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Thursday, July 22, 2004

omg.. i had forgotten how amazing Lauren Hill's voice is..
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived.
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off of you.
that and "Jurass Finish First" cycled through my head all day.. btw.. don't read too much into the Lauren Hill lyrics..

I'm heading to Vancouver this weekend.. any recommendations for a good club? Apparently all of Vancouver's clubs operate on a VIP basis so we have to plan ahead of time...

I think I've discovered the secret to avoid excessive thinking.. I just keep myself super busy. Today's events: running in the morning, dance classes after work, rock climbing afterwards. Hopefully I'll be too tired to think by the time I get home :)

This is a little scary. Who would go through the effort of putting all this information up? One *mad* motherfucker, that's who!

"JERUSALEM - A five-year-old monkey at an Israeli zoo started walking exclusively on her hind legs after recovering from a serious illness." Here's the article.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Today's the day!!  I've been working on this presentation (the topic is confidential) for the past few weeks and I get to present my research today in a room full of 30 of my peers and managers.   EEEEKK!!!!!  Kinda nervous,  kinda excited..

Quick update on what's  been going on.. didn't feel like writing lately so that's why the posts had been sparse:
- Two weeks ago: Saw Carmina Burana at the Seattle Symphony. Very cool!! The choir was awesome. Even though we had bloodnose seats we had no problems hearing everything. I only wish that I had a pair of those prissy binoculars.
- Last week: Did a photo shoot of the Seattle library with Alvin and Wei Lu.  Amazing amazing architecture.  Here's an article with a photo of the library.  Can you see why I thought it was so amazing?!  Ended the night with some bubble tea.. it's been so long since I've had some decent bubble tea..
- Friday: Wandered around downtown Seattle and Pike Place Market.. went to dinner at Thin Pan in Kirkland and eventually ended up at Marina & Falguni's place and watched The Sting. They just don't make movies like they used to! Loved the plot.. after watching it for a while you became suspicious of everything.. haha..
- Saturday: Went to the Bite of Seattle with the girls (and Mukkul), then watched iRobot (yawn) and then went to Tia Lu's for some dancing.  Ended up being a very good night :)
- Sunday: Bummed around.. we went to Marina's for crepes.. YUM!!! We ate so much that I needed a nap afterwards.. you can just call me Piggy..