
This page will have different quotes from songs, poetry and other writings. Enjoy!

You bleed just to know your alive. (The Goo Goo Dolls)

Tou need a distraction, a beautiful release, memories seep from your veins. (Sarah McLachlan)

Scar Tissue that I wish you saw (Red Hot Chile Peppers)

"...And the lovesick rejection that accompany the company I keep
All the razor perception that cuts just a little too deep
Hey I can bleed as well as anyone, but I need someone to help me sleep..."
(Counting Crows: Mrs. Potter's Lullaby)

Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
I can't take the person staring back at me
I'm a hazard to myself
So irritating
Don't wanna be my friend no more
I wanna be somebody else
Don't let me get me

(Pink "Don't let me get me")

"i hurt myself today
to see if i still feel
i focus on the pain
the only thing that's realV
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away

hurt- By Nine Inch Nails

"sometimes i even cut myself
to seel how much it bleeds
it's like adrenaline
the pain is such a sudden rush for me

Stan- by Eminem

"i have spent nights with matches and knives
leaning over ledges only two flights up
cutting my heart, burning my soul
nothing left to hold
nothing left but blood and fire

you have spent nights thinking of me
missing my arms but you needed to leave
leaving my cuts, leaving my burns
hoping i'd learn"

written by Amy Ray, performed by the Indigo Girls

"Bleeding is breathing,
Bleeding is believing"

-Natalie Imbruglia "smoke"

I see your soul, it's kind of gray
I see your heart, you look away
You see my wrists, I know your pain
I know your purpose on your plane
Don't say your last prayer because you could never find
What's this life for

Song: What's this life for by Creed

"When All That's Left To Do Is Reflect On What's Been Done This Is Where Sadness Breaths
The Sadness Of Everyone"
- Live ' The Dam At Otter Creek'

Deep Depression On My Mind Thinking About That Razor Ending It All, Fuck That What A Waste Of Time!
-=by Soulful

How will you know im hurting, if you cannot see my pain? To wear it on my body tells what words cannot explain. C- blaunt

The face of an angel The heart of gold, The person whom I once loved to hold...I loved you very much, I always will, but did you ever care when my blood was about to spill? why did you leave me when I needed you the most? I cut my arms I cut my chest, do you even want to know the rest?


The following quotes are from the Manic Street Preachers. The final one is by Richey Edwards, the guitarist.

"I am an architect, they call me a butcher"

"Such beautiful dignity in self abuse"

"Can't shout can't scream / hurt myself to get pain out"

and this is a quote that he made..... in response to this highly publicized episode

"You just get to a point where if you don't do it to yourself, you get a feeling that something really terrible is going to happen, and when that moment comes, it's the logical thing to do. It doesn't hurt. You're not screaming and shouting. A couple of days later you feel like a sad fuck, but that's part of the healing process: after that you feel really good. People that harm themselves, be it through anorexia or razors, know what they're doing. " Richey (1994)

"Cutting is a disassociative action like chopping off your foot to take your mind off a headache.Kids who suffer physical or mental abuse from a parent often begin to dissociate pain with security.Thus expressing her anger gives rise to separation anxiety.So the kid takes their anger out on themselves."

-Higher Ground-

I want to heal
I want to feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've held so long
[Erase all the pain 'til it's gone] I want to heal
I want to feel
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something i've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

Linkin Park - Somewhere I belong

If you have a quote to put onto this website, please email me. My email address is at the bottom of this page.

Email: si_struggle@hotmail.com