polygon, Ra Herakhty, Whole Child, Withdrawal, Ychronos, Betrayal, Chakras, Clearlight, Convergence, Day Out of Time, Gray Cats, Journeyer, Resistance, Shrimps, Silent Star, Star Trek, Black Hole, Computer, Damaging, Direction, English, Fire Within, Iconic, Knowing, Meditation, Planetary, Sigils
94= Arrogance, Head of God, Kolinahru, Wounding, Abrahadabra, Antagonistic, Arcturus, Connection, Free Will, Kalakmul, Never-ending, Sagittarius, Spiritual, Suffering, Superego, The Cauldron, Timelessness, Astronomy, Bible Code, Consequence, Divine Energy, Following, Japanese, Knowledge, Looseness, Well Being, Cutting, Dispersal, Enterprise, Journey, Resonance, Sacred Time, Systems, World Wide Web
95 = Aggression, Archetypal, Circling, Crowley, Inquirey, Kalakmul, Ninth Dimension, Originating, Stubborn, Temple of Light, Zero Point, Circles, Dreamspell, Forceful, Habrahadabra, Hypnotize, Journey, Matriarchy, Mercury, Papyrus, Relativity, Synagogue, Trillaline, Eighth Dimension, Investigation, Sacred Oath, Sacred Time, Spiritual, Vortexes, Wholeness, Certainty, Cosmic, Dynamic, Flowing, Learning, Natural Drift, Pentacle, Positive, Redeeming, Supernova
96= Influencing, Arrogance, Discriminate, Fifth Dimension, Life Force, Middle Brain, Opposing, Photon Stars, Recreation, Supernova, True Will, Ace of Disks, Creativity, Darkness, Obstruction, Planetary, Ra Hoor Khuit, Restoration, Sorcerer, Tarot Reading, The Emperor, Death of Peace, Living, Priestess, Revelation, Sacred Wheel, Sanctuary, Shaman Dreamer, Skywalker, Sweat Lodge, Wiseguy
97 = Astrology, Regression, Ahabrahadabra, Competitive, Creativity, Dream Alchemy, Grounding, Persephone, Regulation, The Great Beast, Earth Changes, Holy Grail, Ipso Facto, Khoronzon, Sacred Oil, Taking Refuge, Warrior, Wounded Child, Activity, Angelic, Antichrist, Astronomy, Causing, Chiccan, Electric, Emotional, Giving, Helping, Julia Set, Moonwolf, Power Elite, Pushing, Silence, The Empress, Transition, World Bridger
98 = Imperfection, Kundalini, Powerful, Ra Hoor Khu, Well Being, Building, Archetypal, Aspirations, Clearlight, Compassion, Fools Gold, Individuating, Magnum Opus, Overseeing, Prophetic, Sorcery, Telekinesis, The House of God, Warrior, Ace of Cups, Aggression, Death-rebirth, Disintegration, Fifth Dimension, Mercurious, Overcoming, Self Initiation, Spanglish, Spectral, Whole Child, Building, Cigarettes, Crown Chakra, Inspires, Justice, Loyalty, Security, Solution, The Hierophant
99 = Building, Fifth Dimension, Overcoming, Ra Hoor Khut, Star Power, Dissolving, Eighth Dimension, Enterprise, Gnostic Mass, Hypocrite, Impersonal, Inspiring, Kabballah, Scorpion, Stichomancy, Tarot Reading, Vicarious, Adversity, Differentiation, Galactic Night, Physical, Powerful, Separation, Defending, Eliminate, Face on Mars, Feminine, Fertility, Frater Sabaechit, Guiding, Heavy Metal, Kelper Belt, Life Force, Mexican, Opening, Pure Will, Ron Lee Adams, Silent Star, Spiritual, Wounding
100 = Cooperative, Fulfilling, Including, Decisiveness, Destroying, Memorydream, Post Office, Protesting, Restoration, Sacred Wheel, Tao Manifestation, Actualizing, Heavy Metal, Natural Drift, Opposition, Pure Will, Regression, Self-centered, Supernova, Trickster, Building, Defining, Orpheucus, Photon Stars, Releasing, Sensing, Telluric, Universal, Virginal, Whore of Babalon
101 = Ace of Wands, Compelling, Death-rebirth, Replication, Solar Initiates, Accuracy, Conscious, Difficulty, Hemaphrodite, Illumination, Impression, Indwelling, Resolution, Seta Reticula, Technosphere, Typhonian OTO, Competitive, Development, Express, Harmonizing, Papyrus, Prophecy, Ra Horakhte, Serendipity, Telekinesis, Ace of Swords, Activation, Birth of Peace, Intuitive, Ipso Facto, Magnetic, Middle Brain, Nurturing, Openness, Revealing, Struggle
102 = Absorption, Adulterous, Eighth Dimension, Suitcase Nuke, Aggression, Habrahadabran, Holy Grail, Investigation, Key to It All, Knowledge, Ra Hoor Khut, Re Horakhte, Religious, Self-centered, Sit in Silence, Understanding, Astrology, Compelling, Death of Peace, Persephone, Purification, Ra Hoor Khuit, Sweat Lodge, Tranquility, War Machine, Archetypal, Galactic, Knowledge, Neocortex, New World Order, Possessed, Prophecy, Resistance, Sorceress, Winning
103 = Black Hole, Concentration, Dragonheart, Harmonizing, Self-centered, Shamandreamer, Boleskine, Circling, Completing, Crowley, Medicine Wheel, Natural Drift, Neocortex, Nurturing, Orpheucus, Ronald Lee Adams, Throat Chakra, Transduction, Wounded Child, Body of Light, Capitalist, Chaosphere, Rebalancing, Replication, Reversal, Stichomancy, Suitcase Nuke, Wireless, Affirming, Astrology, Divinity, Egyptian, Friendship, Khoronzon, Painting, Palenque, Persephone, Solstice, Success, Supply, The Cauldron, Whirlwinds
104 = Decisiveness, Encompassing, Grounded, Astrology, Bible Code, Blue Olmec, Conceptual, Criminal Mind, Hoor Par Kraat, Intersection, Oligarchy, Opposition, Originating, Prophecy, Secret Key, Serendipity, Sorcerer, Warlock, Calculator, Dissolving, Middle Brain, Septagram, Temple of Set, Cycles, Earth Changers, Intuition, Journeyer, Loch Ness, Meanings, Spirit Talk, The Hanged Man, The Universe
105 = Convergence, Dreamspell, Galactic Night, Whole Child, Intellectual, Perfecting, Self Initiation, Spirit House, Stubborn, Temple at Delphi, Face on Mars, Putrification, Re Horakhte, Seta Reticula, The Empress, The Journeyer, Ace of Disks, Dionysus, Impulsed, Midsummer, Phonecian, Sensitive, Suffering, Typhonian
106 = Destroying, Numerology, Ra Hoor Khuit, Time Equals Art, Asteroid, Black Hole, Greater Thelema, Heru Pa Kraath, Intensifying, Patriarchy, Portal House, Protecting, Zero Point, Celtic Pride, Crimminal Mind, Endlessness, Higher Integrity, Imperfection, Irrefutable, Opposites, Power Elite, Priestess, Ace of Wands, Choosing, Evolution, Exhaustion, Feelings, Golden Dawn, Humility, Kundalini, Regression, Regulation, Rescuing, Resisting
107 = Grounding, Irrefutable, Moon Base Temple, Choronzon, Deep Space Nine, Dream Work, Powerful, Quantum Leap, Root Chakra, Star Power, Trickster, Wind Energy, Communicator, Cut Up Poetry, Matriarchy, Sacred Heart, Warlock, Creativity, Divination, Pacal Votan, Sphere of Mars, Violence, Zero Point
108 = Actualizing, Birth of Peace, Dissolving, Heru Pa Kraath, Narcissistic, Tony Soprano, Transformation, Blue Grass, Harmonizing, Influencing, Intelligence, Philosophy, Power Elite, Spirit Talk, Blue Grass, International OTO, Lucid Dreaming, Aspirations, Greater Thelema, Opposites, Resolution, Risk Taking, Technomage
109 = Ace of Disks, Indwelling, Manifestation of Nuit, Seventh Dimension, Chaos Magick, Differentiation, Following, Masculine God, Perceptive, Regression, Sculpture, Sex Magick, Simplicity, The New World, Well Being, Black Hole, Fourth Dimension, Kalakmul, Ron Lee Adams, The Blue Book, Adjustment, Balancing, Centering, Cooperative, Generating, Inherency, Inner Peace, Looseness, Pathworking, Theman if so u, Whole Child
110 = Know Thyself, Transduction, Absorption, Calculator, Fulfilling, Hoor Pa Kraat, Ra Hoor Khuit, Secret Temple, Seventh Dimension, The Pleiadian Agenda, Tribulation, Whirlwinds, Wind Power, Impression, Photon Stars, The New World, Achieving, Degeneration, Dimension, Dreamspell, Holy Grail, Hypnosis, Ill Will, Integration, Rock N Roll, Seta Reticula, Way of the Dreamer
111= Differentiation, Knowledge, Organizng, Risk Taking, Structuring, Cooperative, Inspirations, Mandelbrot Set, Mask Eye, Overcoming, Replication, Wild is the Wind, Archetypal, Missing Link, Pacal Votan, The Collective, Tony Soprano, Ascension, Fullness, Life Quest, Lucidity, Mercurious, Obstructing, Overseeing, Well Being
113 = Stabilizing, Tantric Orgasm, Active Dreaming, Compelling, Divine Energy, Khoronzon, Puzzle, Sixth Dimension, Suitcase Nuke, Temple of Light, Dispersal, Great Work, Inspirations, Rock N Roll, Root Chakra, Self Existing, Ace of Cups, Choronzon, Clearlight, Elementals, Geomancy, Polygon, Psychic, Spirit House, Transporter Beam
114 = Wave Resonance, Encompassing, False Prophet, Sphere of Mars, Asteroid Belt, Gnostic Mass, Journey’s Edge, Patriarchy, Possessed, Sphere of Luna, Star Wars, Temple of Light, Challenge, Grounding, Other-worldly, Sphere of Sol
115 = Blow Job, The Blue Book, The Journeryer, The New World, Ankh Af Na Khonsu, Body of Light, Capricorn, Celtic Pride, Disintegrating, Do What Thou Wilt, Eight Fold Wheel, First Dimension, Horus Maat Lodge, Imperfection, Missing Link, Reincarnation, Sword in my Hand, Compassion, Cooperative, Deep Space Nine, Magick Link, Destroying, Focusing, Illusion, Making Home, Yielding
116 = Electromagnetism, First Dimension, Dragon of the Sun, Organizing, Rebalancing, Scarlet Woman, The Collective, Ace of Swords, Second Dimension, Sixth Dimension, Stabilizing, Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Disks, Dominating, Mind Reading, Technosphere, Trillaline
117 = Licking Cunt, Sixth Dimension, Concentration, Enochian Tablets, Great Work, People in the Home, Receptivity, Risk Taking, Second Dimension, Small Excess, Time Equals Art, Tony Soprano, Aspirations, Decissiveness, Eight Fold Wheel, First Dimension, Polarizing, Solar Energy, Synchronicity, Whirlwinds, Aggression, As above so below, Day Out of Time, Eagle’s Gift, High School, Impersonal, Initiating, Limiting, Nourishment, Opposing, Wind Energy
118 = Critical Leap, Lucid Dream, Star Foundation, Birth of Peace, Communicator, Irrefutable, Keep a Clear Head, Lucid Dreaming, Mercurious, Narcissistic, Numerology, Symbollic, System and System, Breakthrough, Fall Equinox, Spirit Talk, Supernatural, Symbollic, Withdrawal
119 = Ankh Af Na Khonsu, Cut Up Poetry, Disintegrating, English Alphabet, Taking It Up the Ass, Convergence, Goddess Alchemy, Journeyer, Transformation, Birth of Peace, Geometric Field, Greater Thelema, Sacred Wheel, Seventh Dimension, Tao Manifestation, Body of Light, Contention, Planning, Protecting, Rebalancing, Spanglish, Sufferings, Television, The Magician
388 = Irreversible Cosmic Shields of Wirrareka, Nothing Inside the star has a powerful anti gravity effect, Twentytwelve brings a chronomagick shift, twentythirteen begins a new harmony of wisdom, twelvesixty is a mechanical slave time, thirteentwenty is spiral of AA chronomagick
418 = Something outside this planet has a chronomagick shift affect
718 = The Beast 666