Let's see, we started our new curriculum, Learning Adventures. It is a Unit Study style curriculum. It is history based starting with Ancient Egypt, covering in order, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Middle Ages, The Renaissance, and Age of Exploration. Each unit is 30 days and covers everything except math. For that we are using Saxon. Each unit also has activities that can be done that correspond to each section.

In Egypt, we are going to be doing a model of the Nile River. I will post pictures of this when we are done. This is going to happen on Monday. We are also learning about the desert -how it forms, types of animals that live there and the people who live there. Since this unit takes place in Egypt, it will be about Egyptians and their lives. We will also be making our own paint out of rocks, the same way the Egyptians did. We will be making our own Senat game, a snake throwing stick (hunters used this to kill with), various meals (honey barely flat bread,etc), making pyramids out of clay and playing a Market Place game in which the girls need to learn how to barter like the Egyptians did. Brittany will be doing a timeline of her birth.

This will actually cover two weeks, as we started school on July 21st.

For week one we have not done much as we are just getting back into the swing of things. The girls have done their math and watched various movies on Egypt life.

So, starting with Monday..........................................

Monday, July 28th-----