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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got my iPod mini. I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!! *happy sigh* I'm going to get an armband tonight.. this means I can do my long run this weekend to MUUUUUSIC! AH!!!! :) :)

Heading to WWDC in San Fran next week. I'm excited!! This is apparently THE Mac conference. I planned my schedule of workshops yesterday.. most of them deal with Accessibility, the Spoken Interface, UI Design and Graphics..

Other Apple news.. Apple to build Defence Dept. supercomputer.

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I really hate being at the bottom of someone's priority list..

Monday, June 21, 2004

I had an awesome weekend. Spent the weekend at Cannon Beach with Arun, Bart, Adam, Boris & Sarah. The drive took about 4 hours from Seattle. On the way there we took the scenic route and I think we went through Portland on the way home (I was snoozing in the back). A quick summary of the events: lounged on the beach.. went exploring.. played with starfish.. jumped in the Pacific Ocean.. played a lot of volleyball (we're all stars now).. went on a gorgeous hike.. saw a POD of whales.. saw a few seals.. googled (haha) at the top of a cliff at the end of our hike.. watched the surfers.. got a tan (ick!).. watched the sunset.. made a fire on the beach.. played with the cutest puppies.. learned about Puffins.. had breakfast at Pig 'n Pancakes.. I'm sure I missed a couple things..