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Trancesendance Liber L

Transcendent Force of Liber L

Pure Will, True Will, Transcendent Force of Thelema.

Trump card 8 which traditionally is both Balance and Strength, and Trump card 11, which is both Balance and Lust (in Crowley’s Thoth tarot).

Thelemic values for Compassion and Liberation By Ron L Adams

After Salvation, then what?
After Compassion, then what?
After Liberation, then what?

Ok, this is for me. It is something that I have to learn this year. I found Ad Astra Encampment in Denver, finally a local OTO chapter, and they’ve been here for 4 years. They seem really artistic, something my temperment might enjoy. So I have decided to go for my Minerval and First Degree.

My purpose is to be a bridge, a discipline, My True Will is Discovery.

I have felt strongly that Tradition is something to respect, to ‘stand on the shoulders of giants’.
My HGA angel instructed me to ‘spill out into the world’ and not hold anything back.
This has transformed me from a shy and introverted person, to a more outgoing and confident person, tho I am still working on that.

Ok, since we are in the New Aeon, we are passed this Jesus stuff about ‘salvation’. It is now about ‘awareness’ and ‘awakening’. No need for the Masonic “Redeeming” anymore. What’s after “Salvation”?

Well a person who has been redeemed or saved is grateful.
In Thelema we have no need to be grateful. We never fell, and sinned. We are hedonistic.

I don’t need to be saved. “My sins are my own, they belong to me!”

Joy and Ecstasy seem to be the link here. Let’s party. Everyone’s saved. They just have to realize this on their own. We are a child of the Universe.

As for the Buddhist idea of Compassion, well that is good if one is suffering. But we don’t believe that Buddhaic crap either. All is not sorrow. All is joy. Pity not the weak or the fallen.

So seems to me Celebration of life is in order here. Why have the guilt of the Jewish mother?

Next is the idea of Liberation. In the Buddhist structure it is liberation from the ego. In Thelema the ego is cool, it is part of the whole Nuit/Hadit/Ra-hoor-khuit dynamic. So it seems to be that our liberation is from false paradigms about how the universe operates.

We have this injunction “for pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect. The Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two; nay, are none! Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen. But they have the half; unite by thine art so that all disappear. My prophet is a fool with his one, one, one; are not they the Ox, and none by the Book?”
8 + 80 + 418 = 506
506 x 2 = 1012
10 + 12 = 22
22 is the Fool.

There is something in the Fool card that represent the Pure Will.

I would say the 61st Tarot card is the King of Cups. Creating by compassionate inspiration, according to the jews.

For Thelemites creating so that our creation complete the formula and there is nothing left.

This is somewhat the expression of liberation in Thelema, imo.
506/2 = 253
418 – 253 = 165
Salvation = 87
Other 87 words that relate to Thelemic energies: Adept, Awesome, Beyond, Chanted, Eight, Kinsfolk, Knowest, Method, Poets, Theory

Liberation = 151
Other 151 words:
Certainty, Eighteen, Initiator

Redemption = 183
Other 183 words:

Compassion = 122
Other 122 words:
Ambiguous, Confusing, Instantly, Lonliness, Religions, Unchanging, Unveiled, Worshippers.

To me the Magickal Childe is represented by the Fool. It is the area of possibility. How do we know it until we bring it forth. We don’t need to hang on to the solutions, the lust for results, as the Book says.

Let’s check out what the old Man says about Transcendence: (Uncle Al’s writings) “Above all, the world will begin to appreciate the true nature of the sexual process, its physical insignificance as one among many parts of the body, its transcendent importance as the vehicle of the True Will and the first of the sheaths of the Self.”
[New comment to I: verse 51, same verse I used in my example on ‘equal rights’]

”Behold, there is a Pageant of Triumph as each Star, free from Confusion, sweepeth free in its right Orbit; all Heaven acclaimeth thee as thou goest, transcendental in Joy and in Splendour; and thy Light is as a Beacon to them that Wander afar, strayed in the Night. Amoun."
[New comment for I: verse 57]

”"Learn now that Impressions of Sense have Opposites readily conceived, as long to short, or light to dark; and so with Emotions and Perceptions, as love to hate, or false to true; but the more Violent is the Antagonism, the more is it bound in Illusion, determined by Relation. Thus, the Word "long" hath no Meaning save it be referred to a Standard; but Love is not thus obscure, because Hate is its twin, partaking bountifully of a Common Nature therewith. Now, hear this: it was given unto me in my Visions of the Aethyrs, when I was in the Desert of Sahara, by Tolga, that above the Abyss, Contradiction is Unity, and that nothing could be true save by Virtue of the Contradiction that is contained in itself. Behold therefore, in this Method thou shalt come presently to Ideas of this Order, that include in themselves their own Contradiction, and have no Antithesis. Here then is thy Lever of Antinomy broken in thine Hand; yet, being in true Balance, thou mayst soar, passionate and eager, from Heaven to Heaven, by the Expansion of thine Idea, and its Exaltation, or Concentration as thou understandest by thy Studies in the Book of the Law, the Word thereof concerning Our Lady Nuith, and Hadith that is the Core of every Star. And this last Going upon thy Ladder is easy, if thou be truly Initiate, for the Momentum of thy Force in Transcendental Antithesis serveth to propel thee, and the Emancipation from the Fetters of Thought that thou hast won in that Praxis of Art maketh the Whirlpool and Gravitation of Truth of Competence to draw thee unto itself."
[New Comment on I: verse 59]

”The dead and the dying, who know not Hadit, are in the Illusion of Sorrow. Not being Hadit, they are shadows, puppets, and what happens to them does not matter. If you insist upon identifying yourself with Hecuba, your tears are natural enough. There is no contradiction here, by the way, with verses 4 and 5. The words 'know me' are used loosely as is natural in a stanza; or, more likely, are used (as in the English Bible) to suggest the root GN, identity in transcendental ecstasy. Possibly 'not' and 'me' are once more intended to apply to Nuit. With 'know' itself, they may be "Nothing under its three forms" of negativity, action, and individuality.”
[New Comment on II: verse 17]

”The universe must be expressible either as +/- n, or as Zero. That is, it is either unbalanced or balanced. The former theory (Theism) is unthinkable; but Zero, when examined, proves to contain the possibility of being expressed as n-n, and this possibility must in its turn be considered as +/- p. This thesis appears to me a reductio ad absurdum of the very basis of our mathematical thinking. We knew before, of course, that all reasoning is bound to end in some mystery or some absurdity; the above is only one more antimony, a little deeper than Kant's, perhaps, but of the same character. Mathematicians would doubtless agree that all signs are arbitrary, elaboration of an abacus, and that all 'truth' is merely our name for statements that content our reason; so that it is lower than reason, and within it; not higher and beyond, as transcendentalists argue. I seem never to have seen this point before, though "men of sense" instinctively affirm it, I suppose. The pragmatists are mere tradesmen with their definition of Truth as 'the useful to be thought; ' but why not 'the necessary to be thought?' There is a sort of Berkeleyan subjectivity in this view; we might put it: "All that we can know of Truth is 'that which we are bound to think.' " The search for Truth amounts, then, to the result of the analysis of the Mind; and here let us remember my fear of the result of that analysis as I expressed them a month ago. This analysis is the right method after all.”

…”But there is nothing incompatible with the terms of this verse. The idea of "Because" makes everything dependent on everything else, contrary to the conception of the Universe which this Book has formulated. It is true that the concatenation exists; but the chain does not fetter our limbs. The actions and reactions of illusion are only appearances; we are not affected. No series of images matters to the mirror. What then is the danger of making 'a great miss?' We are immune - that is the very essence of the doctrine. But error exists in this sense, that we may imagine it; and when a lunatic believes that Mankind is conspiring to poison him, it is no consolation that others know his delusion for what it is. Thus, we must 'understand these runes;" we must become aware of our True Selves; if we abdicate our authority as absolute individuals, we are liable to submit to Law, to feel ourselves the puppets of Determinism, and to suffer the agonies of impotence which have afflicted the thinker, from Gautama to James Thomson. Now then, "there is great danger in me" -- we have seen what it is; but why should it lie in Hadit? Because the process of self-analysis involves certain risks. The profane are protected against those subtle spiritual perils which lie in ambush for the priest. A Bushman never has a nervous breakdown. (See Cap.I,v.31). When the Aspirant takes his first Oath, the most trivial things turn into transcendental terrors, tortures, and temptations. (Parts II and III of Book 4 Elaborate this thesis at length.) We are so caked with dirt that the germs of disease cannot reach us. If we decide to wash, we must do it well; or we may have awakened some sleeping dogs, and set them on defenceless areas. Initiation stirs up the mud. It creates unstable equilibrium. It exposes our elements to unfamiliar conditions. The France of Louis XVI had to pass through the Terror before Napoleon could teach it to find itself. Similarly, any error in reaching the realization of Hadit may abandon the Aspirant to the ambitions of every frenzied faction of his character, the masterless dogs of the Augean kennel of his mind.”
[New Comment II: verse 27]

”AL II,54: "Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of because: They are not of me. The stops as thou wilt; the letters? change them not in style or value!" The Old Comment 54. The triumph over the rationalists predicted. The punctuation of this book was done after its writing; at the time it was mere hurried scribble from dictation. See the MS. facsimile. The New Comment The second part of the text was in answer to an unspoken query as to the peculiar phrasing. The first part is clear enough. There are a number of people of shallow wit who do not believe in Magick. This is doubtless partly due to the bad presentation of the subject by previous Masters. I have identified Magick with the Art of Life. The transcendental superstructure will not overburden those who have laid this Right Foundation. There is an elaborate cryptographic meaning in this verse; the words 'folly', 'nought', 'it', and 'me' indicate the path of research.”

Crowley has 7 times commented on the Transcendental nature of Liber Al, in various ways, tho I think the last one is very important, because it suggests a path of research in the crytographic area, which is what my site here is about, Gematria, Numerology, Cryptology. Happy and joyful research, and you discover the transcendental nature of TBOTL. Taken literally, is appears full of paradox and gross contradictions. Myself, I rather fancy it a dream ritual, and would love to see the Book of the Law as a play, were one could listen and take in all the feelings and impressions. I think that is the way it was meant to be. Maybe put to music, Rush or Led Zepplin? LOL.


I went to the Old and New Commentaries of the Book of the Law by the old man himself, Aleister Crowley, to find out what he says about 'equality', when it comes to Thelema. I did a word search and the word 'equality' didn't come up. At first I was discouraged and about to give up, then I did word searches on 'equal' and such and there were many, but none suited what I wished to address.

Then I got the hit to search for "equal rights" and sure enough it was there, in fact the very verse I was looking for, verse 51.

Here is another quote tho that fits my needs Liber AL I:51: "Every one should discover, by experience of every kind, the extent and intention of his own sexual Universe. He must be taught that all roads are equally royal, and that the only question for him is "Which road is mine?" All details are equally likely to be of the essence of his personal plan, all equally 'right' in themselves, his own choice of the one as correct as, and independent of, his neighbour's preference for the other."

Old and New Commentaries of Liber Al vel Legis
Crowley does make this statment:

""As ye will." It should be abundantly clear from the foregoing remarks that each individual has an absolute and indefeasible right to use his sexual vehicle in accordance with its own proper character, and that he is responsible only to himself. But he should not injure himself and his right aforesaid; acts invasive of another individual's equal rights are implicitly self-aggressions."

I'll go out on a limb and suggest that the idea of equality is very young (tho probably dreamed of by slaves for aeons) and that Thelema ushers in this new form of equality.

"But he should not injure himself and his right aforesaid; acts invasive of another individual's equal rights are implicitly self- aggressions."

I think there is more there in that one line that gets at what I am pointing to. As I hear it, injuring another's equal rights are implicity injury to oneself too.

What do any of you think?
Frater Sabaechit

A fellow Thelemite replied to this:

I am a Leaf
on Ashera's Tree!

I don't have time to say much on this topic, and I don't want it to simply fall by the wayside...You are welcome to forward this to AP if you wish, or carry it on privately with me. Really it seems to me that maybe we (all us "stars" in the cyber-sky of Thelema Online...?) could work towards supporting each other to explore singular threads of investigation more thoroughly that sort of taking a shot-gun approach with whatever flotsam and jetsum appear on the mind's surface this moment. What thinkest thou of this? It seems you have expressed similar sentiments already....

That said, on the topic of equality and Thelemic ethics, I think you've got it mostly in the ballpark, but there seems to me to be a difference between equality and non-interference.

It is an axiom of cybernetic (communications) science that "communication can only occur between equals."

Now surely you have had some experience of not being able to communicate easily with some one or "other." This would demonstrate that in some sense you are not "equal to" this "other." This does not mean that the "other" interferes, necessarily, with your free functioning, however.

"All numbers are infinite, there is no difference.""Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt"

" may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty. 59. Beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him."

I am interested in the implications above that binding "things" is hurtful, but "Kings" cannot be hurt...hmm...

I think the distinction I'm getting at has something essentially to do with "Love Under Will." The Xtian impetus to "love all equally" is superceded here by a special love that supports the harmony of "the company of heaven." That is, I feel especially loving towards those other "stars" who are naturally aligned with my "orbit." They still may not be "equal," but they are "equally infinite" and thus "there is no difference."

How's that? Let me know if this is flowing along the same stream of consciousness you're riding....

My reply: Every number is infinite, there is no difference. (this puts a whole other slant on equality, and the same way we work with differing gematria’s comparing them to each other, needless to say, even when they come up equal, are they really EQUAL. And also EQ on the word Equal, English Qabala? What does thou thinkest?
Remember reason, belief, are all skew-wise.

Fr. Sabaechit

Frater Sabaechit’s Ikaris Thinker’s Numerology Calculator:
These are all my numerologies that I have created: 13 Goddess, Chance Shape, Secret Key, Double Wanded One, Dialectic, Thinker’s Geomatrix, Harmonic Clear Light Numerology, Maat’s New Aeon Qabala.

Instructions for using Ikaris Numerology Calculator:

Thinker's Geomatrix
by Ron Adams

"Every number is infinite; there is no difference.
My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, and the circle is Red.
For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed.
Aye! listen to the numbers and the words: Four Six Three Eight A B K Two Four A L G M O R Three Y X Twentyfour Eightynine R P S T O V A L.
What meaneth this, o prophet?
They shall worship thy name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and the name of thy house four hundred and eighteen." excerts from The Book of the Law

"All is Number" from the Telektonon (Dreamspell).

Numerology is the ancient study of numbers. Grimoires are sacred text that contain spells, name of gods and goddesses, etc. Numerology is based on the power of numbers, such as in sigils, making seals, and creating magic squares.
Take the magick square of Mercury and the Sun. 666.
6 x 6 x 6 = 216. It reduces to 9.

6*** 32*** 3*** 34*** 35*** 1
7*** 11*** 27*** 28*** 8*** 30
19*** 14*** 16*** 15*** 23*** 24
18*** 20*** 22*** 21*** 17*** 13
25*** 29*** 10*** 9*** 26*** 12
36*** 5*** 33*** 4*** 2*** 31

Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician that created the numerology based on the number 9 (see calaculator).
Sometimes dates contain magickal powers. 1947 is when the UFO crash at Roswell occured and UFO sightings began to increase. Whatever one thinks of this myth, it has become a phenomenon.
1 + 9 = 10, + 4 + 14 + 7 = 21
21 is the World trump in the Tarot, and could connect with the energy of otherworlds in this example. 7 is the number of beauty, valour, restriction, illusion and true will in the tarot. The awe of this phenomenon and the missing smoking gun makes it alluring, something intense but no concrete proof. 14 is related to Art and creativity. This ? phenomenon is creating, stiring up something. 10 is the sense of completion, it is the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot, which could mean disk shaped objects, and it could also mean the law of Karma, the non-interference rule of the Federation (as on Star Trek). 9 is the Hermit, relating to the personal, intimate nature of this occurance between individual and UFO, and 1 is the magician. The aliens are definitely magicians, creating Illusion, appearing and disappearing, being visible and invisible at will. 9, the Hermit carries the sacred golden lamp, the Lamp of Light, which is the philosopher's magickal lamp.
So this is kinda how one can use numbers. I teach classes on this. If you have any questions, let me know. Do an internet search on numerology to learn more. Keep a journal of the words and numbers that you get off this calculator and learn more. I believe also, what I have been doing is picking out my favorite, from the calculator (which I have 9) and taking a word, averaging the total of all those 9, by 9, and seeing what number I get from that. Magick circle is for ritual. Magick square is for using numbers as power objects.

Here are some other magickal squares:









Welcome to the Thinker's Geomatrix Numerology Calculator: We have traditional numerology: Pythagoran, Ogham and Rune, Chaldean, Roman, English, Indian, Greek, Hebrew.

We have modern numerology: Double Wanded One, Mars Kamea Gematria (by Frater RIKB), New Aeon English Qabala, Chance Shape and Harmonic Clear Light.

And we have alternative numerology: 13 Goddess, Secret Key, Thinker's Geomatrix, Maat Aeon English Kabala, Synthetic, Hail the Great Beast and Dialectic. If you have any questions, be sure to email me. Frater Sabaechit

English Qabala Dictionary

Thinker's Geomatrix Word Calculator

Thinker's Geomatrix Numerology Calculator

13 Goddess Dialectic Harmonic Clear Light
Thinker's Geomatrix Chance Shape Maat Aeon English Kabala
Double Wanded One Synthetic Secret Keys


Ra-Hoor-Khuit : Annihilation : Synthesis : Child : Revision
My reVision process is one that came to me, when I first started working with Liber AL.
It deals with polarity, or mirrors of words. Take for instance, my Holy Guardian Angel told me to "spill out" into the world, very related to "go forth" that the Book of the Law states.
Now if I take "spill out" and give its polarity, I could get "soak in", or going inwards.
Now we have a polarity:
"spill out" = "soak in"
In my process, which I first began as the Gold Rose process, I would take these two concepts and find their hidden core, or common ground.
After much meditation perhaps I would say they had a core of "direction".
Now we have a triangle of
spill out
soak in
I can take it farther, to find out the common core to all three. But you get the idea. Basically to cut to the chase my HGA told me to put my energy into motion, which would be Nu, the material world. This fits perfectly with my astral initiation in 1991, where Aleister Crowley gave me this "light beam", of blueish white light, that was shaped like the infinity symbol, and he attached it to my right hand. This was to help me learn energy work on a very psychic level, and it did. I have worked with this in my Wheel of Light, 388 Ikaris calculations.

Email me for your own Time Lord calculation for your birth! Or if you want to talk more about this Mayan civilization.

Mayan Thelemites egroup. If you wish to discuss alternatives to the Mayan Calendar and The Book of the Law, Aleister Crowley and Thelema, join us over at Time Equals Art!

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More Thinker's Numerology

This site contains Thinker's Geomatrix Numerology calculator.
Click on Thelemic/Masonic Rainbow Bridge, below, to visit site dedicated to Mayan Dreamspell and the peace calendar reform movement.

Interesting Links:

Oasis Occult Order of the Revised Silver Star

A brief summary of Thelema

The Book of the Law

Thelema Maya

Mars English Kamea

Gay Thelemic Rite

Planetary Art Network

Jose Arguelles: Closer of the Cycle

Thelema Dreamspell

Sacred Mystic Blue Rose

Toavotea Key

Exegesis 1: Toavotea Key

Antero Alli's Dream Journal

Temple of Set

Frater 650: All Things Thelema Journal

fr sabaechits 388th blog

Indigo Convergence

Oasis Mystery Sojourn

Mayan Oracle Calculator

Horus Maat Lodge

Immanent Domain of TBOTL

Immanent Kabba of Liber AL vel Legis
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 1 Liber AL
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 2 Liber AL
Immanent Kabba Exegesis for Chapter 3 Liber AL
Quest for the English Qabala's

My Favorite Things About Nothing

  • It binds easily to something
  • It only speaks to those who listen
  • It is silent unless you ask
