Greg Parade If
you were Batman who'd be your Robin? Anna Kournikova If
you were Itchy who'd be your Scratchy? I've been itchy several
times, not least when I got crabs from a freak mutant crab-frog crab
which leapt from the stage to the gents while I was taking a
break from watching miss black america in their early naturist phase
at the Portland arms in Cambridge... Barney was my scratchy back then,
and I was able to return the favour when something similar happened to
him at a jj72 gig just last week Would
you rather everyone could read your mind, or no one could understand
you? the third one If
you could invent something what would it be? probably something
very obvious and sincere and corny like a religion I could believe in
or just something time couldn't take away Do
you believe in hell? as a reference point in the human
imagination, yes... as a place of fire and repentance, no... although
I have been to club Brazillia in Bury St Edmunds recently... Do
you think you'll end up there? after a few drinks, when there's
nowhere else to go but home, and being such a complete and utter
lightweight and hopeless optimist, very likely... If
you could add a new word to the dictionary what would it be and what
would it mean? "Euurghh", meaning the general ugly,
bleak, compromised, contradictory, corrupt, salacious mess of life and
human interaction... as in "I’m sick of sitting by this lake
fishing... I’m going to get drunk and get back in the Euurghh if it
kills me"... being part of the Euurghh would be a choice, it
would mean wanting to get your hands dirty and fuck up and forgive and
compromise and cling to what seems pure, and lose it and find it and
get hurt and get beaten and get up and get on with it, it would be
saying Nietzsche's "sacred yes" over and again each day,
seeing that same promise broken every day and still going to work and
drinking too much coffee and just giving a shit about living... Describe
yourself in 5 words: Obsessive, hard-working, selfish, energetic,
romantic Finally,