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Friday, November 22, 2002

I lied...boys aren't's us girls that complicate things. They're actually really simple creatures.

Fountains of Wayne was pretty good!! We missed Ok Go, which was apparently the better group. My only complaint of the night was about the people smoking around me...didn't help me get over my cold. I can't believe that I waited 3 months to go to the croc - what a cool place!!

Bought some ski goggles yesterday...two more days until Whistler. 7 more days until Vegas (and Nicola)...14 more days until my second trip to Whistler! 30 days until I'm back in TO...time is FLYING!! Oh, and I'll be back in Vancouver tomorrow.

Alex...thanks for the personalized web page :) :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

I finally put my skydiving pictures up. Wanna get access to my albums?
username: mirami
password: pwd

I'm going to the crocodile cafe tonight to see Fountains of Wayne and OK Go . I just heard of these bands today thanks to Jody...a far cry from Massive Attack, but what the hell, I'll check them out.

My legs still hurt...but at least I'm not doing the robot walk anymore.

Boys are too complicated.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Saw Harry Potter on Friday...the theatre was packed, surprise surprise. Apart from having really crappy seats, it was a pretty good movie. Maybe it's just me, but the movie seemed a bit perverted. I mean, most of the scenes took place in a girl's bathroom and there were countless references to snakes and such...I dunno....

Spent Saturday in bed...that was fun. The major accomplishment for the day was putting on clothes around 6pm and getting dinner.

I went to Mt.Si yesterday. My legs hurt like hell. The entire circuit was about 8 miles. On the way up we found a dog named
Pumper (haha) who ended up being our guide for the hike up. The view from the top was pretty impressive...we even got a glimpse of Seattle. On the way down, we decided it'd be way more fun to run so we sprinted about 2 miles down the mountain....hence my legs hurting. Finally, to totally undo all the exercise, we went to Denny's. Pat got hit on by a 12 year-old. I got winked at by a 40 fair.

Great weekend...I'm still glowing :P