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Sunday, July 04, 2004

I just got back from San Francisco... I had an awesome week at WWDC. Some highlights from the past 7 days:
- meeting Buddy's Jessica
- watching Supersize Me
- tapas at the Thirsty Bear
- Steve Job's keynote. The keynote was cool.. there's a lot of interesting technologies coming out in Apple's next OS (code named Tiger). I can't say any more but you can do a little searching youself and find out what was talked about.
- the Apple Campus bash.. especially having my partner in crime there :) :)
- hanging out with the Panic guys.. their hotel was SO much swankier than ours!
- twins :)
- drinking and playing chess at the W Hotel.. then taking a cab back to the Marriott where we were staying (2 blocks away from the W).. hehee!
- MmmMmmm... sushi at Hana Zen
- fancy shmancy dinner with Bud, Cherith, George, Marc, Microsoft ppl and an Apple dude at Roy's
- Ocean beach
- lots of drinking.. it was rare to go to bed sober..
- playing Amplitude until 3am (I think I even played it in my sleep!).. coming in last in Mario Kart like 10 times in a row.. i suck!
- BBQing at Bud's place

I realized this week that I can't enjoy the Kill Bill soundtrack anymore.. that made me sad because 1) it's an awesome CD and 2) there were some good memories associated with it..

Feeling really sick today so that's all I have to say about my week.. happy belated Canada day!


  • I thought you were supposed to be there to work mira! damn i'm jealous...i wanna be a PM! and I want an iPod mini too! Is your team hiring? =)

    By Norris, at July 07, 2004 10:52 PM  

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