Name: Laura Kidd
Position:  Headstand
Date of birth: 1st June 1981
Biggest Achievement: BAGA Awards Level 6
Secret weapon: Sarcastic humour (hmm, it's not very secret, I suppose)
Bad habits: Cleaning fingernails with other fingernails.
Quote: "The only way to be absolutely safe is never to try anything for the first time" - Magnus Pyke

I would sell my soul for music
I wouldn't be seen dead wearing...a feather boa.
I'd do anything for Mmmm, Juicy, but I won’t... wear a feather boa.
When I die, promise you’ll never my min when you think no-one's looking - not only is it ILLEGAL but very perverted into the bargain.
Hang the blessed DJ because...he's got all crumpled and needs to be ironed when you have the time.

If you were Batman who'd be your Robin
? Robin, of course!  Picking anyone else would just be daft.

If you were Itchy who'd be your Scratchy
? See above.

Would you rather everyone could read your mind, or no one could understand you
? I'd rather no-one could understand me.

If you could invent something what would it be
? A machine which could accurately put together pairs of socks after you've taken the whole jumbly pile out of the washing machine.  Ideally it would also make the tea and roll a spliff at the same time.

Do you believe in hell
? No.
Do you think you'll end up there? I don't believe in it, so no.

If you could add a new word to the dictionary what would it be and what would it mean
? Fnar - just a funny noise to make when you find something funny.

Describe yourself in 5 words
: Erm, hmm, durrrr, aaaah, eh?
Favourite song
: "Dress" by PJ Harvey
Favourite bands
: The Beatles, The Pixies, The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, The Breeders, Blur, Sahara Hotnights, PJ Harvey and Kristin Hersh
Favourite TV shows: Friends, Eastenders.
Favourite films: Magnolia, Blow, Edwards Scissorhands, Life of Brian.

Would you rather eat a teaspoonful of your own shit, or a whole baby?  Lydia, you're sick.

Laura playing bass with her band The Bardo at Bury All dayer 2002












Mmmm, Juicy!©