Theres a deep dark force
One that you cant devorce
That is ready to tear you when you are low
It doesnt care how it will flow
Just as long as it makes sure you arent right
When you are way too weak to fight
As long as you bleed red tears down your cheek
Its content when you are perceived as a freak
All it needs is a little bit of pain
This is how it plays its game
With your mind and emotions
Showering you with devotion
As it is always there ready and waiting
Waiting for you to feel a little lost
Hand placed on the cross
Scratching its nails through your heart
Isnt its manipulation smart???
Leaving blackened cart trails through your mind
What deepened shamed will it find
Emotions that are electrical
Scares that are symetrical
It takes all your energy and self esteem
No one can hear your shameful scream.