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Friday, October 22, 2004


American Passports to get Chipped.

IPod Users go into the Closet.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

This weekend was sooooo relaxing. I haven't bummed around in ages. Friday night was Mukkul's bday party. We went to Luau Polynesian Lounge for dinner and afterwards the crew headed to Tia Lou's. I didn't end up at Tia Lou's since I was sick all week and my bed was way more tempting than clubbing. I did a lot of art this weekend. I finally got around to priming a couple panels of wood that I had gotten a while ago and hopefully this week I'll be able to paint them. I printed some of my B&W pictures for Nathan who's BUYING them off me..that's right! Someone is purchasing my photos :) Had my last yoga class today..I need to find a place closer than Bothell so I don't have to wake up at 7am every Sunday..

So Portland was a lot of fun. I demo'd Entourage and PowerPoint to the Portland Mac User Group (Matt demo'd Word & Excel). What wasn't so fun was driving 3 1/2 hours to get there, rushing to grab food before the demo, and then driving another 3 1/2 hours back to Seattle. I was sooo beat on Tuesday.

Oh, and I think it's finally time to get those tires I was talking about a while back. My front-right is so worn that the treds on the side are barely visible.. it was fun driving to yoga class in the pouring rain today.. so I'm gonna try and head to Costco this week and find a deal.. again, this is what I need a guy for.. I hate dealing with car stuff :(

On a totally different note.. I finally got my LiveSTRONG bracelet this weekend. It's funny, I was approached by 4 people this weekend about it. One guy came up to me and told me about a surgery that he had recently undergone and how every medical person that he encountered was wearing the bracelet. For some reason it made me incredibly happy to hear his story..maybe it was because it was super early in the morning and my brain wasn't totally functioning, or maybe it was because for some odd reason, me wearing a yellow bracelet prompted a stranger to come up to me and recount a story and engage in a conversation that we would never have had. I wonder if any of the people standing around us overheard us..and i wonder if any of them went out afterwards and got a bracelet and donated to the foundation.

Check out Marc's blog.