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Thelema Dreamspell

BoTL and Book of Kin Links

Mayan Thelemites

Things to see in the Thelemic current 93

Mayan Thelemites: Discover the connection with the Book of the Law and Book of Kin

Sunwolf here, and my magickal name is Frater Sabaechit, I have been using the Mayan Dreamspell since its inception in 1992. I was part of the Harmonic Convergence that Dr. Jose Arguellas promoted, a New Age World Peace event August 16 & 17, 1987 e.v., in Boulder, Colorado. I was actually part of the Global Family group with futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard helping with promoting Harmonic Convergence. I had talked with Dr. Arguellas the summer of 1985, one Saturday for a few hours about the upcoming Harmonic Convergence. I had begun studying Aleister Crowley about this time too. I came out of a spontaneous kundalini experience in 1984, and later a mystical experience April 9, 1986 that brought together my later discoveries about Planetary Consciousness (which now I find very similar to Nema's Na'ton experience).
Since getting into Thelemic Magick and Mayan Dreamspell Magick at the same time, something always nagged at me, thinking that these two systems were linked. I have always felt both schools of thought would benefit from each other. It wasn't until I got hepatitis and began treatment in 2002, did my thoughts turn inward and the discoveries about the connection came forth. Here are the highlights of these insights and discoveries. I think the fact that Crowley came to Mexico to explore a number of times, and in his writings, he himself always felt there was something to be discovered with the Mayans, and also he used peyote for his ceremonies, there was always a link happening on the astral realm. Perhaps Aiwaz/Set, Crowley's HGA wove this connection into the BoTL, which is now my conclusion; beyond any doubt. The Book of the Law is about the Law of Time, and the coming Aeon of Horus and the consciousness of the New Time. And I suspect that the Aztec's feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, which was Kulkulcan to the Mayans, is sybollic of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
"Kulkulcan was a supreme being that was able to take the guise of thunder, wind, and fire. Both Quetzalcoatl and Kulkulcan were considered the creators of all life and civilization. Kulkulcan/Quetzalcoatl was associated with Venus, the Morning Star."

Who/What is the Scarlet Woman and the Beast, in the Book of the Law, BoTL?

All this contemplating over who or what the Beast and Scarlet Woman are is a waste of time and circular arguement, when Nuit reveals it right after she mentions it:
"Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast, and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight. But ye are not so chosen" Liber Al vel Legis I:15,16,17

Beast is the Sun, and Scarlet Woman is the Moon.

There is a great next Generation episode, called Masks, where Data plays out the role of the Sun with Picard playing the Moon, from an old Mayan like ancient culture.

I think what confused Crowley thinking Nuit was talking to him, was the fact he called himself the Great Beast 666, and he did get close to connecting the Solar Logos with the Earth logos 666. A.C. took these to mean offices, and spent his life seeking the Scarlet Woman, when the Moon and Sun shone overhead all the time. Tho even Nuit told her prophet: "Ye are not so chosen."

Frater Achad came a little closer when he began to speak of the fractal nature of the Cosmos and the Goddess Nuit. I find Nema's book, Maat Magick, continues this tradition. My newest creation is the Kabballah using the Mayan Dreamspell 20 glyphs and 13 tones, and all 33 fit!

I would be interested speaking to those Thelemites who are into the Mayan Dreamspell, Telektonon, and Tzolkin Weave. Please email me.

Queer Thelema The New Ritual

The Book of the Law
(This following insert is on my Mayan Thelemites egroup and the discussion began on Nov. 15, 2003 e.v.)

The Law of Time

Frater Sabaechit

Ok, am I the Child of the Aeon, as mentioned in the Book of the Law? Well, I don't know. I don't claim to be that presumptuous. We are all children of the Sun, and therefore of the Law. Tho in studying the Mayan Dreamspell I can say I am a Child of Time. The New Time (not false mechanical Gregorian time).

In my study of the Book of the Law, I guess you could say I am a "Center of Pestilence" if you label those people that who discuss the book that way. I always confuse Thelemites with Termites (tho that is degrading to any higher,evolved insect life forms, like the Xindi). But I believe that we ought to discuss everything under the Sun with an open mind. Diversity is strength.
Besides a Center of Pestilence, I rather like the term a Center of Natural Empowerment, myself!

In looking at verse 76 of chapter II, Liber AL, I discovered a connection with the Mayan Telektonon Board. "Aye! listen to the numbers and the words: 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it."

Note that there are 28 symbols there. There are 28 days on the Telektonon board. 28 days in a Mayan Moon.

Since today starts a New 28 day Moon, Overtone Moon, I thought it would be interesting to start this little interpretation, not a definitive or dogmatic interpretation, since the Mayan calendar changes every day, but a dynamic and ever changing dialogue that compares the two. I find today interesting because it is White Rhythmic World-Bridger, Kin 6, day one of Overtone Moon. World-Bridger represents Death. "The Emblems of Death"? (it is also Netzach, my NU moon Throne)

The first day and the first symbol is 4.
4 sides to the Temple.
4 elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
4 Colours in the Cube of Time: Red, White, Blue and Yellow.
4 Circuits of the Brain: Physical/Instinctual, Emotional/Psychic, Intellectual/Mythic, and Social/Spiritual.

Time is Art
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"
Four Gates to One Palace:
51. "There are four gates to one palace; the floor of that palace is of silver and gold; lapis lazuli and jasper are there; and all rare scents; jasmine and rose, and the emblems of death. Let him enter in turn or at once the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he not sink? Amn. Ho! warrior, if thy servant sink? But there are means and means. Be goodly therefore: dress ye all in fine apparel; eat rich foods and drink sweet wines and wines that foam!
Also, take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where and with whom ye will! But always unto me." Liber Al vel Legis I:51

In the New Aeon English Qabalah the numbers of this verse add up to 5549. Adding the number of the verse, 51 we get 5600.
56 is Nuit's sacred number. 156 is Babalon, or the Scarlet Woman's number.

Click to subscribe to timeequalsart

I believe that more Thelemites taking advantage of understanding the Mayan Dreamspell might open doors that they hadn't imagined.
I have made another recent discovery, using another aspect of NAEQ that gives the answer to ver 76, chapter II, of BoTL to be 261. The Mayan Tzolkin 260 kin weave is the key to the Dreamspell. Now we have 28 and 261, keys from the BoTL relating directly to the Mayan Dreamspell. I wonder what Aleister Crowley would have thought of this?

Here is Uncle Al's Mayan Dreamspell, notice his motto is embedded here in the affirmation:

Yellow Cosmic Human, Kin 52

"I endure in order to influence
Transcending wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of intelligence."

Dreamspell dates of:
Frater's Achad discovered 31 as the Key to it ALL, Liber AL vel Legis
It just happens to be the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, 1904-03-20

Blue Overtone Monkey
The Aeon of Horus begins Sunday, March 20, 1904 e.v., Solar 14
Blue Hand Wavespell Three
Power of Accomplishment
Harmonic 8: Rhythmic Process
Formulate Free Will of Equality

Blue Overtone Monkey, Kin 31

"I empower in order to play
Commanding illusion
I seal the process of magick
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of self-generation"

The Writing of the BoTL, Friday, April 8, 1904 e.v., Planetary 5
Yellow Sun Wavespell Four
Power of Universal Fire
Harmonic 13: Cosmic Process
Formulate Free Will of Presence
White Spectral Dog, Kin 50

"I dissolve in order to love
Releasing loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a polar kin I transport the white galactic spectrum
I am a galactic activation portal enter me"

Saturday, April 9, 1904 e.v., Planetary 6
Blue Crystal Monkey, Kin 51

"I dedicate in order to play
Universalizing illusion
I seal the process of magick
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of abundance
I am a galactic activation portal enter me"

Sunday, April 10, 1904 e.v., Planetary 7
Yellow Cosmic Human, Kin 52

"I endure in order to influence
Transcending wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of intelligence"

Hey wait a minute! That's Aleister Crowley's Galactic Signature too. Imagine that!

The very next day began White Northern Castle of Crossing
Court of Death: Refine Warrior

Red Skywalker Wavespell Five
Power of Space
Harmonic 14: Self-existing Output
Express Intelligence of Form

So the Book of the Law and the Aeon of Horus came at the close of the Red Eastern
Castle of Turning
Court of Birth: Initiate Seed
Dragon Genesis
Red Dragon Wavepsell One
Power of Birth
With the first 52 kin of the 260 kin Tzolkin.

The Mayan Dreamspell Year, July 26th 1903 was White Lunar Wizard, Kin 54, in the White Northern Castle, Red Skywalker wavespell, actually reappearing 2 kin/days after the end of the writing of the BoTL.

Here are some other Mayan Thelema synchronicities:

"My word is Six and Fifty" Liber AL I:24
Yellow Self-Existing Warrior (By the way, one of the Harmonic Convergence days, Aug. 17th, 1987, to be exact)

Kin 56

"I define in order to question
Measuring fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the Self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of free-will"

The Number of Thelema
Red Lunar Skywalker

Kin 93

"I polarize in order to explore
Stabilizing wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I am guided by the power of life force
I am a galactic activation portal enter me"

"My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book." Liber AL I:48

Blue Resonant Monkey

Kin 111

"I channel in order to play
Inspiring illusion
I seal the process of magick
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of abundance
I am a galactic activation portal enter me"

Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen."

Red Solar Dragon

Kin 61

"I pulse in order to nuture
Realizing being
I seal the input of birth
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of navigation"

By the way 8 is Yellow Galactic Star, Kin 8
80 is Yellow Lunar Sun, Kin 80

To find your own dates go to this site for Dreamspell calculation:

Dreamspell calculator

Ecumenical Thelema This site is open to all Thelemic resources, and there are many. Be it individualistic, hml, oto, soto, starfire, aa, tbos, radical faeries, tekno shamans, islamic thelemites, christian thelemites, wiccan and pagan thelemites, chaos magickians, mayan thelemites, setian and satanist thelemites, etc. This site promotes and supports radical transformation of human consciousness and we are not part of any anti-thelemic agenda, what-so-ever. Plus we don't have to like every thelemite personally. But we respect each Thelemites search into magick and consciousness. We will not tolerate pettiness and flaming people over their alligance. All views are welcome here! -- The Management

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